去加东玩大家都是怎么去的? 跟团还是自驾?

如果家有5,6 年级的学生,估计他们都看过GREEB GABLE的书,它作者的老家就在PEI.那是一定要去朝圣一次的.在 沙拉趟,还有它的话剧演,当时就买了一张票,给孩子自己去看的,因为我是实在不喜欢看.在PEI住时,碰到一老美,每年8月分的时候,都要特意去看一次那个剧.
那个Cape Breton,如果家有小孩子,或开车不大熟的,建议不要去走那条路,那条路坡度大,弯道多,走时很紧张.
简单介绍一下我们的行程, 因为家里有老人和小孩, 行程安排得比较松散和休闲, 仅供参考. 东三省的旅游体系很完善, 每个旅游点都有info center, 可以了解信息和获取免费地图.总的来说, 高速的路线都很清晰. 建议如果租车的话, 选择SUV. 我们总的行程大概是2300公里左右.

第一天, 上午到达Halifax机场, 11点左右拿到租的车,上HW102转HW103,直奔小渔村Mahone Bay和Lunenburg, 傍晚入住在priceline上bid的四星级酒店Westin. 这家酒店在downtown的边缘, 走几分钟就到海港和闹市区, 位置还可以, 旁边就有一家Real Canadian Super Store, 就是房间小, 停车费贵. 不过可以停在紧邻的VIA停车场, 能省点停车费.

第二天从Halifax出发去Cape Breton. 入住早已订好的Hunter's Mountain Chalets, 位置不错, 就在Cabot Trail上, 离Baddeck不远. 房间特干净, 风景也很好, 住得比较舒服. 然后开车绕着Cabot Trail环游一圈, 没怎么停车游玩, 就照了照相什么的, 回去住的地方天都快黑了. Trail的有些路段还是比较险的, 开车的时候还是要很小心.Trail大致300多公里, 5个小时左右.

第三天从Cape Breton出发, 往PEI方向去, 在Pictou坐Ferry过海到达PEI. 天气不错, 一路风景很美. 路过Chalottetown时顺便去Real Canadian Super Store采购三天的食品. 下午入住预订好的John B's Waterfront Cottages. 房间不如前一天的那么干净, 床小, 蚊子多, 但风景还不错, 可以下水玩玩.

第四天从住处开车往东线去. 一路有不少的灯塔和海滩, 去了几个看了看, 待了待, 一天就过去了. 听说有个Gordgetown挺好, 但最终没时间去了. 需要特别一提的是在一个叫Souris的小镇, 在邮局的背后有个餐馆(不好意思, 名字没记住), 那里的龙虾特别新鲜美味, 价格便宜, 直后悔点少了龙虾.

第五天还在PEI, 一直下雨, 等雨小些了去了PEI National Park, 安妮小屋和Cavendish. 天气不太好, 所以风景还不如第一天漂亮. 午餐在一家挺大的餐馆Lobster Supper进餐, 点了龙虾和雪蟹. 龙虾很一般, 也挺贵. 雪蟹味道很好, 比扬名楼的强多了.

第六天一早从PEI的住处出发, 往Moncton方向去. 这次从Confideration Bridge过海. 过桥之前往左拐进到桥头的小镇, 可以好好给大桥照相. 出了PEI, 途经Shediac, 跟大龙虾的雕像合个影, 就赶着去Hopewell Rocks看涨潮. 赶到的时候刚好是最低潮, 看了几个小时的涨潮, 挺好看的. 天气很好, 日照很强烈, 因为急着看风景, 没有擦防晒霜, 结果晚上回去发现皮肤都晒伤了. 这晚入住在Hotwire订的Moncton三星级酒店Future Inns and Conference Center. 这个酒店很新, 房间很宽敞舒适, 位置虽然不在市区, 但上高速很方便.

第七天从Moncton出发前往Halifax. Peggy's Cove离Halifax不远, 真的漂亮. 坐在大石头上观海潮, 都不想离开了. 下午入住Halifax的Westin, 在附近位于lower water街的Cheelin中餐馆吃完饭, 在天黑前游览Halifax的海港和八角要塞.傍晚时候的water front很有感觉,强烈推荐.


