You can take the open space upstair as den.最初由 CCIE 发布
I like Sundance, but it's not perfect, it doesn't have a den, and I don't like its living room, too long. Its family room and loft are very nice.
Yeah, Sundance, Woodfield and Manhattan最初由 CCIE 发布
I don't like its long living and dinning, it waises too much space. And it's not open enough. They have it in huntclub as inventary.
最初由 ?印良品 发布
Addendum 1, 1.4, 1.5是不是也是这么写的。
就在手头,一模一样最初由 CCIE 发布
对! 丫丫,你记得当初你的AGREEMENT里也有条款如下吗:
x. The Vendor may have the right to alter plans and specifications or substitute materials without notice...
xx. The purchase price in the Agreement may be increased of adjusted by certain additional costs or changes...