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- Canadian Tire, Speedy, 等等:换过车闸,轮胎,muffler,以及日常维护。有满意的时候,也有非常不满意的时候。比如一次在Speedy,本来车稍稍有点跑偏想做wheel alignment,结果给我列出一个单子,校正之前得先修这修那,闸也要换,一共一千好几百。我的车十多年了,开的好好的。我问我只想做wheel alignment,回答不修没法做。我说那好我什么也不做了。对方说那你得付$30检查费:flaming:。想想争吵也没什么意思,最后付了$30买了一次Speedy的经验。到现在已经两年多了,闸没换过,车还是开的好好的。


- MY Garage (225-1384)。店主叫Mike, 华人。在那儿做过几次比较大的维修, 像水泵, 排气管等等. 觉得他技术还不错, 该修的修了, 没有修出新的毛病. 他收费可能不是最便宜的. 店稍远点, 在Merivale靠近Hunt Club. 另外, 他星期六不开门.


- Den's Garage. 只在那儿换过一次机油. 是店里一个伙计给换的. 倒进四桶机油以后, 就要关引擎盖子. 我说你是否得量一下油液面的位置, 他说没问题. 然后量了一下, 到了标尺范围的最上端. 让人觉得不怎么专业.


- 一抹黑. 大家评论过, 在买车卖车栏. 不多说了.

- Den's Garage. 只在那儿换过一次机油. 是店里一个伙计给换的. 倒进四桶机油以后, 就要关引擎盖子. 我说你是否得量一下油液面的位置, 他说没问题. 然后量了一下, 到了标尺范围的最上端. 让人觉得不怎么专业.

Den's Garage. 现在搬哪去了? 上次去老地方(Dows Lake 边上),发现没了踪影!
Booth Street Auto Service | 全记车房
297 Booth Street
613-233-4767 Ask for Tonny

Ming Auto Service
3 - 55 Breezehill Ave. North
613-722-8282 Ask for Ming
感觉Den's还是不错的,他没搬家,还在那里,Carling @ Preston, 紧挨着一个教堂,他的徒弟们我没直接打过交道,老头儿技术挺全面也比较认真,他不随便下结论,下了结论一定是很准的,看得出来确实很有经验,老江湖。缺点是要听懂他说的那个越南英语还真得把耳朵竖起来。价格说不上很便宜,可以说比较公道。楼主说Den的徒弟加完机油不看标尺就盖盖子,结果一看油线在标尺最上端。从另一个角度看,我觉得是艺高人胆大,打着火,机油泵启动后,滤清器和发动机里都会存一些油,熄火再测,不就低于标尺最高线了吗?不像我们有个同胞开的车行技术平平,经验有待积累,说话没准儿、不认真、不细心、出了问题还总想推三推四,价格也说不上便宜。做生意首先要做人,做人要厚道。 不能光想着赚钱,实际上专心把事情做好了,赚钱是水到渠成的事。别往心里去,因为大家都是同胞,爱护你才这样说的,对你好。

原来有个姓崔的,Mister Muffler, 很不错,可惜不干了。

Canadian Tire绝对不能去,千万记住。多去多上当,少去少上当,不去不上当,地球人都知道,CT学徒工太多,好车能给你修坏了。人称Crapy Tire.


168 后面的Ming,陪朋友去做过安检,没在那里修过车,技术怎么样没有发言权,但感觉他们很诚恳,收费也便宜,一般的车行做安检要7、80吧? 他们才收35。


要说便宜,Innes Rd. @ 417 附近的那些阿拉伯人开的车行报价很低,不过我没去修过,技术怎么样不知道。
刚给My Garage打过电话, 感觉MIKE不是很友好, 也不会说汉语. 位置又很远, 不会选他了.
change 4 Tires should go to Costco.
Change 1 or 2 tires could go to CT (Canadian Tire).
Its default warrenty (no extra fee$) program is very good if tire has leak, etc.
Both Walmart and CT chepaest oil change are bad.

Those < $20 oil change could damage your engine.
You can feel it after drive 100km aftre oil change.

That is why I always do my oil change by self now.
常规维护,象换新轮胎,机油等可以考虑Walmart,CT,costco 和住处近的地方, 整车闲逛两不误。

I would say all the comments for the garages you mention above is true because I tried them all already. Ming garage is not a good choice because the charge $80 per hour and not honest. I had experience that I wait there for over 5 hours for a small job.

Den's Garage is not the cheapest but reasonable, he is ok.

My Garage is expensive, like Ming garage, they charge something like $80 or $90 per hour, never give you good deal or discount even you are old/loyal customer.

I know some Chinese garage operate by young guy, they are even worse, they don't let you wait/watch in their garage. They always suggest you come back and pick up your car later. You never know what he do with you car. I know some case, the repair person change their older parts with you car's good parts(same car model). They steal your belongings in your car too.

Also there is some private repair service provider, they don't let you wait/watch inside their shop. So you never know the repair person is the real "licensed" machinist or just their family, like brother or sister or friends.

I suggest you should go to the shop that let you wait/watch the machinist while repairing your car, you can wait there. Then you know what's going on with your car instead drop off your car without knowing who (licensed machinist or learner) fix it and what they do with it. Some garage might use your car as a practice materials for their trainee.

Although the garage might be cheap but if they ask some without knowledge, like trainee, to fix your car, it is very danger to your family/passengers.

I know a person changed tires from COSXCX, on the way go home, the wheel fly off on highway.

Be careful when you choice a garage, not only choice the one with good price but also reliable, and they also let you wait/watch while they fixing your car.