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Ottawa housing prices off 2.9 per cent from year ago

I can see it will go down another 10% at the minimum in 12-18 months.

For people who bought an average single house last Feb with 0% down payment and have to sell now due to bad economic, there's a lot to lose.

Anyone who buys and sells their house in one year will lose a lot of money, no matter the house market is going up or down during the year.
Base on your calculation, if the market goes up +2.9% instead -2.9% in that year, the net lose for the owner would be around -$39054.
And calculation should also count in the rental you would pay if you did not buy the house, as you have to live somewhere.
Otherwise it is kind of misleading.
按照楼上这位的分析,既然没有交任何 down payment,如果银行要收走房子,收走就是了,个人并没有受什么损失。如果是他自己买了一年就要卖,形势不好的时候那当然要受损失。谁叫他把买卖房子当成买卖股票一样来玩,才买了一年就卖的呢 ?不过,把买卖房子当成买卖股票一样来玩,玩了一年才损失 2.9%,挺走运的。其实挺值得恭贺的。相信如此把买卖房子当成买卖股票一样来玩的玩家不多。
按照楼上这位的分析,既然没有交任何 down payment,如果银行要收走房子,收走就是了,个人并没有受什么损失。如果是他自己买了一年就要卖,形势不好的时候那当然要受损失。谁叫他把买卖房子当成买卖股票一样来玩,才买了一年就卖的呢 ?不过,把买卖房子当成买卖股票一样来玩,玩了一年才损失 2.9%,挺走运的。其实挺值得恭贺的。相信如此把买卖房子当成买卖股票一样来玩的玩家不多。

According to the Globe and Mail and CMHC, two third (2/3) of the mortgage issued in the first half of 2008 are with minimum downpayment, which at the time was 0%, later revised to 5% on Oct 15th, 2008.
Anyone who buys and sells their house in one year will lose a lot of money, no matter the house market is going up or down during the year.
Base on your calculation, if the market goes up +2.9% instead -2.9% in that year, the net lose for the owner would be around -$39054.
And calculation should also count in the rental you would pay if you did not buy the house, as you have to live somewhere.
Otherwise it is kind of misleading.



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言不惊人誓不休。即便大胆预测 50%, 60% 什么的, 又有什么不可以的?
一两年前, 谁要敢预测Citi(美国最大银行)能跌下一美金, 估计大家都觉的天方夜谭. 现在, 要不是纽约交易所暂时取消了一些限制. Citi 就要沦落到Over the Counter 上去交易了. 但凡有金融知识的人都知道Citi, Bank of America 是那种类别的股票. 可想象吗??? :mad:
One thing is for sure: the house will not have the investment value for a long period of time.

个人认为,20% -40% 之间, 也就是30%左右最有可能. 当然有很多条件和因素都会改变房价的走向.
1. Unemployment rate. A lot of people is talking about the government employment, but the affect of government is always very limited in a economic recession in the history. The "unemployment" wind will reach the capital region soon if the price of oil and metal kept as current low for another several months. The only hope for Canada is that the price of oil and metal will go back to high enough in 6 months, otherwise the unemployment rate will be 8% in Ottawa. There is no hope for US and most of Europeans countries so far.

2. Cost & supply. The price of a new house has increased from 200K to 400K in about 9 to 10 years. But the cost of building a house has not changed so much and the average house income has not increased a little. There must be an adjustment for the "over heat". I guess the price will go back to about 280k based on the price of Hull. The market of the crossing river is less "over heat" and more reasonable. The builders will continue to build new houses if the price makes sense because they can still make money(maybe still a lot) on it. So, we don't need worry about the supply.

3. Foreclosure. Some owner (none Chinese!) will enter into foreclosure if it they lost their jobs and they have bought very expensive house in the last two or three years. (more to be added). This activity will add a lot of used houses into the inventory and accelerate the price dropping.

