精华 本地华人基督教教会活动信息

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The International Student Friendship Program
invites you to an evening of great fun!

Square Dance

Canadian Traditional Country Dancing
…a kick of event for the winter semester

No experience necessary. An opportunity to learn something new
with an exceptional experienced instructor.

Saturday January 15th

8:15 p.m.

Tons of fun!! Cost $5.00

Reservations at
or call 722-6589

1) What to bring: Bring indoor shoes to wear during the event.
(Boots will be messy and unsuitable.)

2) Bring your friends.

3) It is not necessary to bring a partner to the dance.

2nd Floor of University Centre
in front of International House (I-house)

[FONT=&quot]加拿大遠東廣播[/FONT], [FONT=&quot]渥太華主恩宣道會[/FONT], [FONT=&quot]加京華人聯合教會及渥太華國語宣道會將於[/FONT]3[FONT=&quot]月[/FONT] 4~6 [FONT=&quot]日[/FONT] ([FONT=&quot]周五[/FONT]~[FONT=&quot]周日[/FONT]) [FONT=&quot]在主恩宣道會[/FONT] (4 Thorncliff Place, Nepean) [FONT=&quot]聯合舉辦[/FONT] “[FONT=&quot]以賽亞書[/FONT]” [FONT=&quot]國語講座[/FONT], [FONT=&quot]講員為遠東廣播馮津牧師。分題為[/FONT]: (1) [FONT=&quot]周五晚[/FONT] 7:30~9:00: [FONT=&quot]福音佈道會[/FONT]; (2) [FONT=&quot]周六下午[/FONT] 2:00~3:30: [FONT=&quot]以賽亞的蒙召異象[/FONT]; (3) [FONT=&quot]周六晚[/FONT]7:30~9:00: [FONT=&quot]以馬內利預言篇[/FONT]; (4) [FONT=&quot]周日下午[/FONT] 2:00~3:30: [FONT=&quot]僕人之詩。聚會免費入場[/FONT], [FONT=&quot]備有兒童看顧[/FONT], [FONT=&quot]會後並有茶點招待[/FONT], [FONT=&quot]歡迎參加。查詢[/FONT]: 613-236-7656; <info.toronto@febccanada.com>[FONT=&quot]。[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]馮津,廣東番禺人,抗日戰爭時生於天津因以為名。孩童時在北京生活,故能純正北京話。十歲時隨父母南遷,在香港受教育,一九六一年於香港浸會書院[/FONT][FONT=&quot]([/FONT][FONT=&quot]現香港浸會大學前身[/FONT][FONT=&quot])[/FONT][FONT=&quot]土木工程學系畢業後受聘為土木工程師。一九六五年間因香港發生銀行擠提風潮,導致市面經濟全面潰退,建築業停止,因而離開工程界轉任中學數理科教員。一九七 零年在神引領下投身全職事奉傳道行列,加入香港中國信徒佈道會為幹事,同時於浸信會神學院攻讀神學課程。一九七三年移民加拿大開始教會牧養工作,並進入安 大略省神學院進修,在美加等地華人教會牧會三十多年之久,忠心事奉。馮牧師熱心福音廣播,從事空中牧養及空中神學教導事奉至今二十多年,是一位很受聽眾觀迎的空中牧師,現任加拿大遠東廣播之駐台牧師[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Good news - [/FONT][FONT=&quot]winter is almost over[/FONT][FONT=&quot]![/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Here's proof. The next fresh event is a very Canadian event[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]that only happens at the end of winter... or the beginning of[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Spring!!! [/FONT]J

[FONT=&quot]The International Student Friendship Program [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]invites you to join us on a [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Visit to a Sugar Bush [/FONT][FONT=&quot](Maple Syrup Farm) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]& Sleigh Ride[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Come and see maple syrup being produced and meet with other International Students. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]We will begin with a meal when we arrive and enjoy a tour of the sugar bush and a sleigh ride after that.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]When: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Saturday March 12th [/FONT][FONT=&quot],[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] meeting at 10:30 a.m.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot](Return 3:30 or a bit later – depending on the activities you want to try.)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Where: uOttawa: meet in the Agora in front of University of Ottawa's[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Book Store (& Opticians) in the University Centre or[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] At Carleton meet in front of Minto building. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot](departure time might be later for Carleton. When you reserve, please include an email address we can contact you at to keep you up to date with departure times. Tx)[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Cost : $5.00 includes visit to Sugar Bush, small pancake meal,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] sleigh ride and transportation[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Maple products are available in the store for purchase.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]You need to reserve your spot, because space in cars (to travel to the Sugar Bush) is limited. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Reserve online at www.internationalstudentsottawa.com [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]or call 722-6589, and leave a message with your phone number.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Remember to dress for the weather. We will be outside for about 30-40 minutes to tour the Sugar Bush, so please wear a warm jacket, boots, gloves, hat, etc.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]See you there- we'll have a great time![/FONT]
Easter Dinner Party

It’s Spring!

