
. Why? Because I put a protective price clause into my purchase agreement: if new home price drops or designer bonus increases, my purchase price will be adjusted for that.

---------i'm curious which builder is willing to add this condition to the purchase agreement?tks

那些不久前还信誓旦旦地断定渥太华将要出现大量家庭争相抛售住宅、房价暴跌 30% 以上的预言,全是瞎扯淡。





EI申领人数增10.6% 家庭负债1.3万亿

加国无忧 51.CA 2009年5月27日 09:53 来源:本网综述 作者:牧涛 [ 加大字体缩小字体 ]



据悉,三月份全国共有681,400人领取普通就业保险金(regular EI),比二月份增长了10.6%,即65,300人,创下了自去年10月经济出现衰退、劳动力市场恶化以来最大的月增幅。报告还显示,在经济不景气开始以来的这短短的5个月内,本国普通EI保险金的受益人数已增加了36.2个百分点。



图表来源:环球邮报(Globe and mail)​

TD银行的经济战略学家穆林(Millan Mulraine)表示,统计局的数据预兆着本国劳动力市场正要面临一个非常可怕的局面(very dire prognosis)。巨大的EI申请及受益人数显示,本国失业居民找到新工作的难度在不断增加,这和最近的就业报告反映出的信息完全一致。此外,虽然三月份申请EI的数量已经减少,但是庞大的绝对数量将持续冲击本国的劳动力市场,并带来深远影响。



据悉,2008年年底,居民平均欠债水平增加了6.8%,而今年迄今也上升了6%。注册会计师协会协会副主席勒菲弗(Rock Lefebvre)表示,一年半前数字只有1万亿元,现在却升至1.3万亿元。令人吃惊的是,报告还显示,虽然有84%的人担心家庭债务上升的情况,但是仍有79%负债者表示,他们可轻易应付债务,更会借更多钱。这意味着在这经济衰退的时期,很多人还看不清楚形势,竟然还在继续借钱、增加负债。

CGA主席Anthony Ariganello则表示,最近几年来,本国家庭负债额显著增加,已经危及到家庭的经济安全。在有孩子(年龄在18岁以下)的家庭中,59%称他们的负债在过去三年来增加了。其中,58%的受访者说,生活开销是债务增加的主要原因;而在2007年,这一比率只有52%。

报告还显示,在所有家庭欠款总额中,按揭债务占9,000亿元,而消费者债务则占4,000亿元。就后者而言,信用额度(lines of credit)和信用卡负债占消费者负债的最大一部分。据报道,本国四月份个人信用额度负债达到1,810亿元的新高,比今年初上涨了6.2%,比去年同期上涨了20.4%。这种类型的负债在五年前仅有1,000亿元,两千年初时还不到500亿元。四月份个人从银行获得的贷款总额达到485亿元,比一年前增加8.1%;银行信用卡待付款增加8.9%达到515亿元。

此外,报告还列出了CGA在十一月份对2,014个家庭进行的在线调查,称42%的人承认他们的债务上升;85%的家庭有信用卡未偿债务;21%的负债者称已经难以应对负债之窘况。此外,另有四分之一的人表示不能应对五千元的意外支出(unexpected expense),十分之一的人表示已不能应对五百元的意外支出。

. Why? Because I put a protective price clause into my purchase agreement: if new home price drops or designer bonus increases, my purchase price will be adjusted for that.
---------i'm curious which builder is willing to add this condition to the purchase agreement?tks

because the builder really want to sell a house.
this crisis started with financial corporations in the US and just began at the personal level in Canada, and in Ottawa

personal unemployment is going up.
personal EI claim is going up.
personal debt is going up.
personal bankruptcy is going up.

where is the extra personal income come from to buy house?

those saying Ottawa is safe need to consider the following:

gov't deficit is growing faster than expected. 50 Billion now, more than ever.
gov't is cutting expense by 5% this year for all departments. this will hit the local business target the gov't.
gov't is freezing hiring and laying off temporary workers.
HiTech in Ottawa lost more than 8000 jobs last year.

time will tell.

Yes, it is before the last deposite of 保证金. Builder is willing to share the downside risk; I guess they won't change price or designer bonus untill next spring. On top of the designer bonus, I also got a couple of thousand dollars worth of things for free.

