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借来的10万是废纸,因为是debt而不是自己的asset,debt ratio太高的话,银行不会借钱的
I think if you can translate my text into Chinese will make more sense to other readers than by just adding red characters.
1), 每个房贷不都要经过债权人注册吗?怎么成了银行的风险啦?我估计银行的房贷客户有一半是转来转去的。

2)我说的是在RRSP里的10万元投资,比如股票或互惠基金,没有借钱,难道有这10万元跟没有10万元对申请房贷没有一点差别吗?我觉得应该有差别。所以我继续延伸一下,老郑在National Bank的10万元难道是废纸?(注:知道是借来的,要付利息)。

3)对不起,不能完全理解你的英文的意思, 所以加了红注, 是猜的。
借来的10万是废纸,因为是debt而不是自己的asset,debt ratio太高的话,银行不会借钱的

借来的10万元既是“债”, 也是“资”。 至少应该是“资”可抵“债”。

但银行在计算TDS/GDS/LTV时,为什么把“资”与“债“剥离了? 也就是说只算”债“ (每月3000元利息),而忽略”资“的承在。

it's because the fund is ONLY guarantee the principle.
楼主出来回答一下吧,如果老郑在RRSP里有10万元净“资”, 银行算Ratio时会不会考虑?
it's because the fund is ONLY guarantee the principle.

1) 你是不是想说借来的钱只保本? 那英文应该是 It's because the (borrowed?) fund is ONLY guaranteed for its (the) principle. :D

2) 既然能保本,那么本金就是“资”。在计算ratio时,如果要算3000元月息,那么本金的“资”与RRSP里的净“资”有什么差别?
I am glad that you have asked these questions.
'The fund' refers to the investment product and so it's not borrowed.
The guaranteed comes with a condition, which is time. The life insurance company will not guarantee it's product unless a pre-determine number of years has passed.
I am glad that you have asked these questions.
'The fund' refers to the investment product and so it's not borrowed.
The guaranteed comes with a condition, which is time. The life insurance company will not guarantee it's product unless a pre-determine number of years has passed.

你说这些,跟郑先生申请房贷时,银行计算Ratio 是什么关系?
That's the main reason why bank cannot offset the investment and loan when calculating his debt ratio.

郑先生's debt ratio might be different if he borrowed money and invested in GIC which banks guarantees its principle from day 1.
RRSP is belong to your assest, bot liability, as long as bank check your credit report, the all the liablity will show up, how much the line litmit, and how much the balance, the problem is not you can't find bank i fyour ratio is over than 44%, the rate you can get is higher, also, a lot of people trust line credit, but don,t forget line credit you could only pay interest, and not touch the principal at all, after one year or couple years, even you pay interest on time each month, but your balance is the same or little bit higher than the limit, will hurt your credit rating.
RRSP is belong to your assest, bot liability, as long as bank check your credit report, the all the liablity will show up, how much the line litmit, and how much the balance, the problem is not you can't find bank i fyour ratio is over than 44%, the rate you can get is higher, also, a lot of people trust line credit, but don,t forget line credit you could only pay interest, and not touch the principal at all, after one year or couple years, even you pay interest on time each month, but your balance is the same or little bit higher than the limit, will hurt your credit rating.