set group to buy yamaha piano U1

Then I think I should be included already, or not? I can bring 1 friend. But not sure if we will meet for a real plan.
QQh me your contact info and I could check whether or not you are in my list.

We need at least 10 people to get a group price.

I want to confirm I am in the group. Some one call me last week tell me about the piano price, was it you?
I want to confirm I am in the group. Some one call me last week tell me about the piano price, was it you?

Should be me. But send me QQH your contact info and let me double check whether or not you are on my list
Should be me. But send me QQH your contact info and let me double check whether or not you are on my list

I just sent you QQH. I am also waiting for the group-buy deal, either Yamaha U1 or Kawai K3. Personally, I like the sound of K3 better, as well as the price. But I heard Yamaha U1 is more popular and has higher resell value.
I just sent you QQH. I am also waiting for the group-buy deal, either Yamaha U1 or Kawai K3. Personally, I like the sound of K3 better, as well as the price. But I heard Yamaha U1 is more popular and has higher resell value.
Your name has been added into the list

Should be me. But send me QQH your contact info and let me double check whether or not you are on my list

please check you QQ. Thanks!
how things going?
any progress for price negotiation? thx for effort!!

请问Bobo Ma,你们是和Sharon一起的团吗?我肯定买的,怎么Sharon没有联系我呢?我倒是还是可以联系几个朋友。。。。

We are very close to make a deal with the dealer(YAMAHA U1 made in Japan). If you want to join the group please send me QQH.
问一下哈, 买钢琴的话, 怎么付钱法? 可以分期吗, 不是要一次过付Cash吧, 刚搬家, 银根紧缩的厉害.:blowzy:
问一下哈, 买钢琴的话, 怎么付钱法? 可以分期吗, 不是要一次过付Cash吧, 刚搬家, 银根紧缩的厉害.:blowzy:
From past group deal:
$500 deposite when make the purchase.
rest of amount pay to the delivery guy when the piano arrive your door. It has to be bank draft and money order.
BoBoMa, 给你发了悄悄话了.

请查询, 谢谢
The final U1 deal detail is out. Please check your email.
The offer is for this weekend no later than Monday Aug 23 by 6:00pm.

The final K3 deal detail is out. Please check your email.