严重感谢!如不介意,请推荐驾车路线和各地停留时间,因为没确定在哪里住多久所以还没敢Bid酒店另外俺刚把租的车改成SUV,担心Mini Van不够劲,不知是否必要?再次感谢分享经验!
简单介绍一下我们的行程, 因为家里有老人和小孩, 行程安排得比较松散和休闲, 仅供参考. 东三省的旅游体系很完善, 每个旅游点都有info center, 可以了解信息和获取免费地图.总的来说, 高速的路线都很清晰. 建议如果租车的话, 选择SUV. 我们总的行程大概是2300公里左右.

第一天, 上午到达Halifax机场, 11点左右拿到租的车,上HW102转HW103,直奔小渔村Mahone Bay和Lunenburg, 傍晚入住在priceline上bid的四星级酒店Westin. 这家酒店在downtown的边缘, 走几分钟就到海港和闹市区, 位置还可以, 旁边就有一家Real Canadian Super Store, 就是房间小, 停车费贵. 不过可以停在紧邻的VIA停车场, 能省点停车费.

第二天从Halifax出发去Cape Breton. 入住早已订好的Hunter's Mountain Chalets, 位置不错, 就在Cabot Trail上, 离Baddeck不远. 房间特干净, 风景也很好, 住得比较舒服. 然后开车绕着Cabot Trail环游一圈, 没怎么停车游玩, 就照了照相什么的, 回去住的地方天都快黑了. Trail的有些路段还是比较险的, 开车的时候还是要很小心.Trail大致300多公里, 5个小时左右.

第三天从Cape Breton出发, 往PEI方向去, 在Pictou坐Ferry过海到达PEI. 天气不错, 一路风景很美. 路过Chalottetown时顺便去Real Canadian Super Store采购三天的食品. 下午入住预订好的John B's Waterfront Cottages. 房间不如前一天的那么干净, 床小, 蚊子多, 但风景还不错, 可以下水玩玩.

第四天从住处开车往东线去. 一路有不少的灯塔和海滩, 去了几个看了看, 待了待, 一天就过去了. 听说有个Gordgetown挺好, 但最终没时间去了. 需要特别一提的是在一个叫Souris的小镇, 在邮局的背后有个餐馆(不好意思, 名字没记住), 那里的龙虾特别新鲜美味, 价格便宜, 直后悔点少了龙虾.

第五天还在PEI, 一直下雨, 等雨小些了去了PEI National Park, 安妮小屋和Cavendish. 天气不太好, 所以风景还不如第一天漂亮. 午餐在一家挺大的餐馆Lobster Supper进餐, 点了龙虾和雪蟹. 龙虾很一般, 也挺贵. 雪蟹味道很好, 比扬名楼的强多了.

第六天一早从PEI的住处出发, 往Moncton方向去. 这次从Confideration Bridge过海. 过桥之前往左拐进到桥头的小镇, 可以好好给大桥照相. 出了PEI, 途经Shediac, 跟大龙虾的雕像合个影, 就赶着去Hopewell Rocks看涨潮. 赶到的时候刚好是最低潮, 看了几个小时的涨潮, 挺好看的. 天气很好, 日照很强烈, 因为急着看风景, 没有擦防晒霜, 结果晚上回去发现皮肤都晒伤了. 这晚入住在Hotwire订的Moncton三星级酒店Future Inns and Conference Center. 这个酒店很新, 房间很宽敞舒适, 位置虽然不在市区, 但上高速很方便.

第七天从Moncton出发前往Halifax. Peggy's Cove离Halifax不远, 真的漂亮. 坐在大石头上观海潮, 都不想离开了. 下午入住Halifax的Westin, 在附近位于lower water街的Cheelin中餐馆吃完饭, 在天黑前游览Halifax的海港和八角要塞.傍晚时候的water front很有感觉,强烈推荐.

can someone share how to bid hotel?


e.g.from priceline. Still wait for reply. :confused:
Priceline is a very good web site to bid hotels. I have been using it since 2003. I could bid even better deal before 2005. Now I feel like the deals are not very competitive like before. Still, for some cities, the deals are pretty good.

