set group to buy yamaha piano U1



昨天去了琴行,YAMAHA U1 日本造的,5个人的价格包税9085, 10个人是8190。我想真正到成交的时候, 应该还可以砍下几百块。还有没有人想买啊?还缺人。
count me in. please. Thank you! check you QQ.
piano U1

昨天去了琴行,YAMAHA U1 日本造的,5个人的价格包税9085, 10个人是8190。我想真正到成交的时候, 应该还可以砍下几百块。还有没有人想买啊?还缺人。
I still wait for some one can share more information.
Next week in BARON HOTEL have a piano show.
set an online VIP yamaha group buy group. Please QQH me your email address, I will sent you the invitation if you wish to join the group.
跟一下, 烦请通告一下, 钢琴团购现在是什么状况了? 已经团购了还是在等着组团? Wiki的价位很有吸引力, 我们有兴趣加入.
跟一下, 烦请通告一下, 钢琴团购现在是什么状况了? 已经团购了还是在等着组团? Wiki的价位很有吸引力, 我们有兴趣加入.

We are waiting for 2 more family to join to make it 10 people group, than We will go to negotiate with dealer. See me your contact info through QQH, I will invite you to the online group.

请问Bobo Ma,你们是和Sharon一起的团吗?我肯定买的,怎么Sharon没有联系我呢?我倒是还是可以联系几个朋友。。。。

We are waiting for 2 more family to join to make it 10 people group, than We will go to negotiate with dealer. See me your contact info through QQH, I will invite you to the online group.

How much ? I still wait for the group price. please let me know. Thank!
Yamaha T118如何?

~$5,500 all inclusive, including matching bench.

不必团购, 在本村店里买就是了。

请问Bobo Ma,你们是和Sharon一起的团吗?我肯定买的,怎么Sharon没有联系我呢?我倒是还是可以联系几个朋友。。。。

I am in Sharon's group, What I am doing right now is try to get more people join to meet at least 10 people requirment. We don't want
miss the go back to school factory rebate deal normlly at begining of
August. I tried to contact with Sharon. And She have not get back to me yet.
Then I think I should be included already, or not? I can bring 1 friend. But not sure if we will meet for a real plan.

I am in Sharon's group, What I am doing right now is try to get more people join to meet at least 10 people requirment. We don't want
miss the go back to school factory rebate deal normlly at begining of
August. I tried to contact with Sharon. And She have not get back to me yet.