


像你說人概沒有前生, 那何會有永生???

原來我自知有罪跟兄你有罪是有分別的, CHISS88曾寫過 "我这个基督徒,并不比美国基督徒或者任何别的基督徒更虔诚。美国是罪恶之邦,我也是罪人一个。" 我們都破罐甩了嗎??

基督徒有罪都比他人高尚,哈哈哈! 不過CHRISS88也曾寫過 "..不仅不比别人更高尚些,反而比绝大多数非基督徒包括飞兄更差劲些。" 自打嘴巴??

我有幸蒙神恩拯救, 且望神也透過基督拯救CHRISS88兄吧.

神本唯一, 不分宗教.




Big bang started from empty and then generated billions of planets. Is this what you mean? Where are these materials from? Physics does not work this way. You may want to say that most space of the universe is empty. But it is not completely empty.

I think you are wrong if you say that in the christian religion, in theory God exists. It is not in theory. Instead that God exists was proved by the stories of Jesus for Christians.

Big Bang不过是个时髦的理论而已。这类的披上了科学外衣的理论,和进化论一样,并没有可重复的证据,也不可能得到实验验证,从本质上讲是不科学的,和圣经所揭示的真理更无法相比,时髦一段时间也就是了。
Big bang is one theory in science. A lot of brilliant scientists are working on it. It could be wrong. But a guy like you who does not know a lot about science may not be the right person to make any conclusion about it now before they figure it out.

Big Bang不过是个时髦的理论而已。这类的披上了科学外衣的理论,和进化论一样,并没有可重复的证据,也不可能得到实验验证,从本质上讲是不科学的,和圣经所揭示的真理更无法相比,时髦一段时间也就是了。
Big bang is one theory in science. A lot of brilliant scientists are working on it. It could be wrong. But a guy like you who does not know a lot about science may not be the right person to make any conclusion about it now before they figure it out.


Is this true? Is there a theory from Einstein which states that mass is not conserved?

1) What is energy?
2) What is matter?
3) What is the meaning of E = m c^2?
Read it carefully. The theory could be right too. Nowhere in the writing I agreed with your 判断. It looks funny for a 科盲 to make any scientific judgement.

a body with mass m has total energy mc^2. Does it say that mass is not conserved? Give me a break.

In classic and modern physics these are two basic laws that mass and energy are conserved. Ask any physicist in your church to see if it is right.

Now I know you guys(especially you) are spreading your religion by using incorrect science in your churches. It is pretty cheap to trap people in and recruite new members in this way. You guys do not care about this anyway.

1) What is energy?
2) What is matter?
3) What is the meaning of E = m c^2?
a body with mass m has total energy mc^2. Does it say that mass is not conserved? Give me a break.

In classic and modern physics these are two basic laws that mass and energy are conserved. Ask any physicist in your church to see if it is right.

Now I know you guys(especially you) are spreading your religion by using incorrect science in your churches. It is pretty cheap to trap people in and recruite new members in this way? You guys do not care about this anyway.

Read your high school physics textbook and you will find it out.

Read your high school physics textbook and you will find it out.

Post the sentences here you think you understand to show that mass is not conserved. I can prove that mass is always conserved for you.

Well, you do not know this. How do you know that mass is not conserved? It is better for you not to know this since many people may be able to realize that you are cheating around.
