



大师, 要是PROFOLIO今年接着"够淫荡" 咋办呢? 如果不和好多理财大师用AVERAGE DOWN 的办法, 你要是能保证他这个DOWN 36%的PROFOLIO 5 年能回来, 也就是5 年这个PROFOLIO 要UP 56%.... 要不我把我家的房子都抵押买你们大师们推荐的PROFOLIO , 我只要保证50% GAIN就行,剩下PROFITS的都归你,你看成吗? 要是成,你就把联系方法留下....

Green, 你对这个case个人觉得最好的解决方案是什么?
我是在Investors Group 做理财的,对于是不是要割肉,我的看法是首先要看当初的portfolio是否合理,是不是和你的风险承受能力和投资时间的长短相匹配。如果时间够长,只要理财公司选得对,相信是会涨回来的,因为理财师会根据市场情况帮你调整,而50年股市的平均回报是10%以上,99%的投资在5年内最少是能保本的。....

I worked in financial services for a while before joining the government. Your statement is very textbook-like and no value at all. I am sorry for my harshness and I don't think customer wanted to know anything 10 years later.

1) 首先要看当初的portfolio是否合理. Does the customer know what is good for suitable for him? I doubt they have enough knowledge to understand these complex financial statements.
2) 如果时间够长. What is long enough? RESP is for a specific period.
3) 只要理财公司选得对. No value as well. Does it mean chosing the right advisor in a company? or chosing the right company? Many companies selling the same funds offered by some big MF companies. Only differences are the advisor itself. If chosing right companies will prevent losing money, then why so many investors lost so many? Should all advisors advise clients to switch to GIC in the beginning of the financial crisis?
4) 相信是会涨回来的. This is no guarantee.
5) 因为理财师会根据市场情况帮你调整. Is it adjust based on customer's profile not the market?
6) 而50年股市的平均回报是10%以上. Customer is RESP, child doesn't have 50 years to grow before attending post-secondary.

I should say sorry again but we've all heard enough textbook talk. Any constructive advise?

Oh. I totally disagree with this statement. Totally.

Does people buy and sell stocks means they are gambler? I doubt this thought 200%. Stock traders, forex traders(myself) or any other traders should have a system to trader. It's not like I buy 1000$ anything and hope will grow 10% next day.

Would you say putting money to financial companies to manager isn't a gambling? You have no control of the portfolio, restrictions on MF buy/sell periods and etc...
Green, 你对这个case个人觉得最好的解决方案是什么?

1.我会看我这个PROFOLIO 的组成,看是有那些MF 组成, 看这些MF 在牛和熊市的表现,主要是和INDEX , PEER GROUP 比. 并且看是不是同一个基金经理在管理.
2.我要看我的PROFOLIO 里这些FUND 的主要组成,看是HOLD 哪些股票,主要是重仓的股票.有没有可能在市场好转时,首先TURNAROUND.
3. 我会要求我的FINACIAL ADVISOR 告诉我 他/她的看法和分析(不管对错),他是依据什么来建这个和调整PROFOLIO, 为什么,什么时间该调整...


说点体外话,当年俺买MF 时,有时自己要求我的FINANCIAL ADVISOR 调整我的PROFOLIO , 有次她对我说: "哎,要是我所有的客户都和你一样,我每天什么都不用干,只要帮你们看这个就行了." 我不知道有多少FINANCIAL ADVISOR PAY 多少ATTENTION TO 他/她客户的MONEY.. 后来更有有趣的事,一个天天做AD 的FIANCIAL ADVISOR 打电话给我要和我交流,我说,要是卖FUND ,就别来.她说不是,等见面,还是卖FUND ,等一聊,发现她的FINAICAL 知识还没有我知道得多,尽管我不是FINANCE 这一行的. 我想要说的是FINANCIAL ADVISOR 这一行,并不是每一个人都值得RESPECT的. 
朋友,TSX是不是到底了,谁也不知道,会不会涨回去,很有可能。你提到tsx的chart,哪次下跌没有涨回去的,2000年的高点,06年涨回来了。道琼斯2002年就涨回来了。当然,past performance does not gaurantee future results.只是说涨回来的概率很大。就像这位朋友,如果不是急着用现金的话,建议还是放着,因为涨回来的概率比较大。都说高卖低买,没人知道确切的高点和低点。但如果你相信股市长期是向上的,现在至少比一年前便宜很多。

Disagree with you , if you are a financial adivsor , you at least should know where are we now , what is our plan for defense and aggressive , I mean big market . If you do not have those market sense , I doubt you how come you can help others , even yourself investment money.

TSX INDEX come back , it doesn't mean your MF coming back , lots of people bought hi-tec MF at year 2000 or year 1999 , ask them , how many MF comes back after TSX index reached new high .

Trading stocks, Forex or other , if you do not have any knowledge , you can call them gambling . But if you have good knowledge and experience, you should enjoy it . For me , I am very enjoying to trade stocks .

Just my 2 cents.
Trading stocks, Forex or other , if you do not have any knowledge , you can call them gambling . But if you have good knowledge and experience, you should enjoy it . For me , I am very enjoying to trade stocks .



