
Wow! That's a looooong article! Could you kindly summarize it for the sake of your readers? :)
Wow! That's a looooong article! Could you kindly summarize it for the sake of your readers? :)

I suppose that's an excuse to not to read it. It takes only 10 to 20 minutes max.


“I work at a public library and thus have access to hundreds of books on religion and spirituality, yet very, very few are as helpful as the one article that you have written. There is even a book titled "Leaving the fold" that is for former fundamentalists leaving their religion, yet your article is arguably better and more useful then the entire book.”

“Congratulations on an excellent site. Your information on evangelical fundamentalist Christianity is the BEST site on the internet. It spells everything out. Try to get the search engines to bring it up near the top of searches.”

“I discovered this website while doing some research into Christian Fundamentalism and Atheistic Dogma. I was blown away by how well the arguments against Christianity were, specifically because they lacked emotion fueled "Logic".” – SCEPCOP Forum
I suppose that's an excuse to not to read it. It takes only 10 to 20 minutes max.


“I work at a public library and thus have access to hundreds of books on religion and spirituality, yet very, very few are as helpful as the one article that you have written. There is even a book titled "Leaving the fold" that is for former fundamentalists leaving their religion, yet your article is arguably better and more useful then the entire book.”

“Congratulations on an excellent site. Your information on evangelical fundamentalist Christianity is the BEST site on the internet. It spells everything out. Try to get the search engines to bring it up near the top of searches.”

“I discovered this website while doing some research into Christian Fundamentalism and Atheistic Dogma. I was blown away by how well the arguments against Christianity were, specifically because they lacked emotion fueled "Logic".” – SCEPCOP Forum

Well, I guess I can call these guys fundamentalists of the anti-Christ movement.

As a matter of fact, I wish everyone to become a fundamentalist of Christianity. The minimum of a fundamentalist Christian should be willing to sacrifice everything he has, including his very life, for other people, including his worst enemies. That is what Christ asks His followers to do and that was what He did for us when we were still sinners.

The reality is, unfortunately, very few can claim to be a fundamentalist Christian and I am certainly not one of them. My faith is not strong enough even to give up my job for Christ:(.

The way I see it, Christians are very serous about seeking the truth and they are probably the only ones who can afford to follow through. Followers of all other teachings simply have to give up at some point of their journey toward the truth, although they usually start with great courage, passion, and determination. How unfortunately is that?
救恩只是给信他的人了?分帮分派的。 只是困惑是“他”还是“她”呢?要不是。。。。。。?
阁下也不是基督徒,因为您不知道事是怎么完成的。看在您是老ID的份上,我就告诉您: 这救恩是 神的独生子 主耶稣在十字架上完成的,是给所有信他的人。 不是吃饭,也不是唱歌,更不是洗澡。
1。 你自己说的宗教哲学的流派多如牛毛的宗教,你都研究过? 没研究过怎么知道没有敢较真的。再说了宗教和哲学能放一起吗?
2。基督教敢较真么? 请解释一下三位一体吧。我还真有一个不较真的问题,耶稣基督在尘世的编年史可考吗?
Re:Re:Re:基督教是强国之本 --转一篇文章,可能比较对Paul同学的胃口

chris388 发表于 搜房网 - 上海业主论坛 - 万科假日风景


不错,基督教是强调信,因为那是接受我们无法靠我们有限的理性去认识的无限的神的唯一途径。当然, 我也同意原作者“基督教首先强调的是真和假的问题”这句话。

主耶稣说“我就是(那)道路、(那)真理、(那)生命”。真理的英文是“the truth”,就是“真实”的意思 - 我是(那)道路、(那)真实、(那)生命”。





佛是讲度己度人的。地藏菩萨发的宏愿是一人不度誓不成佛, 而文觉菩萨则发宏愿自修成了佛。 信佛有不同的目的和不同的境界, 只是个人选择不同罢了。
佛是讲度己度人的。地藏菩萨发的宏愿是一人不度誓不成佛, 而文觉菩萨则发宏愿自修成了佛。 信佛有不同的目的和不同的境界, 只是个人选择不同罢了。


此谓度人亦是度己,度己便是度人。此消彼长,循环往复, 此乃因果也。

1。 你自己说的宗教哲学的流派多如牛毛的宗教,你都研究过? 没研究过怎么知道没有敢较真的。再说了宗教和哲学能放一起吗?
2。基督教敢较真么? 请解释一下三位一体吧。我还真有一个不较真的问题,耶稣基督在尘世的编年史可考吗?

To have a taste of how serious Christians are with respect to their faith, you can have a look at here:


此谓度人亦是度己,度己便是度人。此消彼长,循环往复, 此乃因果也。
