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Phoenix Heritage Hill @ Kanata Lakes

总是听到关于Urbandale 在Kizell Pond 新房子的热论, 但好像没怎么听人提起 Phoenix 在 Heritage Hill 的开发。 大家对这个区 (Heritage Hill)有什么看法吗? 这地点怎么样啊?
总是听到关于Urbandale 在Kizell Pond 新房子的热论, 但好像没怎么听人提起 Phoenix 在 Heritage Hill 的开发。 大家对这个区 (Heritage Hill)有什么看法吗? 这地点怎么样啊?

Phoenix 的房价是一降再降. 去年5月开盘时的价钱和Urbandale几乎是不相上下, 但是他的标准低很多.所以去年他降了一次价格大约5-7%不等. 但是要是他做到和Urbandale 一样的标准还是价钱高了。所以今年年初他提出3万的design bounse, 使价格里包括木地板, 地砖,还有什么记不得了。我去过他的design center了解木地板和地砖的质量可以说属于比较低的level, 一般还要升级。更关键的是他的窗户是那种上下开的。所以窗户升级就又要很多钱。所以他的价钱还是高了。这个月他又降了价钱平均3万。估计就是那个3万元的design bounse给去掉了。这个实质上是没有变化。所以它可能还要降,最起码和Richcraft, Urbandale一样的标准,差不多的价钱,才能卖掉。Phoenix 的地方比另外两家的稍微好一点, 地势高一点,离shopping mall更近些, 但也有人说离垃圾场近一点。如果买Phoenix的房子最好去查一下他的名声,据说是不太好,质量问题严重,如果不在意的话,可以考虑,再等他降个1,2 万应该差不多了。

那个区我还是有点兴趣, 就是觉得价格太离谱。
Ottawa housing starts fall 57 per cent

Ottawa housing starts fall 57 per cent

February decline to 137 units compares with 317 last year

By Bert Hill, The Ottawa Citizen; with files from The Financial PostMarch 10, 2009

Ottawa house construction starts tumbled 57 per cent in February as the Canadian real estate market continued to weaken amid a deepening economic downturn and high unemployment.



房价主要由市场供求关系决定.现在正值金融危机,美国地产商让利大酬宾. 渥村地产商却泰然处之,为维持房价稳中有升,只能减产甚至停产.这样一来,市面上新的房屋就大大减少,保证房屋继续供不应求.

2月新房开工下降 57%, 三月再下降, ... ,甚至不惜暂时停产.等到金融危机结束,房市复苏后再大兴土木.

房价主要由市场供求关系决定.现在正值金融危机,美国地产商让利大酬宾. 渥村地产商却泰然处之,为维持房价稳中有升,只能减产甚至停产.这样一来,市面上新的房屋就大大减少,保证房屋继续供不应求.

2月新房开工下降 57%, 三月再下降, ... ,甚至不惜暂时停产.等到金融危机结束,房市复苏后再大兴土木.
总是听到关于Urbandale 在Kizell Pond 新房子的热论, 但好像没怎么听人提起 Phoenix 在 Heritage Hill 的开发。 大家对这个区 (Heritage Hill)有什么看法吗? 这地点怎么样啊?

phoenix去年一直拖到urbandale&richcraft的kizell pond release后才release,按照两家当时卖的架势,它是错误地估计了市场。。所以说它也是最先降价的,而且幅度比较大。。

这个三角地带,两面被terry fox,一面被kanata avenue 包围着,临街还会有一些commercial buildings,感觉今后会比较吵...地势是比较高,但也正是因为地势高,与scotia bank palace, carp 垃圾山成鼎足之势,遥相呼应。。
这栋房屋的屋主Duncan Gillis在Kijiji and Craigslist网站上的要价是1加元。当然,他希望房子能以接近市场价卖出,1元的起价是为了吸引注意。


How about a loonie?
Homeowner Duncan Gillis is taking a novel approach to selling his property, posting it on sale-by-owner websites Kijiji and Craigslist for just one Canadian dollar ... or best offer.
Gillis admits he's hoping for a serious offer closer to true market value, and the $1 starting point is designed to attract attention.

