精华 4月13日星期天, 下午1点到4点 渥太华“宣传西藏真相,维护祖国统一”集会

若需要志愿者干活, 就给个悄悄话.
Signs must be easily understood by Canadians

We should use the signs that Canadians easily understand. Here are some signs suggested for the demonstation:

1. Great Trudeau (best with his Portrait): "Just Watch Me!"
2. Religion? Culture? It's THEOCRACY!! Stupid!
3. China learn from Canada: Great Trudeau, No Harper
4. China need: Great TRUDEAU, NO Biggest SLAVE OWNER the Dalai!


1. This sentence was what Trudeau said to reportors in 1970's when asked how he will deal with the Quebec separatist riots. He did crackdown the riots with military in the following days, arrested lots of them without court orders. It's the perfect example for China and every Canadian knows what it means. This sign with Trudeau portrait will certainly attract attention of the Canadian media!

2. This is the key to answer and educate those stupid Canadians who are misled by the western media and the Dalai on what the problem in Tibet is about. It takes the famous style what Clinton said and every Canadian knows.

3. Canadians want to be examples for China. Trudeau is what example China wants, not the stupid Harper. this sign is protesting Harper by contrasting him with Trudeau. Every Canadian knows the great difference between the reputations of them.

4. Similar to 3, use Trudeau to condemn the Dalai.
大标语是不是应该主要用英文和法文来写, 因为宣传对象是当地人. 看了别的地方的集会, 大标语几乎都是中文, 我们的宣传对象根本就看不懂.
大标语是不是应该主要用英文和法文来写, 因为宣传对象是当地人. 看了别的地方的集会, 大标语几乎都是中文, 我们的宣传对象根本就看不懂.

I do not agree to use signs that refer to Canadians

I do not agree to use signs that refer to Canadians in anyway. it can cause backlash. it's interfering with other's political fairs.
You can talk about it, but no, no to put them up in display.
Signs must be easily understood by Canadians

We should use the signs that Canadians easily understand. Here are some signs suggested for the demonstation:

1. Great Trudeau (best with his Portrait): "Just Watch Me!"
2. Religion? Culture? It's THEOCRACY!! Stupid!
3. China learn from Canada: Great Trudeau, No Harper
4. China need: Great TRUDEAU, NO Biggest SLAVE OWNER the Dalai!


1. This sentence was what Trudeau said to reportors in 1970's when asked how he will deal with the Quebec separatist riots. He did crackdown the riots with military in the following days, arrested lots of them without court orders. It's the perfect example for China and every Canadian knows what it means. This sign with Trudeau portrait will certainly attract attention of the Canadian media!

2. This is the key to answer and educate those stupid Canadians who are misled by the western media and the Dalai on what the problem in Tibet is about. It takes the famous style what Clinton said and every Canadian knows.

3. Canadians want to be examples for China. Trudeau is what example China wants, not the stupid Harper. this sign is protesting Harper by contrasting him with Trudeau. Every Canadian knows the great difference between the reputations of them.

4. Similar to 3, use Trudeau to condemn the Dalai.