1. 能否推荐一种硬件校准设备?在哪里买比较好?
2. 白天调完,晚上再用是否需要重新调(环境光不同)?
3. 用在Laptop上效果如何?
去你说的几个论坛里看了看。总体的review,I1Display2 略好于Spyder3Elite,但是用Spyder3的人好像更多一些。说是Spyder3的价格便宜,可是我查了查B&H的价格,Spyder3Elite $179,I1Display2 $119,为什么呀?
I have the exact setup in my office(single graphics card and dual monitor) and spyder3pro works fine-- it calibrate each monitor separately. Not sure about others.好的。
我现在正在search怎么calibrate dual monitors. 两者好像都不太容易。i2d2需要separate graphic card (Spyder3好像也一样),但我的计算机是dualhead (single graphic card)。最简单的方法应该是Create 两个Profiles,用的时候来回换。但那样就失去了dual monitor的意义了,有没有什么好办法?
I have the exact setup in my office(single graphics card and dual monitor) and spyder3pro works fine-- it calibrate each monitor separately. Not sure about others.
How does Spyder3 handle the dualhead?
1. One profile handles both monitors.
2. Two profiles (one for each monitor) that can be run simultaneously.
3. Two profiles (one for each monitor) that need to be swapped.
If Spyder 3 does 1 or 2, I will probably choose Spyder 3 Elite.