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I like Sundance, but it's not perfect, it doesn't have a den, and I don't like its living room, too long. Its family room and loft are very nice.
Alderwood is good too. But they don't have the model there. And I like their split-level bunglow most, open concept, high ceiling, and morden design.
But the drawback is they don't have ensuite bath and walkin closet in master bedroom.
最初由 CCIE 发布
I like Sundance, but it's not perfect, it doesn't have a den, and I don't like its living room, too long. Its family room and loft are very nice.
You can take the open space upstair as den.
I saw Sundance model in Woodroff(?), I like it too.
But why do not you choose Manhanttan that has a den, it is only 7k diff.
I don't like its long living and dinning, it waises too much space. And it's not open enough. They have it in huntclub as inventary.
最初由 CCIE 发布
I don't like its long living and dinning, it waises too much space. And it's not open enough. They have it in huntclub as inventary.
Yeah, Sundance, Woodfield and Manhattan
have the same style of living/dining room.
I was told that Manhattan is the most popular model in Richcraft. I knew a person who worked in Huntclub office before, 75% of he sold is Manhattan.
2000年底Hunt Club Enclave的二期还没有被市政最后批准的时候(因为北边临近铁路,CN反对建居民区),Claridge开始收客户每家一万的订金,红红火火的开卖,还威胁我们今天不交订金明天那块地就没了…我们发现共同开发该小区的Richcraft当时卖掉了小区里的样板间,把售房中心搬到了Hunt Club路边并且根本就没有发售没有通过批准的房子。
最初由 丫丫 发布
为这事买房子的家庭都得sign agreement....
Addendum 1, 1.4, 1.5是不是也是这么写的。
对比一下Richcraft的标准配置,一般会发现比别的公司,包括minto,用的小零件很多高一档次,比如门把手,窗台伸出式平板,水龙头等等。当然这些是小处,我们当时选择Richcraft的原因就是因为他们不利用时间差昧良心赚客户的押金利息钱---这证明他们至少比Claridge 老实。
有人说Richcraft在别的区的施工队盖房子有问题,尤其咱们一家华人同胞还和他们因为地基歪了的问题打官司退房…,但是我们的经验是在Hunt Club这个区的施工队很不错。交房的时候总有这儿那儿没作好,甚至没弄完,他们的售后服务也还领人满意。
最初由 ?印良品 发布
Addendum 1, 1.4, 1.5是不是也是这么写的。

对! 丫丫,你记得当初你的AGREEMENT里也有条款如下吗:

x. The Vendor may have the right to alter plans and specifications or substitute materials without notice...

xx. The purchase price in the Agreement may be increased of adjusted by certain additional costs or changes...
最初由 CCIE 发布
Alderwood is good too. But they don't have the model there. And I like their split-level bunglow most, open concept, high ceiling, and morden design.
最初由 CCIE 发布

对! 丫丫,你记得当初你的AGREEMENT里也有条款如下吗:

x. The Vendor may have the right to alter plans and specifications or substitute materials without notice...

xx. The purchase price in the Agreement may be increased of adjusted by certain additional costs or changes...
最初由 丫丫 发布

谢谢丫丫了.若真买了HUNTCLUB,那我们就是邻居了:D :p