时间: 1:00-2:30 PM, 星期天, 10月24日
地点: 渥太华国语宣道会后堂 317 Chapel Street, Ottawa K1N 7Z2
查询: ECHO (613)789-8388
请参加拍卖者先在入口注册.我们需要你提供全名, 联络电话和邮寄地址以便日后给你邮寄2010年的退税奉献收据. 每位注册者都会获得一个拍卖号, 以供拍卖投标时使用. 拍卖结束时, 每幅标的油画以出价最高的投标者获得. 胜出者有义务以中标价格购买相应的油画. 此次拍卖只收现金.
该次义卖所筹得的款项,全数捐给渥太华国语宣道会以作校园事工的专项基金. 该次捐出拍卖的油画每幅都设有一个起拍价.中标价和起拍价的差额将会作为中标者对校园事工的贡献,之后会收到一张相应金额的退税奉献收据. 举例: 一幅起拍价格是$20的油画, 中标价是$100.那么这幅画的买家会收到$80的退税奉献收据. 若起拍价和中标价的差价越大,买家的退税奉献金额越大……
鼓励你一同来参与和支持OTTAWA的校园事工,在神的事工上有份. 愿神祝福你.
Fine Art Silent Auction for Ottawa Campus Ministry Fund
Time: 1:00 – 2:30 PM, Sunday, Oct. 24, 2010.
Location: Bate Hall, 317 Chapel Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 7Z2
For preview:
Inquiry: Echo (613)789-8388
Pre-registration is required if you want to participate in bidding. We will need your full name, phone number and address so that we can mail you the donation receipt. Each registered participant will be assigned a number for the auction. The bidder with the highest price wins the auction and is obligated to purchase the painting with the winning price. We only accept cash.
All the proceedings will be used to establish OMAC campus ministry fund. Each painting has a starting bid price. The winning bidder will get a donation receipt for the amount above the starting bid price for tax year 2010. For example, for a painting with starting bid price $20, you win the auction with a final price of $100. You will receive a donation receipt of $80.
May God bless you and enjoy bidding.