家庭画展 - 全家活动的好去处 2月16日 Family Day

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Yefu
  • 开始时间 开始时间


Portrait Gallery of Canada to bring new Canadian families together ON FAMILY DAY

On Monday, February 16, Ontario’s Family Day, the Portrait Gallery of Canada invites the public to the launch of Family Portraits: immigration and identity, a community exhibition created in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. This free launch event, held at Library and Archives Canada, includes live music and hands-on activities.

In the exhibition, 17 new Canadian families from countries around the world including Iran, Cameroon, Colombia and Afghanistan, have come together to create unique original portraits that tell the story of their journey through identity.

This free community exhibition, open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. until April 30, 2009, was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Ottawa Community Immigrant Services Organization, the Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association in Halifax, the Coalition of New Canadians for Arts and Culture and the City of Ottawa, Cultural Services, Community Arts Program.

WHAT: Launch of Family Portraits: immigration and identity

WHEN: February 16, 2009, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

WHERE: Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa

The Portrait Gallery of Canada, a program of Library and Archives Canada, is dedicated to showcasing the men and women who have helped shape and continue to shape our country. Through exhibitions, collections and programming, the Portrait Gallery of Canada reflects the values which define Canada and which continue to provide an enduring basis for our country's vision of nationhood now, and into the future. For more information, visit: www.portraits.gc.ca.

Pauline M. Portelance
Senior Media Relations Officer
Library and Archives Canada
819-994-4589 or 613-293-4298