我们准备一个新闻发言人is necessary.但应告诉大家一个统一口径。媒体采访并不一定采访新闻发言人。例如上周多市集会,Global 记者问一个小伙question,he said, i can't answer your question. when asked "can't you speak for yourself?" he said, "i was told not to (anwer questions)." Isn't this answer stupid? I couldn't believe my ears. This made the 记者 believed the event was organized by some officials who 不允许大家讲。so,弄巧成拙了。
建议可以这样回答:“我英文不好,我给你找个人..." so to introduce the 新闻发言人. if you have the confidence to be able to convey the right msg, by all means. Bottom lines are just 3-4 points:
1. The 2008 summer Olympic was awarded to Chinese people. It's the dream of ordinary chinese for generations. It's a non-political world sport festivity. No one has the right to take away 1.3 billon chinese people's dream and right to host the sport event; no one has the right to take away world athletes right to get-together to connect and to compete in this often their life time oppotunities in their sport career.
2. remind Jounalist their professional ethics, particularly on the topics of another soverign country. When you make false reports, you'll damage your own reputation, furthermore, you'll cause deplomatic backlash, you'll tarnish your own country's reputation.
3. civilized society should not promote violent protests. Burning houses, schools and stores, looting banks are not act of demoncracy, but serious crimes. Particularly, burning properties with people inside are exremely cruel act of crime that will no doubtly meet the justice in any country that has a law and order!
4. No one dare to divide our great country into pieces, not today, not tomorrow. Forever, we'll be united as one china. There will be difficulties and problems, we'll take time to work them out.
5. we want to demonstrate that today's assembly is orgnized by local chinese students and immgrants, has nothing to do with the embassy.
We speak for the vioce of 1.3 chinese people.
1) 口号要短,要少,要打要害。(Stop Media Distortion)是关键,这是西方媒体最害怕的口号。我们喊的口号太多,西方媒体播出时把这个给裁掉了。