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从长远来看(5年期), 现在投资股票比投资房产要合算.

在YAHOO财经论坛, 有人说他已经设定买NORTEL100K股, 当股价到达0.1元时. 现在股价大约0.5元.
看来YAHOO财经论坛, 已经设定买NORTEL100K股, 当股价到达0.1元时的那位抄股专家的愿望永远无法实现.


A Sad Day for Nortel Employees and Canada

By Mark Evans | January 14, 2009

One thing I wanted to mention amid the news about Nortel’s bankruptcy filing is this is a sad day for Canada, the economy, our high-tech community and, of course, the thousands of hard-working Nortel employees.
What was once a shining star within the telecom world has crumbled amid bad strategic decisions, extreme competition, a bleak economy and changes within the industry that Nortel failed to capitalize on.
For employees, the bankruptcy protection filing must be a bitter pill to swallow. After living through years of restructuring and cost-cutting, I’m sure most Nortel employees continue to fight the good fight on the hope that somehow Nortel would be able to find its way again.
Many of them were emboldened by CEO Mike Zafirovski’s confidence that Nortel was on the rebound but that optimism and a brave face weren’t nearly enough to resuscitate Nortel.
It must be terribly disappointing for Nortel employees to look back at the leadership - or lack thereof - provided by John Roth, Frank Dunn, Bill Owens and Zafirovski. If better decisions had been made perhaps Nortel wouldn’t have found itself in its current dire straits.
For more on Zafirovski and his legacy, the Globe & Mail has a story, “Mike Z: Nortel’s last, best CEO?”
看来YAHOO财经论坛, 已经设定买NORTEL100K股, 当股价到达0.1元时的那位抄股专家的愿望永远无法实现.
听说NORTEL股票正常交易停止. 估计价位设定的购买不会起作用.


Open:0.32 Mkt Cap:159.20M P/E: - Dividend: - High:0.32 52Wk High:13.71 F P/E:16.93 Yield: - Low:0.32 52Wk Low:0.21 Beta:2.86 Shares:497.50M Vol:12.60M Avg Vol:11.74M

NT - Nortel Networks Corporation (USA) - Google Finance


Casual_Observer 5 hours ago 1 point
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I think what has happen is the emergence of Asian competitors undid Nortel in a relatively short order. Nortel is the first victim. Alcatel-Lucent will be next as the industry comes unhinged. Huawei has its sights eventually set on Cisco. I think what we are witnessing is something a lot larger than just Nortel. Its a tsunami of global proportions as the global economic system has been gamed by the Chinese government. Its hard to blame employees for any of it. The system is broken and it is to blame. These are truly amazing times.

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Thoughts from a Nortel Employee | All About Nortel
听说NORTEL股票正常交易停止. 估计价位设定的购买不会起作用.


Open:0.32 Mkt Cap:159.20M P/E: - Dividend: - High:0.32 52Wk High:13.71 F P/E:16.93 Yield: - Low:0.32 52Wk Low:0.21 Beta:2.86 Shares:497.50M Vol:12.60M Avg Vol:11.74M

NT - Nortel Networks Corporation (USA) - Google Finance


Casual_Observer 5 hours ago 1 point
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I think what has happen is the emergence of Asian competitors undid Nortel in a relatively short order. Nortel is the first victim. Alcatel-Lucent will be next as the industry comes unhinged. Huawei has its sights eventually set on Cisco. I think what we are witnessing is something a lot larger than just Nortel. Its a tsunami of global proportions as the global economic system has been gamed by the Chinese government. Its hard to blame employees for any of it. The system is broken and it is to blame. These are truly amazing times.

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Thoughts from a Nortel Employee | All About Nortel

Today at premarket , NT touched 0.07USD , Canadian market open at at 0.08Cents...