I am aware of some of tricky “skills” often used by politic-guys. If we really want to build this our beloved forum and make readers beneficial of it and also make the discussion meaningful, please be FOCUS, DO NOT CHANGE SUBJECT!
NO-body is expecting their child to be pregnant or having sex during undergraduate period. I believe there is also no any encouragement of this behavior from society. Everyone would agree with that people are coming from all kind of different background, they are doing things based on their own judgment, some of them may conservative, some may aggressive, some may… Let’s just assume there are just 0.01% of grads involved in this kind of love affair. As long as they are in love, be noticed, THEY ARE IN LOVE, and they are not doing that before their classmate, I am on their side. Although the only thing I can do is to show my sympathy, I feel COLD TEETHES to see those who put blame on them.
Oh! Yes, school regulations, there are too many regulations out there. Please put your hand on your heart, are you just going to hang the couple to die with the school regulation? Personally, part of the reason I am here is that I was wrapped too tight by those regulations, in the mean time, I felt so sorry to see “some people” are always beyond those respected regulations.
What is “health growth”??? I don’t believe just by dishonorly discharging them from school would help them to be healthiness. Mostly it would destroy their life (if they are not strong enough). They are over 18, they did nothing harmful to others, they paid their tuition, they are not committed to a crime, they should be in class instead of on street.
We are in Canada, we are talking about the things in China. Sure there are some “zao bo” in Canada. But I just don’t dare to be titled to populate “Chinese spirit” in Canada. I am a Chinese, I feel too heavy in the bottom of heart to recall those “Chinese spirit”