

Remember a Vancouver condo buyer who bailed out for a 1.5m condo purchase agreement and the builder sold the condo for 1.2m later on?
Remember a Vancouver condo buyer who bailed out for a 1.5m condo purchase agreement and the builder sold the condo for 1.2m later on?

The house was sold for 1.5m, market tumbled before the closing date and buyer decided to bail out the deal, give up the deposit. The builder could only sell the house for 1.2m, They lost $300k profit due to the buyer broke the contract, result, lawsuit.
The house was sold for 1.5m, market tumbled before the closing date and buyer decided to bail out the deal, give up the deposit. The builder could only sell the house for 1.2m, They lost $300k profit due to the buyer broke the contract, result, lawsuit.




我不相信BDW故意毁约,但法官相信吗?Minto以43万,在三天内出手,说明Minto确实被BDW的closing under protest 吓坏了,所以,干脆以低于差价6.6万的价格出售,为以后的诉讼,做好了充分准备,
For good or bad, they are "we".

Spot The Speculators #28 – Olympic Village Speculations Gone Sour
Posted on 23 February 2011 | Leave a comment

Early buyers are being sued for trying to back out of their commitments to purchase at the Olympic Village [Globe and Mail, 20 Feb 2011].
Examples, from the article -

1. Port Coquitlam resident Cordelia Lins and her husband had put down $50,090 in May of 2008 for a unit they originally agreed to buy for $500,900. Problems with records make it difficult to determine the assessed value. Ms. Lin said she couldn’t say anything about the lawsuit because she was “in negotiations.”

2. Vancouver resident Gee Lim, who paid the largest deposit for a unit he originally agreed to buy for $1.4-million, did not answer his phone. He originally agreed to buy his unit in April 2008. Last July, the province’s land-assessment authority valued that unit at only $1.172-million.

3. Tian Qi, who has no phone listing at the Richmond address provided in the suit, had agreed to pay $516,000 for his unit in the Kayak building that is now being marketed. It was assessed at $504,000 by B.C. Assessment Authority last July. He put down his deposit in April 2008.
BDW said minto priced the house under question same as the normal floor plan house. The question I'd like to ask, whats the price for a reduced floor plan house? 100k less?

I'll never get an answer anyway:(
闲聊这么多有什么用. 当初要么不买,要么close deal on closing day.


1. 进一步说明当初BDW与MINTO签约的房子是大户型,而实际要交付给BDW的房子是缩小的户型。关于这一点,BDW已经有书面文件证明,这个新发现只是旁证。

2. MINTO 的不诚实再次被钉在铜板上。这个不诚实又表现在2个方面:
a. 在价格上对BDW说谎.
b. 在房子早就卖掉后还继续装模作样地打广告欺骗大众。

3. 对纠纷性质的进一步认定:这不是一个钱多钱少的普通商业纠纷,而是商业欺诈。
