这位发"3 Bedroom Single House for Sale by Owner in Orleans"的朋友真是一点也听不进意见阿

事实上这栋Single House标价很合理.

我的一位老外朋友今年9月在Barrhaven买的Semi-detach House也是建于2002年,面积比这栋Single House小很多,中介出价279,000.他还价,最后273,000成交.因为低于273,000,中介不卖.


Single House比Semi-detach House面积大不少,价格只高约10%,应该很好卖.估计目前消费市场信心需要政府推出一些新的经济政策来增强.

毕竟中国人在Ottawa人口比例不高.卖家不应只局限在中国人中寻找买家.好象google newsgroup也有房屋买卖版.

I saw the ad for the above mentioned house advertised in some other sites such as grapevine and kijiji housing for sale for a long time.
I saw the ad for the above mentioned house advertised in some other sites such as grapevine and kijiji housing for sale for a long time.

I saw the ad for this house over 6 months ago. It is weird to take so long time for the sale.