双 双发失误 知名会员 VIP 注册 2008-02-14 消息 210 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2008-04-08 #61 2008华人网球赛奖品之一 附图是本赛事奖品之一的高档WILSON拍套(包), 可装6个拍子. 有人专门为此次赛事捐赠的, 价值约$100 附件 tennis bag.jpg 13.5 KB · 查看: 359
双 双发失误 知名会员 VIP 注册 2008-02-14 消息 210 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2008-04-10 #63 Female players needed too! For the tennis tournament, we have so far 3-4 female players registered, we need a few more to set up a female player group. For those who are interested, please send me messages.
Female players needed too! For the tennis tournament, we have so far 3-4 female players registered, we need a few more to set up a female player group. For those who are interested, please send me messages.
Aeoliao 贫穷贵公子 VIP 注册 2002-08-14 消息 6,436 荣誉分数 24 声望点数 0 2008-04-12 #64 女选手可以和男子一起打,一般规矩是让2分。女选手从30:0开始打
B bulefish 知名会员 注册 2005-06-18 消息 125 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2008-04-15 #65 Is the game registration closed? I'd love to join in
双 双发失误 知名会员 VIP 注册 2008-02-14 消息 210 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2008-04-15 #66 Tennis Tournament! bulefish 说: Is the game registration closed? I'd love to join in 点击展开... We still have a couple of spots left open, already added you on the list.
Tennis Tournament! bulefish 说: Is the game registration closed? I'd love to join in 点击展开... We still have a couple of spots left open, already added you on the list.
双 双发失误 知名会员 VIP 注册 2008-02-14 消息 210 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2008-04-17 #67 网球赛 目前报名: 男子20名, 女子4名, 是否男女放在同组打, 需要看接下来10天的报名情况.
Old Ginger 知名会员 注册 2005-02-12 消息 134 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 128 2008-04-17 #68 双发失误 说: 目前报名: 男子20名, 女子4名, 是否男女放在同组打, 需要看接下来10天的报名情况. 点击展开... You may be able getting more interested players signed up if you can post this news on Chinese local newspaper.
双发失误 说: 目前报名: 男子20名, 女子4名, 是否男女放在同组打, 需要看接下来10天的报名情况. 点击展开... You may be able getting more interested players signed up if you can post this news on Chinese local newspaper.
L Luyong 知名会员 注册 2003-05-12 消息 79 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 116 2008-04-17 #69 双发失误 说: We still have a couple of spots left open, already added you on the list. 点击展开... i am interested too, join you guys please.
双发失误 说: We still have a couple of spots left open, already added you on the list. 点击展开... i am interested too, join you guys please.
双 双发失误 知名会员 VIP 注册 2008-02-14 消息 210 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2008-04-17 #70 Tennis Tournament Luyong 说: i am interested too, join you guys please. 点击展开... Please QQH me your name and phone number asap!
Tennis Tournament Luyong 说: i am interested too, join you guys please. 点击展开... Please QQH me your name and phone number asap!
双 双发失误 知名会员 VIP 注册 2008-02-14 消息 210 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2008-04-18 #71 2008华人网球赛 本人出差要5月4日回来, 抽签的日子计划还是安排在5月10日, (周六)无法参加抽签的请找人代抽, 或者由总裁判代劳. 抽签的地点暂时定在Hog's Back Park, 时间为下午3点. 到今天为止, 男子组报名人数为: 25人, 女子组: 4人
2008华人网球赛 本人出差要5月4日回来, 抽签的日子计划还是安排在5月10日, (周六)无法参加抽签的请找人代抽, 或者由总裁判代劳. 抽签的地点暂时定在Hog's Back Park, 时间为下午3点. 到今天为止, 男子组报名人数为: 25人, 女子组: 4人
双 双发失误 知名会员 VIP 注册 2008-02-14 消息 210 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2008-04-20 #72 2008华人网球赛 请大家看第一贴的通知. 已定在5月10日, 周六下午3点在Hog's Back Park 抽签分组.
B blade Moderator VIP 注册 2004-07-20 消息 476 荣誉分数 30 声望点数 158 2008-04-26 #75 强烈支持渥太华华人第一届网球赛,我报名,女, Bai, Renren.