我最恨那些白天反战,晚上偷偷看股票走势的人。 [/QUOTE]
Admit. It's very unforturnate but it's the sad truth. Canadian economy is indeed depending on The United States, and I am shamelessly staying in Canada.
Just have one question: If United States is attacking your country, your family. Your brothers have to die for defending the country. Do you still support the war? If your answer is YES, I have nothing to say. If your answer is NO, then please try to stand in the shoes of those who lost fathers, sons, and brothers. Do you still feel so good about killing?
If the cost of not having any war is that I have to work in restraunt for the rest of my life, I don't mind to exchange.
Many people do move to Canada to get richer, but to enjoy peaceful and quiet life. I have a quick tip for finding a "fan wan". The military is hiring, if you want to get some quick cash by slaughtering, good luck!