4. Inflation. The mortgage rate is so low that nobody can imagine that it can reach 7%, 10%, 15% or more in a few years. Look back the history chat, the average is 7%. Also the inflation is inevitable almost based on the current circumstance and the historical analysis. Do you know what a 8% mortgage rate means? It is a double of 4% and the monthly payment will be increased dramatically.

5. The real Depression. All my assumption is based on that now we are entering into a depression and at the beginning of the depression. I hope my assumption is wrong, but more and more evidences are coming out.

Wait to see.
First of all, I am not a realty agent, just interested in learning in the domain of investment or house rental in my spare time.

In my opinion, inflation is a double-blade sword. It happened in Canada back a couple of decades ago (I forgot if it was in late 80's or early 90's) when the mortgage rate rised to over 10% (almost 20%???). This means that your monthly mortgage cost will double, or even more than double. That's when many people will lose their house and cause the house price really go down.

But on the other hand, if you have extra money, or your mortgage is locked at a good rate, when the house price reaches the bottom, it will be a good time to buy, because, with inflation, if you keep your money in your saving account, or invest in mutual fund, or stocks (I have colleagues who have suffered almos 60% lost in his RRSP already), you will lose not only the face amount of your investment, but make it worse, with the inflation, in a few years, the buying power of your savings will worth nothing. That's why in the long run, it will never be bad to invest in real estate.

That's why I think if you need to get a mortage now, get a 5-year fixed rate. You can get a 5 year fixed rate at 4.24% right now, and this rate might go lower to about 4.20% in April. Compared to variable at 3.3%, it is about 1% higher, but you are protected. At least split the mortgage to two parts, put 40% to variable, put the other 60% to 5-year fixed. When you have more extra money, you can put in annual pre-payment. Some lenders allow 25% of annual pre-pay.

For the house price in Ottawa, my guess is that the price will drop, but not at a very big margin. For example, in Kanata, how much the house price has jumped in 2008? A 50 lot single at 3,000 sq. ft. would cost around $450K at the end of 2007, but in late 2008 the same house, the price has jumped to about $510K. This is approximately 14% increase. So I guess the price will drop at the end of 2009 or early 2010 at the maximum to the level in 2007. But I do not see further reduction. Hopefully the economy will recover in 2010.

Though overall the government influence in the economy of the whole country will not be significant, but in Ottawa, with so many employees in federal, municipal governments, and they do have stable jobs and decent income, I still think Ottawa will be one of the most secure cities in Canada.

Of course I think we immigrants need to hope for the economy to go better. In my opinion, we are among the most vulnerable group. The local people here definitely have more resources compare to us. I have local friends, when they lose their jobs, they have their parents to go to, they have relatives working here and there who can set up a network for them... and so much more... For us, we need to be independent and strong and do our best!:cool::cool::cool:

Again, just my TWO CENTS!:p:p:p

[4. Inflation. The mortgage rate is so low that nobody can imagine that it can reach 7%, 10%, 15% or more in a few years. Look back the history chat, the average is 7%. Also the inflation is inevitable almost based on the current circumstance and the historical analysis. Do you know what a 8% mortgage rate means? It is a double of 4% and the monthly payment will be increased dramatically. ]
You put many "hope"s and "encourage"s here. I totally agree with you from this perspective.
However, "hope" equals to "dream" in some areas.

Buy and hold (what is worth to be invested), instead of buy and hope.
Where did you get the rumor that DND will move there? It is already in the plan of DND? Or in the plan of the federal government?

Even 30,000 federal employees will move there, they will all be from NCR area.

N Years ago, the federal gov't leased the JDSU building on Merivale and plan to move RCMP to Barhaven, what is the status today?

DND to Nortel? we will know N years later.
N Years ago, the federal gov't leased the JDSU building on Merivale and plan to move RCMP to Barhaven, what is the status today?

DND to Nortel? we will know N years later.



2008 年新房的价格涨了3.3%


总数: ?

总数: ?

总数: 1 ?


跟随全国趋势,渥京房价未来12~18个月,将会跌10%,year over year.
Big house might drop more 15%, small house(townhouse) 5%.