

美女与野兽―*百合 *
1. The victims usually stay in a cold environment for a reasonable time
after being infected, eg. in ward, hotel, aeroplane cabins, air- conditioned offices. 病患往往是在一个温度相对较低的环境中呆过一段时间,然后才被感染的。比如病房、旅馆、机舱、空调办公室

2. This year, the climate in HK and Canton is extraordinarily cold and
persistent. 今年广东和香港的气温格外的冷
3. The weather in Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia is hot, so their
outbreaks are easily controlled. The air-conditioning in HK and
Singapore are too cool, so control is difficult. Canada ia again too cold, so the
outbreak is serious. 泰国,越南,马来西亚温度相对较高,因此病情传播想对容易控制,香港新加坡习惯把空调开得很冷,因此难以控制,加拿大天气跟加冷,因此情况很恶劣
4. Children (especially under age of 8 years) in China are much less
affected because they have higher metabolic rate and they are more
active (eg. travel a long distance to school and many other physical
activities). 中国大陆的儿童(8岁以下)比较不容易被感染,因为他们新陈代谢快,具有活力(从家里到学校
一般路程较远,客观上锻炼了身体)Children in HK are very sedentary, their homes and schools are air-
conditioned. Therefore the infection incidence of children are same as
adults in HK. (香港的儿童比较安静,到处都有空调,因此相对较容易感染)
5. Elderly and people with chronic illness have lower BMR. They have
higher incidence rate and mortality. 岁数较大的人新陈代谢率低下,容易感染和死亡
6. Coronavirus can be found in cats, dogs, pigeons, ducks and geese.
They are not infected because all of them have very high BMR. 冠状病毒在猫狗鸽子鸭子鹅身上存在很多,但他们不容易感染,因为他们的新陈代谢率高。
7. It is well known that herbal medicine can increase the metabolic rate

and kill the virus. The herbs prescribed in Canton are commented by WHO
to be effective. 中草药可以增加新陈代谢率和杀死病毒,因此WHO(世界卫生组织)宣布中草药对SARA病毒有一定效果。
8. Passengers from an infected aeroplane cabin have a greater chance to
cause an outbreak in a cold place, 旅客从被感染的飞机上出来后,如果进入寒冷的地方,那么发病的几率比较大。
9. Pregnant women are much less infected. They have high BMR. Are those
500 contact pregnant women free from infection? 怀孕的女人不容易被感染,因为他们有较高的新陈代谢率
10. More data are required to analyse if active people (eg. outdoor
workers, labourers) are less prone to be infected. 从事户外活动的人群不容易被感染
Therefore, I would like to suggest a simple test to confirm this
hypothesis : Incubate the virus at different temperature in human tissue

media, say below 36C, 36.5C, 37C, and above 37C.总之,我的结论是温度对于病毒的繁殖和生长非常重要。

If the hypothesis is correct, then control is straight forward :
1. Put on more clothes to make body really warm,
2. maintain room temperature at least above 23C,
3. do exercise for 30 minutes daily, make sure you really sweat.

Let me tell you a legend happened in HK over a hundred years ago. HK was

infected by an unknown epidemic. In frustration, people (including the
sick) came to the street and watched the "Fire Dragon" dance. As a
or due to the intense heat, many sick recovered and the epidemic
Competing interests: ? None declared

1 多穿一点衣服,保持身体的温度,抑制病毒的生长;
2 保持是内温度不低于23度
3 每天确保30分钟的锻炼,最好能够出汗。
