Title: Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision-Making, Third Canadian Edition
Authors: Paul Kimmel, Jerry Weygandt, Don Kieso, and Barbara Trenholm
For BUSI 1001
in Good condition, with study guide and notes
Book+study guide+notes + other stuff (price is negotiable~)
Title: Single Variable Calculus Early Transcendentals (SOLD)
Author: James Stewart
For MATH 1007
in Good Condition, with notes and other stuff $100
QQH for details.
Authors: Paul Kimmel, Jerry Weygandt, Don Kieso, and Barbara Trenholm
For BUSI 1001
in Good condition, with study guide and notes
Book+study guide+notes + other stuff (price is negotiable~)
Title: Single Variable Calculus Early Transcendentals (SOLD)
Author: James Stewart
For MATH 1007
in Good Condition, with notes and other stuff $100
QQH for details.