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时间: 1:00-2:30 PM, 星期天, 10月24日
地点: 渥太华国语宣道会后堂 317 Chapel Street, Ottawa K1N 7Z2
预览: http://on.fb.me/dhdZWO
查询: ECHO (613)789-8388

请参加拍卖者先在入口注册.我们需要你提供全名, 联络电话和邮寄地址以便日后给你邮寄2010年的退税奉献收据. 每位注册者都会获得一个拍卖号, 以供拍卖投标时使用. 拍卖结束时, 每幅标的油画以出价最高的投标者获得. 胜出者有义务以中标价格购买相应的油画. 此次拍卖只收现金.

该次义卖所筹得的款项,全数捐给渥太华国语宣道会以作校园事工的专项基金. 该次捐出拍卖的油画每幅都设有一个起拍价.中标价和起拍价的差额将会作为中标者对校园事工的贡献,之后会收到一张相应金额的退税奉献收据. 举例: 一幅起拍价格是$20的油画, 中标价是$100.那么这幅画的买家会收到$80的退税奉献收据. 若起拍价和中标价的差价越大,买家的退税奉献金额越大……

鼓励你一同来参与和支持OTTAWA的校园事工,在神的事工上有份. 愿神祝福你.

Fine Art Silent Auction for Ottawa Campus Ministry Fund

Time: 1:00 – 2:30 PM, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010.
Location: Bate Hall, 317 Chapel Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 7Z2
For preview: http://on.fb.me/dhdZWO
Inquiry: Echo (613)789-8388

Pre-registration is required if you want to participate in bidding. We will need your full name, phone number and address so that we can mail you the donation receipt. Each registered participant will be assigned a number for the auction. The bidder with the highest price wins the auction and is obligated to purchase the painting with the winning price. We only accept cash.

All the proceedings will be used to establish OMAC campus ministry fund. Each painting has a starting bid price. The winning bidder will get a donation receipt for the amount above the starting bid price for tax year 2010. For example, for a painting with starting bid price $20, you win the auction with a final price of $100. You will receive a donation receipt of $80.

May God bless you and enjoy bidding.
Ottawa Christian Chorale


Sacred Carols and a Song Unending

By John W. Peterson
Music Director: Grace Winn

Nov. 28, 2010 (Sunday) 7:00 pm
Alta Vista Baptist Church
887 Canterbury Ave., Ottawa

Dec. 4, 2010 (Saturday) 7:00 pm
Emmanuel Alliance Church of Ottawa
4 Thorncliff PL., Ottawa

Dec. 5, 2010 (Sunday) 7:00 pm
Ottawa Chinese Bible Church
450 Churchill Ave N., Ottawa

Free Admission, Freewill Offering



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The International Student Friendship Program invites you to our:

International Christmas Getaway
Dec 22-26, 2010

An Unforgettable Canadian Holiday Experience!

What: You and your Canadian hosts will enjoy Christmas together in a cozy, winterized country lodge facility with all of the week's meals provided. Each day will be filled with a variety of indoor and outdoor activities including cross-country skiing, ice skating, tobogganing, table tennis, floor hockey, basketball, badminton, board games, crafts, and discussions. There will also be cultural explorations including why and how Christmas is celebrated in Canada. (All activities are optional). There are times to relax and make new friends from around the world. It will be a fun and memorable Christmas in Canada which you'll never forget.

When: December 22-26, 2010

Where: Camp IAWAH (1.5 hours southwest of Ottawa). Transportation will be provided.

Registration: Brochures are available at the University of Ottawa International Office and at the Carleton University International Student Services Office. Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible.

Cost: Including 4 nights accommodations, all meals and snacks, activities and sports equipment : $245.00/adult, Children 4-11 years: $120 plus, children under 4 years of age: free. There are special family rates for families with two or more children.

