渥太华6月的地产报告出来了, 量跌14.9%

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 daifu
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Inventory Increases, Market Balances in June [2010]

July 6, 2010 : Inventory Increases, Market Balances in June [2010]

Members of the Ottawa Real Estate Board sold 1,615 residential properties in June through the Board’s Multiple Listing Service® system compared with 1,897 in June 2009, a decrease of 14.9 per cent.

Of those sales, 418 were in the condominium property class, while 1,197 were in the residential property class. The condominium property class includes any property, regardless of style (i.e. detached, semi-detached, apartment, stacked etc.) which is registered as a condominium, as well as properties which are co-operatives, life leases and timeshares. The residential property class includes all other residential properties.

“For the first time in 2010, inventory increased year-over-year in June, by almost six per cent. The Ottawa housing market is now moving towards balance, rather than the seller’s market we have been in for most of the past year,” said Board President Pierre de Varennes. “Sales last month were very close to the five-year average for June, so what we see here is a return to the stable, steady market conditions that Ottawa tends to experience. Home sale prices continued to grow at a healthy rate in June,” he added.

The average sale price of residential properties, including condominiums, sold in June in the Ottawa area was $326,572, an increase of 6.4 per cent over June 2009. The average sale price for a condominium-class property was $256,969, an increase of 8.3 per cent over June 2009. The average sale price of a residential-class property was $350,878, an increase of 7.4 per cent over June 2009. The Board cautions that average sale price information can be useful in establishing trends over time but should not be used as an indicator that specific properties have increased or decreased in value. The average sale price is calculated based on the total dollar volume of all properties sold.

The Ottawa Real Estate Board is an industry association of 2,590 sales representatives and brokers in the Ottawa area. Members of the Board are also members of the Canadian Real Estate Association.
温哥华 -30.2%
多伦多 -23%
卡尔加里 -42%

Winter is comming
It's more likely to be a report saying "OH MY GOD, nobody is using MLS anymore".
It's more likely to be a report saying "OH MY GOD, nobody is using MLS anymore".

文章里也提到了Inventory Increases, 就是说Listing同比增长, 但是成交量降低.
I am glad I bought already, no need to be bothered by these info.
在这种经济情况下, 房价也不可能一路涨, 毕竟现在居民和政府的负债水平偏高, 加上这两个月股市起伏比较大, 长期利率有上涨的趋势, 所以房屋成交量下降是正常的, 个人感觉房价下跌都是理所当然的事情. 也许未来的几个月又是买房的好机会, 新房除外. 不过从长期来讲, 渥太华的房市应该会比较稳定, 有大量的政府雇员撑着. inventory增加后, 地点对价钱的影响也会更加明显, 准备买房的同志们得选好地方.