For me, the risk of downward housing price is compensated by some free upgrades, low interest rate, and nice lot and location. As nobody thinks about buying a new home, I just take my time to choose a good lot. BTW, the builder used to reserve 4 lots for me for a few weeks, nobody even asked about them. :D:D:D

OCTranspo's 2009 final plan came out a few days ago. Map your home on this plan and see how it is impacted. You know what transportation means to the value of a house.
看了几处房子价格合理一点的很快就卖掉了,前一阵INVENTORY的,BONUS也拿掉了,我看到的买房的多是亚洲人。特别是中国人和印度人,kanata lake的新房快成亚洲村了,是亚洲人比西人更富欲吗?
那些不久前还信誓旦旦地断定渥太华将要出现大量家庭争相抛售住宅、房价暴跌 30% 以上的预言,全是瞎扯淡。

No one expected there are 30% droped, tat is u said!!! Even price in Vancouver is not droped tat much, maybe only 10-15%.

I am hunting te house in Kanata, and West Ottawa west (between Pakadail and Woodrofe, north to Carling) this year, in Broadview and nepean school area.

Some feeling:
1. price in Kanata did drop and many houses are available for consideration. New house also go very slow, because builder just show some lots for construction (always has exception for house in good location and good price)

2. old (even poor) House in this area and with price between 300,000 - 400,000, lower than 430,000, but with at least (35-40)*(80-100) lot go super fast, stay in marketing only 2-10 days, even it is poor, or close busy road. those nice house price over 500,000, no one buy, stay very long. go to mls.ca to see, even the land value will be 300,000 in this area I believe.

3. looks very hot, but when I looked at all sold house information, only around 70 house sold in this area (not small area) from Jan 1 to now.

4. I also found many people go to open-house, and see the house, but not many house get mul-ti offers, seller just want sell as soon as possible, not wait for multi offers.

5. also found quite number seniors are selling their big house and buy a small bunglar (house), but still in this area. less old house is available, more peole want to stay in town (those seniors), that is the main reason why old small house in town go so fast.

So, u can come out your conclustion base on my finding (just in these two areas)
so price in Ottawa west(westboro and west) didnot seems drop, but in civic hospital area, price is droped, compare previous price. no idea what %,

there are some case, one (718832) listed as 450,000, now is 379,000
one (723170) listed 599,000, now changed to 549,000....
there are more cases, I cannot list all of them.
one list 430,000, finally sold 400,000 but buyer put lots of requirement......
among those sold 70 houses, very few house had sold price over list price, most close or down the list price

so, it is still buyer marketing.
How did you get the infomation?

so price in Ottawa west(westboro and west) didnot seems drop, but in civic hospital area, price is droped, compare previous price. no idea what %,

there are some case, one (718832) listed as 450,000, now is 379,000
one (723170) listed 599,000, now changed to 549,000....
there are more cases, I cannot list all of them.
one list 430,000, finally sold 400,000 but buyer put lots of requirement......
among those sold 70 houses, very few house had sold price over list price, most close or down the list price

so, it is still buyer marketing.

How did you get all the information? Like how many houses and how much the houses were sold? If you checked it from the websites, could you please share the links with us? For me, only the agents have access to the information. Thanks.
讲话要有根据,尊重事实,。看看下面的 Link 再说。


not use this kind 不要信口开河,胡说八道 word, it is not friend and from an uneducated mouth. If u disagree, just present your idea, OK? eat those negative word in your own mouth.

technically he was right, I have given u an MLS list, from 450,000 to 379000, how much droped in list?
If u want, I can give u exactly example for the price droping 20% case, but it is a exceptional case.

Ottawa Marking is still various, price in some areas did droped.

BTW, the information I got was from my agent, usually agent will not give it to the client.
not use this kind 不要信口开河,胡说八道 word, it is not friend and from an uneducated mouth. If u disagree, just present your idea, OK? eat those negative word in your own mouth.


对房价的走势,各人有个人的看法,不足为奇。对某些房价将要下跌 30% 的预言,我虽然不认同,但仍然尊重。不存在“信口开河胡说八道”的问题。

但是,有人现在说 “No one expected there are 30% droped, tat is u said!!!”。这难道不是信口开河、胡说八道吗?
