
没法给你意见,都没用过,都是我的dream tools。:D

我那一堆工具里,很少有过100块钱的。:blowzy: 我对工具的看法是,当你用着不顺手了,觉得满足不了你的需要的时候,再买新工具或upgrade。不过人和人的感觉是不一样的,有的人是干不了活儿就赖没工具,有的人是没工具也会想法把活儿干了。

我的第一个电钻是在yard sale买的9V电钻,才$10。也用了5,6年,当时用着也觉得不错。其实那电钻都没有我手有劲,每次拧2寸以上的螺丝,最后还要手动一下。:blowzy:
别谦虚哈.....你的JIG SAW都是DEWALT的哦..:D:D...你做PATIO那个帖子里自己暴露过...

两把drill是必备的。一把Impact Drill,一把普通的Drill。

强烈推荐Ridgid的Impact Drill.

RIDGID 18V Compact Lithium-Ion Impact Driver
Most Compact Impact Driver in the Industry. 1400 in-lbs Torque for tough applications.

RIDGID 12 Volt Lithium-Ion Drill/Driver

Wireless Drill还有一个关键的是电池寿命问题。Ridgid的锂电池是Lifetime warranty.

RIDGID® Lifetime Service Agreement. The industry’s only FREE Lifetime coverage. Free parts. Free service. Free batteries.
两人推荐..RIDGID的看来值得关注一下着个牌子. ..LIFETIME电池有点意思.......
LZ看看这个,牌子一般,但Mitre Saw是不是锯片更讲究?


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It is 10"...come with a 60-tooth 10" blade...no problem to cut 4" by 4"..

worth buying IMO..
Items to Considering When Buying Mitre Saw

Portability – If you are going to be moving the saw a lot you might want to stay away from the sliding miter, it is heaver and bulkier.

Blade Size – There is 8″ 10″ and 12″. The bigger the blade the wider the wood you can cut. I personally like the 10″ or 12″.

Stops – These are preset stops in the table. This insures your cuts are precisely at the correct angle and helps save time. Make sure the saw has a stop where it locks into place.

Blade Guard – Make sure there is a retractable blade guard. Most have the retractable blade guard, but some cheap models still do not.

Braking System – Buy one with an electric brake. This reverses the flow of electricity and cause the blade to stop within 2 seconds.

Shaft Lock – Holds the blade in place to make changing the blade easier.

Dust Bags – Collects the dust and some particles from the cuts you make.

Sliding Fences – A fence on the back that helps support your piece during cutting.

Blades - The blades are what do the cutting.

Steel Blades – Good for softwood, inexpensive, will dull fast if cutting hard wood.
High Speed Steel – Harder than the steel and won’t dull as fast.
Carbide Tip – Stays sharper the longest, great for hardwood cuts, more expensive than steel.
Brand Name - Mastercraft MaximumAmperage - 15AProduct Weight - n/aBlade Size - 10"Electric Brake - Yes Dust Collection - YesBevel Range - 0-45° left and rightBevel Stops - 10 Mitre Range - 0-45° left and right (60° right)Accessories Included - 60T carbide blade, vise clamps, telescopic extension wingsLaser Guide - YesRPM - 4,200 rpmconfirmed.....
makita dewalt Milwaukee都是professional的工具,家用不一定要买这级别的。ridgid不如那几个那么抗造,但家用足够了。但ridgid也不便宜,不过on sale的时候折扣大,得等机会。
如果不差钱,还是dewalt makita好用,makita的缺点是有点小和轻,不如dewalt沉甸甸的,心里踏实。

waterloo outlet,当车夫送领导或带孩子们day trip去outlet shopping,各位顺便去两个工具店扫扫,套,单件,配件,价钱都很迷人。

waterloo outlet,当车夫送领导去shopping,各位顺便去两个工具店扫扫,套,单件,配件,价钱都很迷人。

makita dewalt Milwaukee都是professional的工具,家用不一定要买这级别的。ridgid不如那几个那么抗造,但家用足够了。但ridgid也不便宜,不过on sale的时候折扣大,得等机会。
如果不差钱,还是dewalt makita好用,makita的缺点是有点小和轻,不如dewalt沉甸甸的,心里踏实。


waterloo outlet,当车夫送领导或带孩子们day trip去outlet shopping,各位顺便去两个工具店扫扫,套,单件,配件,价钱都很迷人。