Transportation fees: Adults: $35, Children 2-11 years: $15; under 2 years old: free.
渥太華國語宣道會聖誕晚會 - 聖誕天韻

渥太華國語宣道會將於1218 () 晚上 7舉辦聖誕天韻聖誕晚節目包括聖誕詩歌, 兒童舞蹈, 短劇, 信息分享, 贈送聖誕禮物聚會免費入場, 備有幼兒看顧, 會後並有茶點招待, 歡迎參加

教會地址: 317 Chapel St. (Laurier Ave. East 路口, 近渥太華大學)查詢:613- 236-7656

渥太華國語宣道會將於12月18 日 (周六) 晚上 7點舉辦“聖誕天韻” 聖誕晚會。節目包括聖誕詩歌, 兒童舞蹈, 短劇, 信息分享, 贈送聖誕禮物等。聚會免費入場, 備有幼兒看顧, 會後並有茶點招待, 歡迎參加。

教會地址: 317 Chapel St. (在Laurier Ave. East 路口, 近渥太華大學)。查詢:613- 236-7656。

渥太華國語宣道會將於12月18 日 (周六) 晚上 7點舉辦“聖誕天韻” 聖誕晚會。節目包括聖誕詩歌, 兒童舞蹈, 短劇, 信息分享, 贈送聖誕禮物等。聚會免費入場, 備有幼兒看顧, 會後並有茶點招待, 歡迎參加。

教會地址: 317 Chapel St. (在Laurier Ave. East 路口, 近渥太華大學)。查詢:613- 236-7656。


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活動 Events

十二月十二日(星期日)感恩祭後,在本堂區禮堂製造薑餅屋(Ginger Bread House),歡迎小童及青少年參加,費用每位三元。詳情及報名請與Cecilia Chow或 Chor Yee Chan聯絡。


十二月五日下午二時: Glebe Center
十二月九日晚上六時半: Carlingview Manor
十二月十九晚上六時: 露宿者之家
有興趣參加者請和Alain, Sunny, John Nung, 李麗賢和Peter Fan聯絡。

日期: 十二月四日(星期六)
時間: 晚上七時至九時
The International Student Friendship Program
invites you to join the
along with Christmas traditions.

A potluck dinner is when everyone brings food to share with each other....
you can bring a dish from your own country if you wish!

Reserve your place. We are now taking reservations!

When: Friday December 3rd at 6:00 p.m.
Reserve your place online at http://www.internationalstudentsottawa.com/comingEvent.html

Where: At Ecclesiax, 2 Monk St. at Fifth Ave. and 1 block west of Bank St.
Click here for map toEcclesiax

Potluck dinner: Bring a dish of food from your home country (enough to share with 6-8 people)

Speaker: a short talk by Reverend Harry Klassan (Minister at Saint Stephen’s Presbyterian Church)
about the beginnings of Christmas, A Christian Perspective.

Christmas traditions: Christmas crafts, singing of some Christmas songs (Carols)

Reserve online at www.internationalstudentsottawa.com
or call 722-6589, and leave a message with your name and phone number and will you be bringing food.

Cost: no cost if you bring food to share with 6 - 8 people;
or $4.00 if you do not bring food.

(Will you be bringing food?
Please leave this information with your reservation.
That way we can make sure there is enough there for you. Tx)

Upcoming events:

December 22-26
Don’t miss this...
An Amazing Opportunity !!!!
A great way to spend the upcoming Christmas holidays.

There is still space for anyone who wishes to go to
Christmas Getaway, December 22-26.
Details available at www.eoichristmas.ivcf.ca

January 15th
Square DanceTraditional Country Dancing
The International Student Friendship Program
invites you to join the
along with Christmas traditions.

A potluck dinner is when everyone brings food to share with each other....
you can bring a dish from your own country if you wish!

Reserve your place. We are now taking reservations!

When: Friday December 3rd at 6:00 p.m.
Reserve your place online at http://www.internationalstudentsottawa.com/comingEvent.html

Where: At Ecclesiax, 2 Monk St. at Fifth Ave. and 1 block west of Bank St.
Click here for map toEcclesiax

Potluck dinner: Bring a dish of food from your home country (enough to share with 6-8 people)

Speaker: a short talk by Reverend Harry Klassan (Minister at Saint Stephen’s Presbyterian Church)
about the beginnings of Christmas, A Christian Perspective.