The International Student Friendship Program invites you to an

Easter Dinner Party

with flavours of the Mediterranean

& traditional Easter activities

Egg Decorating with pizzazz and panache!

Egg Hunt (complete with a golden egg)

When: Friday, April 29th at 6:00 p.m. just after exams

Where: Sunnyside Church

58 Grosvenor Ave. (On Sunnyside, between Bank and Bronson)

Cost: $4.00

Speaker: Phil Kim (from St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church) will speak about “What is Easter?”

Reserve your place online at www.internationalstudentsottawa.com

( note: If there is a problem on the reservation page, either reply to this email to reserve or to internationalstudentsottawa@gmail.com )

We need to know if you are coming so that we can make sure there's enough food!

Or Phone the International Student Hotline 613-722-6589 by Thursday, April 28th, 10:00 p.m. and leave a message.
It’s Spring!

The International Student Friendship Program invites you to an

Easter Dinner Party

with flavours of the Mediterranean

& traditional Easter activities

Egg Decorating with pizzazz and panache!

Egg Hunt (complete with a golden egg)

When: Friday, April 29th at 6:00 p.m. just after exams

Where: Sunnyside Church

58 Grosvenor Ave. (On Sunnyside, between Bank and Bronson)

Cost: $4.00

Speaker: Phil Kim (from St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church) will speak about “What is Easter?”

Reserve your place online at www.internationalstudentsottawa.com

( note: If there is a problem on the reservation page, either reply to this email to reserve or to internationalstudentsottawa@gmail.com )

We need to know if you are coming so that we can make sure there's enough food!

Or Phone the International Student Hotline 613-722-6589 by Thursday, April 28th, 10:00 p.m. and leave a message.
“献上祝福” 天韵合唱团音乐布道会

“献上祝福” 天韵合唱团音乐布道会

联合主办: 渥太华国语宣道会、恩光中心, 渥太华主恩宣道会

时间:5月18日(周三) 晚7点半
地点:渥太华主恩宣道会 (4 Thorncliff Pl.)
5月17日 (周二) 晚7点半在主恩堂有 “音乐工作坊”: 包括 “小组合唱技巧班”, “歌唱技巧班” 等2个专题讲座。


时间:5月27日 (周五) 晚7点半
地点:华人基督教会 (116 Empress Ave.)
讲员: 张儒民博士

备有儿童看顾, 欢迎大家届时参加。

[癮] 無可忍? 您願意從捆綁中釋放, 得著真喜樂嗎?
劉民和牧師現身說法, 分享得著真自由秘訣.
時間: 2011年4月30曰(星期六) 晚7:30PM 至9:30PM
地點: 主恩宣道會 4 Thorncliff Place, Nepean
語言: 粵語 聯絡: 613-820-6774
Heavenly Melody


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天韻合唱團渥太華國語音樂會: 獻上祝福

天韻合唱團將於5月 18 日 (周三) 晚上 7:30在渥太華主恩宣道會 (4 Thorncliff Place, Nepean) 舉辦 “獻上祝福” 國語音樂會, 聚會免費入場, 備有兒童看顧, 歡迎自由奉獻。另在5月 17 日 (周二) 晚上 7:30在主恩宣道會有適合教會音樂事奉人員參加的音樂工作坊, 包括小組合唱技巧班及歌唱技巧班 (本日無兒童看顧)。查詢: 613-820-6744, <office@eaco.ca>。




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任大立牧師(北約恩典福音堂 國語堂牧師)

地點:Countryside Camp Conference Center
1985 Beke Road - R.R. #4,Cambridge, Ontario, N1R 5S5


費用:每人C$150 (在校學生優惠,每人 C$100)

報名查詢: 電話/傳真 416-496-8623
電郵 info@ccef-oc.org