ottawasun.com - Ottawa and Region - Here's a loonie idea
April 3, 2009 : Ottawa spring market off to a good start
Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board sold 1,162 residential properties in March through the Board’s Multiple Listing Service® system compared with 1,084 in March 2008, an increase of 7.2 per cent. There were 788 sales in February 2009.
Of those sales, 250 were in the condominium property class, while 912 were in the residential property class. The condominium property class includes any property, regardless of style (i.e. detached, semi-detached, apartment, etc.) which is registered as a condominium, as well as properties which are co-operatives, life leases and timeshares. The residential property class includes all other residential properties.
“This is a good beginning to the spring market. Confident buyers are taking advantage of the great opportunities that are available to them right now, such as historically-low interest rates and a good supply of properties for sale,” said Board President Rick Snell. “We’re very fortunate to have a stable economy here in Ottawa, and I think buyers are acting cautiously but feeling positive about our resale housing market this spring,” Snell added. The average price of residential properties, including condominiums, sold in March in the Ottawa area was $286,888, virtually unchanged over March 2008. The average price for a condominium-class property was $208,936, an increase of 0.6 per cent over March 2008. The average price of a residential-class property was $308,256, a decrease of 1.4 per cent over March 2008. The Board cautions that average price information can be useful in establishing trends over time but should not be used as an indicator that specific properties have increased or decreased in value. The average price is calculated based on the total dollar volume of all properties sold.

The Ottawa Real Estate Board is an industry association of 2,400 sales representatives and brokers in the Ottawa area. Members of the Board are also members of the Canadian Real Estate Association and thus are entitled to use the term REALTOR®. The MLS® system is a member based service, paid for by the REALTOR® members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board. The MLS® mark symbolizes the cooperation among REALTORS® to effect the purchase and sale of real estate through real estate services provided by REALTORS®. MLS® commercial and residential listings are available for viewing on the Board’s internet site at Ottawa Real Estate Board - MLS and on the national websites of The Canadian Real Estate Association at REALTOR.ca - Welcome and ICX.ca - Welcome. Information about listings and open houses is also available in the Board’s weekly newspaper, Ottawa Real Estate Guide, available free at 700 locations across the Ottawa area.
在长期的长势中只有回调, 没有反贪. 牛市里那有反弹??
只要人口增长和通货膨胀, 放价就永远涨.

看跌派是和市场做对. 因此成功率很小. 回调一般很短, 还没怎么跌就结束了.
如果租房, 省钱的可能性就更小了.
根据银行预测年底放假29万, 明年涨$5000.
另外三月的均价 286K 底部可能已近过去了. 想省钱的人们没抓住机会.
Just my opinion.
Hard Choices In Hard Times :

While common sense dictates that the best thing for us to do in such challenging circumstances is to sit tight and do nothing, governments urge us to keep spending in order to prevent the economy from slipping deeper into recession. They are, even now, making it easier for us to borrow and spend even more.

But nobody in their right mind buys a house when their employment is at risk, and prices are still near the top of the market.

Are there currently opportunities for new home buyers? Certainly there are, since prices are beginning to marginally decrease, and new home designs are always becoming more refined. Is it prudent to buy now, rather than wait six months, to see which way the wind is blowing? Only if you have found the home of your dreams, and you are financially stable (or what passes for that these days...).

Otherwise, our advice is to sit tight. There is simply not enough information available to support any degree of risk at present.





The CMHC said housing starts last month were 297 units. They were 3,068 units in March 2008. 2009年3月新屋开工比2008年3月下降90%,房屋继续供不应求,预计房价可能会稳中有升.
Calgary CMA sees precipitous drop in housing starts

There were 154,700 housing starts on an annualized basis during the month, up from a revised 136,100 units in February, the government agency said. 2009年3月新屋开工比2009年2月上升.
Housing starts rise unexpectedly in March

总体来说, Ottawa地区流动人口较少,加上地产商大大减少新房开工,市面上可提供的房屋不多("供"下降), 经济形势不明朗, 买房的人不多("求"也下降), 基本供求平衡, 预计Ottawa地区的房价近半年内应该会比较平稳.
大多数加拿大人选择居住在靠近美加边境的城市 冬天气温相对不太冷

渥太华地区房价 2012年初至2016年底基本没有变化

2017年初 多伦多投资人突然闯入渥太华地区 导致房价急速上升

2017年初 Kanata North的所有2手房很快被抢空 包括挂了3年都没卖出去的房子

最近几个月渥太华地区 新楼盘一发放 基本上被抢空 需要抽签

以前买新房 对比建筑商的房屋建造质量 现在是新房能够买的到就如同中大奖

估计还是适合居住的土地有限 虽然土地很多 但是冬天气候太严寒 大多数人不愿去居住

G7国家 2005年以来 15年 房价涨幅
加拿大排第 一 88%
德国排第二 32.3%
美国 3%

Property prices in Canada outstripped rest of G7 over the last 15 years – analysis
the picture shifts drastically when looking at the 2005 to 2020 pace: Canada exhibited an astounding 88% upswing in benchmark real estate prices. For perspective, the next strongest increase during this period was Germany’s 32.3%, while the US had a miniscule 3% rise.
