精华 Richcraft Vs. Urbandale and Riverside South Vs. Barrhaven

太好了!又可以省几个大洋了,真是 “钱到用时方很少!”

In return, you need to write something here for the floor plan comparisons...e.g.,

Why Mornach's Maple cannot be compared with Minto's Riverbend? :)

What are the problems with Urbandale's Menlo Park, Richcraft's Wildwood and Mornach's Spruce?:D
In return, you need to write something here for the floor plan comparisons...e.g.,

Why Mornach's Maple cannot be compared with Minto's Riverbend? :)

What are the problems with Urbandale's Menlo Park, Richcraft's Wildwood and Mornach's Spruce?:D

那就献丑了。本人只讨论户型,有一说一, 无意伤害所提及户型的钟爱者。如有得罪,还请海涵。

总体而言,Mornach 优势在于外观设计,Minto 优势在于内部空间利用。

----- Maple A -----
1。 外观新颖,欧陆风情,使人耳目一新。
2。 Kichen 开阔
1. 3000sq 的房子没有 DEN
2. 厕所过于巨大,浪费空间
3. Living Room 与 Dining Room 连通,作为3000sq 的房子则过于平直,缺少“曲径通幽”
4. Open to Above 缺乏实质内容
5. 窗户通风面积过于有限。
6. “穿心箭”格局 (可破解)

----- Riverbend C -----
1. 旋转楼梯,尽显豪华
2. 双面壁炉隔开 Living 与 Family room,展现情调,同时提高热效
3. 石材外观,提高身价
4. Dining room Open to Above 展示空间
5. Office with 宽大的 bay window,异常明亮。
1. 二楼三个卧室并肩 ,隔音差,缺乏Privacy.
2. 外观中庸,缺乏新意
3. Dining room Open to Above 不够大 (最好能 15 x 15)
4. 二楼主卧加 retreat 好看,但太贵!

萝卜青菜,各有所爱!单就户型而言,本人倾向于 Riverbend C。 欢迎大家指正!





Cardel is a unique builder in town. It is for people like Riven who is 不差钱:D

The cul-de-sac Cardel built in Kizell pond is next to Kanata Private, a true million dollar community. Riven needs to update his beamer from 3 series to 6 or 7 series if he wants to move to this community :)

Exterior with stucco/rock is the signature of Cardel's house....[to be continued]:D

求Richcraft的Caledonia floorplan评价=。=
Cardel is a unique builder in town. It is for people like Riven who is 不差钱:D

The cul-de-sac Cardel built in Kizell pond is next to Kanata Private, a true million dollar community. Riven needs to update his beamer from 3 series to 6 or 7 series if he wants to move to this community :)

Exterior with stucco/rock is the signature of Cardel's house....[to be continued]:D

Agreed on "Riven who is 不差钱
政府又加税了吗,今天这张pay stub少给我67块钱




I see quite many experts hanging around. This is great, because I am learning something new from this thread everyday while also helping people. :)

I happen to know a thing or two about the Caledonia model. This is the popular Charleston model 5 years ago, only now with 9ft ceiling. You see this model in almost every townhouse block, sometimes the entire block is this model, and it sells well on Grapevine. People love this model, and still do, and here are possible reasons:

1) There is a good flow in the floorplan: from dining room, leads to living room, which leads to kitchen & breakfast. The placement just makes a lot of sense, and is very functional.

2) upstair bedrooms are good size. Particularly the master, which is pretty large. But watchout for the laundry "closet", opening the closet might block the hall way.

3) circular staircase just makes the home look expensive. Strongly suggests getting an endunit so you get a window at the stair.

I personally prefer Caledonia II (the closed kitchen version). The extra wall you get in a closed kitchen gives you more cabinets and hides all the mess in the kitchen. The extra door from dining room to the kitchen is a nice convenience and brightens up the dining room.
求Richcraft的Caledonia floorplan评价=。=

说老实话,本人对 townhouse 研究不多,胡说两句,仅供参考
1 旋转楼梯
2 开放厨房
与 minto 的Manhattan 相仿

1 Laundry 在二楼,产生噪音+楼层震动,建议移至 basement
2 Bedroom3 稍小
3 Living room 狭长,难放电视。可华人又不习惯basement 的Family room, 尤其是冬天
To the person who asked about Isla Vista:

I haven't had the chance to see it in person, I heard the model house has been sold, but owner has not moved in yet. Ask the sales at Bridlewood for details. You can also see some pictures of it on website.