"Now we shall both be alone, and I shall have no way of making you understand."
"I don't want to make it easier for you," I said; "I hope your heart may break; but I do understand."
The avalanche was down, the hillside swept bare behind it; the last echoes died on the white slopes; the new mound glittered and lay still in the silent valley.
--Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited
花了2天时间终于把它读完了. 整个情节很类似亦舒的一部小说: 一位异国的王子隐藏身份来到香港,不想爱上了自强独立的女主角. 但最终王子却还是要和邻国的公主结婚了...记得当时我正年轻,幻想着也能遇上这样一段惊天动地的恋情. 现在再读这样的故事只觉得无奈. 因为现实太残酷. 这残酷不是恋情以悲剧收场,而是真实生活中, 像男主角这样的男性存在的机率如果是1%的话, 那遇上他的机率是0.01%, 而让他爱上你的机率只能是0.
还是被结尾的这句感动了: "如果你不幸遇到,还是躲远些好,实在躲不过,被挟裹着,被卷带着,在刻骨的甜蜜和痛苦中沉沦,那我也只能祝你修成正果,虽然我知道这很难很难,因 为,我没有做到."