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We can also buy a cheap rake(5 to 10 dollars). Before spread seeds you can rake lawn a little, so the seeds could touch the soil more easily.
Hi Tim,

It's me again ! More questions :

1, Just checked with CT and they dont carry the SOD anymore... my questions are - a, can I use lawn seed instead of sod for dead lawn ? b, Is this still good time now to spread the lawn seed ?

2, Do I also need to soften the soil top like 1-2 inches before I spread the seeds ?

Many tks !!!
It is bad time for seeding now. The chance for it to survive is very low. There is still chance for sods if you can find them. But you have to water them twice a day. The weather is just too hot. You better wait till September.

It is good to loose top 1 or 2 inch soil before sod or seeding. For seeding thin spot just rake a little.
谢谢楼主! 非常有用的信息.

我家草地的问题是杂草太多,5月初花了整整一个weekend来除野草,主要是蒲公英。然后撒过一次带weed control的fertilizer.蒲公英现在是不见了,但还有很多绿色的野草,spread得很厉害,每一处的面积还不小。这些很大面积的野草用Killex也能除掉吗?还是有别的什么更有效的办法?除掉野草的地方要补草籽吗?

Killex has the same ingredients of weed control as the ones in fertilizer. It will kill broadleaf weed but not the grass. If the weed in your lawn does not response to your fertilizer, it would not response to Killex. I suspect they are crabgrass or quick grass. They are annual grass. They will die over winter but leave lot of seeds to germinate next spring. Traditional you have to use pre-germinate herbicide at April to prevent it from germination.
I had few of those; I usually hand pull them early in the spring and reseed the spot. But now is too late. I think you can use Roundup( It will kill any green things). Spot spray the weeds, let it die. You should just leave them there, so the die weed would hold the position preventing other weeds to take their place. At September reseed or lay new sods at the spot. The best thing to do is kill them before seeding, hope it is not too late.
HD的人是这样给我讲的,如果有杂草,用液体那种喷的,直接喷到叶子上,撒WEED CONTROL的FERTILIZER是没用的,那东西是防止张杂草,而不是杀杂草,所以有WEED用喷的,春秋撒WEED CONTROL的FERT防止生杂草。

Use roundup with care. It will kill anything including your tree, grass, flowers.

I guess Rabbit confused Scotts turf builder with crabgrass control with Scotts turf builder with weed control.
Scotts turf builder with crabgrass control prevents crabgrass seed germinating should be used early spring.
Scotts turf builder with weed control has the same thing with killex. It kills most type of boardleef weeds but not grass.

Unfurturtly crabgrass is grass not weeds, so killex doesn't work on them.
最初由 Timothy's 发布
Use roundup with care. It will kill anything including your tree, grass, flowers.

I guess Rabbit confused Scotts turf builder with crabgrass control with Scotts turf builder with weed control.
Scotts turf builder with crabgrass control prevents crabgrass seed germinating should be used early spring.
Scotts turf builder with weed control has the same thing with killex. It kills most type of boardleef weeds but not grass.

Unfurturtly crabgrass is grass not weeds, so killex doesn't work on them.

no i didn't, that what i was told by HD ppl when I was shopping for scotts turf builder with WEED CONTROL.They might be wrong, but it worked for me, no broad leaves so far.

请了 WeedMan 来帮着看护草坪,这帮人很懒,能不来就不来,还不说清楚情况,白花钱,比自己干还不如。

这不,昨天又打电话来,说我最近来过人了,草坪里 grub (查了一下,也就是蛐蛐一样的虫子) 太多,正在地下吃草根。跟他们订合同时可是害虫他们全管的,仔细看了一下合同,他们是说保证除掉“地表”的害虫,不是地下的虫蛹。这不骗人吗!而且,昨天他还说这 grub 自2000年以后就入侵渥太华了。可是订合同时他不说,这不是明摆着误导吗?

The cheapest and simplest way is "do nothing". Even you kill them this year, the adult bugs can fly, they will lay eggs in your lawn next year. If your lawn is in good condition it can take it. Don't water July and August also helps because adult bugs look for moist soil to lay eggs.No eggs, no grubs. I found them in my lawn too, two pieces grass are dead. I replaced them this spring. After few good rains and fertilizer the smaller gap was closed by grass itself. They are grubs killer at store, you can use them in August if you really want to.


问题是现在草坪长得不好,绿是绿,但有些稀疏。主要原因是请 WeedMan 来施除草剂,左等不来,右等也不来,把时间给耽搁到五月底,才施上。又登了两个星期,除草剂发挥效果后,才补了些土,撒上草籽。但是草籽已经活不过来了。浇水全养了没怀死的草坪部分,所以看上去还绿一些。

在这种情况下,grub 的问题是不是就很严重了?去年是看到了很多蛐蛐飞来飞去。想象今年地下的虫蛹应该不少。可是介绍上都说要等到八、九月份再施杀虫剂。还来得及吗?现在要是施杀虫剂的话,是不是也得浇透水,让杀虫剂渗到地下才成?要是那样,如果药量不够杀不死虫蛹,不是反而养肥了虫子吗?

最初由 Timothy's 发布
The cheapest and simplest way is "do nothing". Even you kill them this year, the adult bugs can fly, they will lay eggs in your lawn next year. If your lawn is in good condition it can take it. Don't water July and August also helps because adult bugs look for moist soil to lay eggs.No eggs, no grubs. I found them in my lawn too, two pieces grass are dead. I replaced them this spring. After few good rains and fertilizer the smaller gap was closed by grass itself. They are grubs killer at store, you can use them in August if you really want to.

"介绍上都说要等到八、九月份再施杀虫剂" for a reason, because chemical is much effective on young grubs.

I don't think you have big grub problem, because if you do, large pieces of grass are already dead.The demage was done last fall not now. They just try to sell you another service.
And you at pretty bad situation. To save the grass seeds, you have to water them throughout the summer. A moist lawn would attract more bugs to lay eggs then the bigger grub problem this fall.
Weedman is very good at making money.