我觉得能顺产还是自己生吧, 还是恢复快一点, 至于是否会影响性生活质量, 不知道各位姐妹都有什么样的经验.
顺产怕疼就上腰麻,一点都不疼, 至于撕裂的话也没有感觉, 生完以后麻药劲过了也没有感觉. 会有些渗血然后缝线的地方感觉是那种有点扎得慌的钢丝似的, 不过还好基本没有什么感觉.
我本来准备要忍受疼痛的, 但我怕撕裂的话如果不打麻药会很痛,再加上之前因为肚子上长疙瘩, 晚上几乎很难睡好, 所以精力不太充沛, 破水差不多九个多钟头以后就强烈要求上腰麻了.
现在第一胎妈妈的年龄越来越大, 我是三十四岁, 据说是最佳生育年龄, 虽然我自认是有点晚了.
I think you should be able to go with normal delivery. I agree
with all the previous comments that: it is painful to deliver a baby,
but you also will memorize all the moments and procedures that
a baby is coming. You have make the effrot with her/him together.
Belive me, this moment will stay in your memory forever.
Another thing to mention, I have heard several bad experience
of people who had C-session got some infections on the cut. I is
defintely hard to recover.
But in the end, it is you and your OB doctor's chioce. Do not go
to C-session without cause and "pain" is not a cause to me.