
很好理解,没有结果就是LZ在small claim court 输了他的case。
What was the result?
Small claim court may take some time ( I tried to search normally how long it would take small court claim getting a result but can't find any useful info), anyone here has the small court experience and how more details?
I had purchased a house, a month after closing, found flat roof over carport leaked badly. I called back the inspector, he said the leaking place was not observable and weather wasn't right at the time he did inspection(not raining, sorry) so he had no responsibility. I let my lawyer to send a letter to seller's lawyer, no response. It ended that I paid over 2k to get the roof fixed. Lost a chance to gain some experience to share:) Actually, for me it wasn't bother me too much and I just decided to wrap it up, flip the page over and life goes on. But if lz believes it's a big loss and worth the time and effort to go after the unethical house seller, he/she should go for it without hesitate.
Even lost the case, still gain some good experience, and get a peace in mind:)
Even lost the case, still gain some good experience, and get a peace in mind:)
如果是无理取闹, 那么这种经验不要也罢(至少不提倡, 和谐好些).
像你那样的验了房, 结果都没人理, 谁也没责任; 楼主的情况, 不知怎么就好意思提. 以俺的理解, 再多嘴几句:
首先, 那是旧房, 一般约定就是AS IS的, 检查验证责任全在楼主;
其次, 广告词是可以不准确的, 有错误一般是免责的, 不负法律责任的(俺见有标少价离谱的呢);
第三, 有没有预留水管, 楼主和看客搞N天都不敢肯定有没有, 卖家糊涂也合理的嘛;
第四, 房子才两年旧, 一定是按规范建的, 有没有怪谁去;
第五, 那个管对于房子来说是芝麻那么小, 不应该拿来说事.


如果是无理取闹, 那么这种经验不要也罢(至少不提倡, 和谐好些).
像你那样的验了房, 结果都没人理, 谁也没责任; 楼主的情况, 不知怎么就好意思提. 以俺的理解, 再多嘴几句:
首先, 那是旧房, 一般约定就是AS IS的, 检查验证责任全在楼主;
其次, 广告词是可以不准确的, 有错误一般是免责的, 不负法律责任的(俺见有标少价离谱的呢);
第三, 有没有预留水管, 楼主和看客搞N天都不敢肯定有没有, 卖家糊涂也合理的嘛;
第四, 房子才两年旧, 一定是按规范建的, 有没有怪谁去;
第五, 那个管对于房子来说是芝麻那么小, 不应该拿来说事.

for my case, the leaking was there for years for sure. it was the seller choose not to disclose it or get it repaired before put up on market and crossed his finger to hope buyer won't find it out before closing(it worked:)). the buyer has right to go after the seller for the damage.

resale house normally isn't AS IS unless you state it clearly in the purchase agreement. normally power of sale by bank will attach a very detail schedule-A along with standard OREA agreement (still, lots of sections will be crossed out from that standard agreement), to statethat the property is sold AS IS, anything wrong after closing, bank holds no responsibility. buyer be better do good dudiligence before remove all conditions.
"困扰我和我家人的生活" ... 至于么?


...resale house normally isn't AS IS unless you state it clearly in the purchase agreement...

agree most of your listed items but there could be some argument over foundation 裂缝 if not disclosed might arise after close. i remember there's post regarding a fight between buyer/seller on foundation issue.

in the purchase agreement, you should have a clause, says, all included appliances/fixtures must be in working condition at closing time.:) if you have that statement and find out the furnace doesn't work first day after closing, for sure you should go after the seller for your own right:)

I guess it all depending on how the purchase agreement was written. if you don't have that specific items in the agreement, it will be very hard to argue with seller afterward.

just my 2 cents.