You may follow the steps below to start:

1. Go to www.priceline.com
2. Select "Hotel" tab
3. Enter the destination city and your select criteria for the hotel
4. Check the hotel list that meet your select criteria to see if any one meets your needs
5. Usually the listed prices are the same as posted in other web sites, so you won't feel it saves your money
6. Then you can choose "Name your own price" to bid the hotels
7. Once you select "Name your own price", the map of the city is displayed
8. Select the area that you want to stay, select the dates for check-in and check-out, and select the star level of the hotel, and then enter an amount for the nightly rate. Note: there will be fees and surcharges on top of the amount that you offered, and the currency is always USD.
9. Follow step by step according to the web site, e.g. you will be asked to raise your offered price; you will be asked to provide your address, your credit card info as well as your initial. Note: if the bid is successful, your credit card will be charged immediately. There will be no cancellation, no refund for the deal.
10. Click on buttons to proceed. Finally the web site will tell you that they are looking for hotels that meet your criteria.
11. If your offer is successfully accepted by a hotel, a Congratulation page will display and you will get the detail information regarding the hotel. Also, you will receive an email about it.
12. If your offer is not accepted by any hotels, a "Try Again Right Now" page will display to let you change the area that you want to stay, or the hotel star level, or the dates of check-in and check-out. In the meantime, you may want to raise the amount that you can offer in order to get the deal. Note: you can try one more time when you change one of the following criteria: the area, the star level, or the dates of check-in and check-out. You can't try again when only raise the amount of money that you offer.
13. If you used up your chances to bid and you don't want to modify your select criteria, you will have to wait 24 hours to try again.


e.g.from priceline. Still wait for reply. :confused:
Priceline is a very good web site to bid hotels. I have been using it since 2003. I could bid even better deal before 2005. Now I feel like the deals are not very competitive like before. Still, for some cities, the deals are pretty good.

You may follow the steps below to start:

1. Go to www.priceline.com
2. Select "Hotel" tab
3. Enter the destination city and your select criteria for the hotel
4. Check the hotel list that meet your select criteria to see if any one meets your needs
5. Usually the listed prices are the same as posted in other web sites, so you won't feel it saves your money
6. Then you can choose "Name your own price" to bid the hotels
7. Once you select "Name your own price", the map of the city is displayed
8. Select the area that you want to stay, select the dates for check-in and check-out, and select the star level of the hotel, and then enter an amount for the nightly rate. Note: there will be fees and surcharges on top of the amount that you offered, and the currency is always USD.
9. Follow step by step according to the web site, e.g. you will be asked to raise your offered price; you will be asked to provide your address, your credit card info as well as your initial. Note: if the bid is successful, your credit card will be charged immediately. There will be no cancellation, no refund for the deal.
10. Click on buttons to proceed. Finally the web site will tell you that they are looking for hotels that meet your criteria.
11. If your offer is successfully accepted by a hotel, a Congratulation page will display and you will get the detail information regarding the hotel. Also, you will receive an email about it.
12. If your offer is not accepted by any hotels, a "Try Again Right Now" page will display to let you change the area that you want to stay, or the hotel star level, or the dates of check-in and check-out. In the meantime, you may want to raise the amount that you can offer in order to get the deal. Note: you can try one more time when you change one of the following criteria: the area, the star level, or the dates of check-in and check-out. You can't try again when only raise the amount of money that you offer.
13. If you used up your chances to bid and you don't want to modify your select criteria, you will have to wait 24 hours to try again.
不客气, 希望能对你们有所帮助.

We drove a compact car. Did not feel the power was not enough.

Cape Breton is a MUST SEE!

严重感谢!如不介意,请推荐驾车路线和各地停留时间,因为没确定在哪里住多久所以还没敢Bid酒店另外俺刚把租的车改成SUV,担心Mini Van不够劲,不知是否必要?再次感谢分享经验!

You are seasoned traveler.:)

Thank you so much for sharing so much and helpful information like how to bid online, and your itenerary. Definitely it will help us make decision on how to plan in advance.

Also thanks for your typing. It is a detailed step.:p

Priceline is a very good web site to bid hotels. I have been using it since 2003. I could bid even better deal before 2005. Now I feel like the deals are not very competitive like before. Still, for some cities, the deals are pretty good.
We drove a compact car. Did not feel the power was not enough.

Cape Breton is a MUST SEE!

Not a problem. You are welcome.

You are seasoned traveler.:)

Thank you so much for sharing so much and helpful information like how to bid online, and your itenerary. Definitely it will help us make decision on how to plan in advance.

Also thanks for your typing. It is a detailed step.:p

不是自己开车就可以省钱,是可以有更多的时间在喜欢的地方停留,比如住在PEI 的海滩上,看潮涨潮落...不过的确是要自己做很多功课,比较麻烦.
不是自己开车就可以省钱,是可以有更多的时间在喜欢的地方停留,比如住在PEI 的海滩上,看潮涨潮落...不过的确是要自己做很多功课,比较麻烦.
