
最初由 qlgc 发布




最初由 我没有.com 发布

最初由 我没有.com 发布

I have a different view on this example, so I'd like to extend your example a little bit further.
A family has a two bed-room house with four children, let's assume all the children contribute to the construction of the house. Later, 3 of them left the house for whatever reasons (compelled, maybe). After some years, the outside three children want to return their original house, but the one who lives there told his/her brothers/sisters, "No, you cannot live here any more because I have a big family, there is no place", if you are one of the 3 children, what do you think ?
I always believe Chinese peasants have contributed too much to the country to a extend that they are actually deprived severely by the country machine. I am not from countryside, but I did have some classmates (in my junior middle school) who came from the countryside. To be honest, whenever I think of the hardship they endured, I feel definitely sorry. You can never imagine what they eat everyday and their cloths. It is really a pain to reflect those days (early 80s). What can I say ....?
最初由 yh_abc 发布

I have a different view on this example, so I'd like to extend your example a little bit further.
A family has a two bed-room house with four children, let's assume all the children contribute to the construction of the house. Later, 3 of them left the house for whatever reasons (compelled, maybe). After some years, the outside three children want to return their original house, but the one who lives there told his/her brothers/sisters, "No, you cannot live here any more because I have a big family, there is no place", if you are one of the 3 children, what do you think ?
I always believe Chinese peasants have contributed too much to the country to a extend that they are actually deprived severely by the country machine. I am not from countryside, but I did have some classmates (in my junior middle school) who came from the countryside. To be honest, whenever I think of the hardship they endured, I feel definitely sorry. You can never imagine what they eat everyday and their cloths. It is really a pain to reflect those days (early 80s). What can I say ....?

After some years, the outside three children want to return their original house, but the one who lives there told his/her brothers/sisters, "No, you cannot live here any more because I have a big family, there is no place", if you are one of the 3 children, what do you think ?

最初由 我没有.com 发布

After some years, the outside three children want to return their original house, but the one who lives there told his/her brothers/sisters, "No, you cannot live here any more because I have a big family, there is no place", if you are one of the 3 children, what do you think ?

Admit it or not, in China, we have a systematic discrimination policy aginst no-city-dwellers, which is absolutely wrong.
I think if you give fair and honest policies to the countryside areas (note: I am not asking for preferential policies, just fair and equivalent policies), the situation will be totally different. I know there will be lots of conflicts in a crowded space, but my point is: You cannot deprive one's RIGHTS because of conflicts. In my previous example, why should not the inside child get out of the house or compensate for the other three children ? In terms of rights, they are all EQUAL, aren't they ?
bill gates凭什么比我们有钱啊?大家都是住在同一个地球上,所有的资源都应该大家一起分。
有钱和社会地位,不是靠同情能获得的,是凭个人的劳动能力所决定的,你叫民工去搞电脑,叫bill gates去起房子,这叫浪费资源。

谁告诉你效率和平等是对立的?莫非将equilibrium当成equality了?(just kidding) 根本是风马牛不相及的两件事。想用经济学解决社会问题也应该先学好经济学再说。:D

最初由 我没有.com 发布
bill gates凭什么比我们有钱啊?大家都是住在同一个地球上,所有的资源都应该大家一起分。
有钱和社会地位,不是靠同情能获得的,是凭个人的劳动能力所决定的,你叫民工去搞电脑,叫bill gates去起房子,这叫浪费资源。
最初由 渐渐 发布

谁告诉你效率和平等是对立的?莫非将equilibrium当成equality了?(just kidding) 根本是风马牛不相及的两件事。想用经济学解决社会问题也应该先学好经济学再说。:D
好,那你告诉我,是不是要不加限制,任由人潮将经济发展较好的城市的环境,治安等等条件全部破坏,要穷大家一起穷,这样才是你们期盼的民主?才是fair ?那么原住民呢?仅仅因为家乡的经济比较发达,就不得不承受家园被毁之苦吗?
最初由 我没有.com 发布
bill gates凭什么比我们有钱啊?大家都是住在同一个地球上,所有的资源都应该大家一起分。
有钱和社会地位,不是靠同情能获得的,是凭个人的劳动能力所决定的,你叫民工去搞电脑,叫bill gates去起房子,这叫浪费资源。

Why bill gates is rich? He worked for it.
Believe me, people from country side are as smart as you and me. Giving them fair chance, they can build up "for loops" much quicker than many of us here.

We are extremely lucky to be living at better places, but being lucky is not the excuse for ignoring those who are not that lucky.
最初由 ray902 发布

好,那你告诉我,是不是要不加限制,任由人潮将经济发展较好的城市的环境,治安等等条件全部破坏,要穷大家一起穷,这样才是你们期盼的民主?才是fair ?那么原住民呢?仅仅因为家乡的经济比较发达,就不得不承受家园被毁之苦吗?

Sorry, I am following you everywhere. :D

Don't have much to say, but just to copy/paste your post and change a bit:

好,那你告诉我,...那么 nong 民呢?仅仅因为家乡的经济比较bu发达,就不得不承受starvation?
忘了以前跟谁讨论过(好象是safari)市场经济和控制经济的利弊。渐渐一直都是崇尚Laissez-Fair economy的。但不能否认,纯粹的市场经济几乎不可能实现。加拿大也是个混合经济型国家。