Christmas traditions: Christmas crafts, singing of some Christmas songs (Carols)

Reserve online at www.internationalstudentsottawa.com
or call 722-6589, and leave a message with your name and phone number and will you be bringing food.

Cost: no cost if you bring food to share with 6 - 8 people;
or $4.00 if you do not bring food.

(Will you be bringing food?
Please leave this information with your reservation.
That way we can make sure there is enough there for you. Tx)

Upcoming events:

December 22-26
Don’t miss this...
An Amazing Opportunity !!!!
A great way to spend the upcoming Christmas holidays.

There is still space for anyone who wishes to go to
Christmas Getaway, December 22-26.
Details available at www.eoichristmas.ivcf.ca

January 15th
Square DanceTraditional Country Dancing

Only 2 weeks remaining!

Dec. 6th – Pioneer Church Planting

Jon Fuller is International Director of Mobilization for OMF International. As IDM, Jon works with OMF’s mobilization teams in 18 different countries, helping them share the needs and opportunities amongst East Asia’s Peoples. He is the author of Cross Currents: The Story of the Muslim and Christian Encounter in the Philippines.

Dec. 13th – World Christian Partnership

Barry Boucher was one of the founding pastors of The Life Centre, and transitioned the church to his son Jason in 2007. He now serves the congregation as Director of Missions with a special emphasis on Eastern Europe, India and Asia. He has pastored the same local church in Ottawa for 27 years and travelled to over 60 nations.
All are welcome. There is no charge.
Mondays @ 6:45PM – 9:30PM
East Gate Alliance Church
550 Codd’s Road, Ottawa​

More Information:
bwhatley@outreach.ca; (613-816-4111)
or ahurrell@outreach.ca (613-761-2519)

The Perspectives course is sponsored by Outreach Canada and a network of missions-minded churches.
www.outreach.ca | www.perspectivescanada.org
2011 Family Life 恩爱夫妻营 (/) 将于201156 ~ 8日在渥太华
举行。此次营会将为参加的夫妻们提供价格优惠: $258/每对夫妻, 优惠价报名

What: Family Life – Mandarin Speaking (Chinese) Conference
When: May 6-8, 2011
Where: The Chimo Hotel,
Ottawa, ON
Room Rate: $119 CAD/night
Group Discount Deadline: Apr 18, 2011
Phone: 1-800-387-9779 or 613-744-1060
Click here for hotel website
To REGISTER for Ottawa Chinese please contact Fay Chao at faychao@gmail.com

What: Family Life, English Conference
When: May 6-8, 2011
Where: The Chimo Hotel,
Ottawa, ON
Room Rate: $119 CAD/night
Group Discount Deadline: Apr 18, 2011
Phone: 1-800-387-9779 or 613-744-1060
Click here for hotel website

1. The Spirit of Christmas
2. I will magnify the Lord
3. All Ye Faithful
4. He became poor
5. Thou didst leave thy throne
6. Cradled in a manger
7. O little town of Bethlehem
8. Angels we have heard on high
9. That beautiful name
10. Take the name of Jesus with you
11. Good news!
12. Go tell it on the mountain
13. When he came
14. Joy to the world


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International Christmas Getaway
December 22-26

The best way to spend the holidays.

Reserve your place before it fills up.
Details available at www.eoichristmas.ivcf.ca

1. The Spirit of Christmas
2. I will magnify the Lord
3. All Ye Faithful
4. He became poor
5. Thou didst leave thy throne
6. Cradled in a manger
7. O little town of Bethlehem
8. Angels we have heard on high
9. That beautiful name
10. Take the name of Jesus with you
11. Good news!
12. Go tell it on the mountain
13. When he came
14. Joy to the world

Ottawa Mandarin Alliance Church
317 Chapel Street, Ottawa, ON
Canada K1N 7Z2.
Tel: (613)236-7656 (613)236-6072
Email: omac@rogers. com


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