
A Canadian resident is defined as a person whose primary residence is in any part of Canada who is not an Ontario resident and who has lived in Canada for a period of at least six consecutive months during the 12 months

即使你认为你父母属于Temparory Residents, 那也不符合下面一条:

General Income Tax and Benefit Guide - 2008 : Federal non-refundable tax credits (Schedule 1)

Line 331 - Allowable amount of medical expenses for other dependants

Claim the part of eligible medical expenses you or your spouse or common-law partner paid for the following persons who depended on you for support on line 331:
  • your or your spouse's or common-law partner's child who was born in 1990 or earlier, or grandchild; or
  • your or your spouse's or common-law partner's parent, grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew who was a resident of Canada at any time in the year.
The expenses must meet the criteria in the section called "Eligible medical expenses" at line 330. Also, the claim must be for the same 12-month period that was determined at line 330.
Under proposed changes, the list of "Eligible medical expenses" has been expanded.
For more details, see Guide RC4064, Medical and Disability-Related Information. This guide includes Form T2201.
另外, 以前有人报了并成功的。可能是因为这样报是对的,也有可能是税务局没有查这部分。
再另外,如果买保险的receipt上付款人是楼主的名字,我觉得这部分费用应该算在楼上的medical expense里面而不是你父母的medical expense里面。不然万一CRA查的话就会有问题。当然,也有可能CRA根本不会查这点。还是弄清楚一点好。


拜托,报税是由Canada Revenue Agency管的,不是由安省自然资源部管的!

另外, 以前有人报了并成功的。可能是因为这样报是对的,也有可能是税务局没有查这部分。
再另外,如果买保险的receipt上付款人是楼主的名字,我觉得这部分费用应该算在楼上的medical expense里面而不是你父母的medical expense里面。不然万一CRA查的话就会有问题。当然,也有可能CRA根本不会查这点。还是弄清楚一点好。


Non-residents of Canada

Residency - Individuals

IT-221R3 (Consolidated) Determination of an Individual's Residence Status
[FONT=宋体] 本人是保险经纪,在加拿大办理探亲保险业务有八年以上的历史,我来谈谈对这个问题的理解:[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]记得多年前,探亲来的老人还可办理[/FONT]SIN[FONT=宋体],听说是[/FONT]9[FONT=宋体]字头的,如停留时间够的话,我的不少顾客还在给老人报税后,因老人没收入而得到[/FONT]GST [FONT=宋体]退税款!后来听说短期来的不再给办理[/FONT]SIN [FONT=宋体]了。[/FONT]
1[FONT=宋体],身份问题,[/FONT][FONT=宋体]关键在于探亲者在报税年度里是不是“[/FONT]a resident of Canada at any time in the year[FONT=宋体]”?[/FONT][FONT=宋体]加拿大税务规定:你如在加拿大住满[/FONT]183[FONT=宋体]天的话,你可能被视为“[/FONT]deemed resident of Canada for tax purposes[FONT=宋体]”。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]331 [FONT=宋体]项目中的[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]other dependants[FONT=宋体]”,并未如[/FONT]315[FONT=宋体]项目中“[/FONT]Caregiver[FONT=宋体]”的规定“[/FONT]You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.[FONT=宋体]”[/FONT]
2 [FONT=宋体],税务方面,应尽量争取该得到的。你报了这笔费用[/FONT][FONT=宋体],[/FONT][FONT=宋体]如不被准许,也没损失什么。如果没报此项也许该得到的退税就失去了。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]我的不少顾客若干年都是如此做的,还未听说那位事后有问题。[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]每年报税季节,本人的电话非常多,不少顾客都来咨询保费报税的问题。我仍然建议顾客们如符合条件,尽量将探亲者保险费用来报税。如有哪位顾客或朋友在报了该项费用后,被税务局要求更改的话,麻烦你给我(柯思纯)打个电话:[/FONT]613-722-5005 [FONT=宋体]。本人将万分感激,也能使我在今后的业务中,为顾客提供更准确更有利的建议。谢谢![/FONT]
[FONT=宋体] 。。。[/FONT]

[FONT=宋体]每年报税季节,本人的电话非常多,不少顾客都来咨询保费报税的问题。我仍然建议顾客们如符合条件,尽量将探亲者保险费用来报税。如有哪位顾客或朋友在报了该项费用后,被税务局要求更改的话,麻烦你给我(柯思纯)打个电话:[/FONT]613-722-5005 [FONT=宋体]。本人将万分感激,也能使我在今后的业务中,为顾客提供更准确更有利的建议。谢谢![/FONT]

关键是,resident of Canada的定义。

Non-residents of Canada

Residency - Individuals

IT-221R3 (Consolidated) Determination of an Individual's Residence Status
我想[FONT=宋体]柯思纯的说法对,[/FONT]放在331做expense报可以,对收入较低的有意义,对高收入除非买的保险费用超过$1962, 超过的那部分保费可以退一部分税


[FONT=宋体]1,我没看出用手工报税和电子报税在[/FONT] 331[FONT=宋体]项目上有何区别,因为就是手工报税也不用将保费收据附上。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]“[/FONT]If you are filing a paper return, include your receipts and any receipts for the person that you are claiming (other than for premiums paid to a health services plan, which you should keep in case we ask to see them) and other documents. [FONT=宋体]”[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]2,在身份上,探亲访问者在办理签证时的类别为:[/FONT]”Temporary Resident Visa”[FONT=宋体];当这些人在加拿大住满[/FONT]183[FONT=宋体]天后,在税务上应视为:“[/FONT]deemed resident of Canada for tax purposes[FONT=宋体]。“[/FONT]If you are a deemed resident of Canada for the tax year, you: can claim all deductions and non-refundable tax credits that apply to you[FONT=宋体]”[/FONT]http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/nnrsdnts/ndvdls/dmd-eng.html
[FONT=宋体]3,如在[/FONT]331 [FONT=宋体]项下报保险费用有何不妥的话,也是[/FONT][FONT=宋体]国税局的报税说明([/FONT]GUIDE[FONT=宋体])不明确造成。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]未如[/FONT]315[FONT=宋体]项目中“[/FONT]Caregiver [FONT=宋体]”的明确指出:“[/FONT]You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.[FONT=宋体]”[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]4,此外,老人的保险费是你付的,而且他们是依靠你生活,所以这些保险费用应在你的税表中报。“[/FONT]Claim the part of eligible medical expenses you or your spouse or common-law partner paid……”
I claimed parent as dependent couple of years ago. CRA had some questions about it and I sent all their required documents, then everything was set.

To claim your parent as eligible dependent, they have to meet all of the following conditions:
1. They are at least 65 years old,
2. or, they are infirmed if they are younger than 65 (which means you have to live together with them and take care of them, you need to provide doctor note if needed),
3. They must live in Canada for more than 183 days during the tax year (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31),
4. They need to have SIN (I applied for my mother the first week she visited me in Canada).

If all conditions above are met, you can claim about ~$4000 for eligible dependent (you need to check the Guide to see what is the exact amount). Good luck.
how to apply SIN for parents

Could you please let us know how to apply SIN for parents visiting here.

My parents came in Sep last year, I cannot claim the insurance