
最初由 wei 发布

I'd like to have YOUR opinion on this one. Because American is on the "jiang du" side this time.

你说 "美国支持疆独",是否有证据。本人从来没听说过"美国支持疆独",倒是历史上的苏修出于意识形态的原因,以及现在的土尔其和本拉登出于众所周知的原因支持"疆独"。冷战时期,中美在新疆还有过军事合作,哪里可能支持"疆独"。另外,美国最近又将某"疆独"组织定为恐怖组织。



最初由 wei 发布

I am not old enough to actually observe this taken place. Don't know if you are. Assume we both read this history from books and other medias. Books are written by people, people have opinions, and when they write books, they put in their opinions unconsciencely. If you want to know the real truth, you better read stories from both sides, not only the American ones.

As far as I know, There was NO Israel until 1948, after British withdrawal from Palestine. Then United Nations decide to CREATE a country on the land of Palestine. I don't know how you feel, but if someone tells you that they would like to take a piece of UnitedStates/China and make a new country. Would you fight for your land?


1948年以前,现在的以色列-巴勒斯坦地区只是一个多民族(以色列人和巴勒斯坦人)杂居的英国殖民地,没有一个明确的国家,也就不存在wei网友说的the land of Palestine,当时的联和国考虑到以色列-巴勒斯坦不可能和平共处(后来的事实证明了这一点),才将该地区划成两部分。而阿拉伯七国,竟不顾联和国决议,于以色列建国的第二天,向以色列进功,拉开了阿以冲突的序幕。
