perhaps even a better opt to buy than what was predicted?
SW由于新公司的买入,上个季度造成10个million 的loss。 正常来说,现在应该是公司状况最差的时候,以后会逐渐好转(但愿非我一厢情愿)。这也是为什么这几天股票涨得较多,因为股票买的是future。
其手中现有150个million的cash, 照此下去,怎么着也够用个3 到4年。
我又准备了几个tax free accounts, 准备随时再抓几只小兔子($6 左右)。
肥兔子($2.52) 留给朋友们去抓!![]()
Confusion in trading stocks with TFSA
When we trade stock with TFSA account, we can trade both Canadian and US stocks. But the account is only for CAD, not for USD. So, every time when you sell a stock in USD, the system automatically convert the USD to CAD, then next time when you buy another stock, the system do a second conversion from CAD to USD. The twice conversions can result in a loss in actual benefits.
So, in this case with TFSA, what is a better strategy - US stocks or TSX stocks, long or short?
我的TFSA也买卖US股票,所以碰到和你有同样的问题。我打电话问过我的银行,他们告诉我如果想要以美元保存,那在每次股票交易当天必须给股票部门打电话,他们会帮你以US money market 的形式存在帐号内,就不需要每次转换。麻烦的是每次要打电话。
村妇,ACLS这两天怎么了? 长线还是进场时间吗?