有谁知道Minto Acadia那边(Scotia bank place北)新房的地基是否会有沉降问题?

可能开发商认为Richardson Ridge地点好一些吧

两个地点离的不远,但Richardson Ridge在山坡上,没有沉降和淹水问题,房子的视野好,听说一个视野好的lot, premium就要10W。又在Terry fox北边,离垃圾场也远一点,属于kanata lake,买家心里上可能好接受一些。Cardel同一户型在Richardson Ridge比Black stone也是贵10W左右,虽然lot大一些。


Richardson Ridge:
Uniform Urban的3200尺房子在52x115尺地上卖68w起

Minto Acadia:


我就是特别纳闷,这价格到底差在什么地方。目前我听到的答案就是“Richardson Ridge的房子都是炸石头盖的,所以建房成本高”。但是这对于买家来说,似乎不是什么能得到实惠的东西……
Cardel同一户型在Richardson Ridge比Black stone也是贵10W左右,虽然lot大一些。
Black stone 是不是高压线是大问题?虽然理工科的不会认为有健康危险,但是挡不住大众心理啊。
两个地点离的不远,但Richardson Ridge在山坡上,没有沉降和淹水问题,房子的视野好,听说一个视野好的lot, premium就要10W。又在Terry fox北边,离垃圾场也远一点,属于kanata lake,买家心里上可能好接受一些。Cardel同一户型在Richardson Ridge比Black stone也是贵10W左右,虽然lot大一些。

premium 10w的应该是个别现象。我说一般现象,整个小区地势最高的那一排lot似乎有50x115甚至更大,walkout basement,back to no neighbour,还有一小片在自己property上的树林,听说lot premium 是7w5。 还听说这些lot在开盘前就被预订抢完了。
调查了一下,找到了这块地当初报批政府的environmental impact statement。显示那边土质确实是clay based,含水率在40%-60%。请问我应该去问哪里而知道Ottawa地区的建筑规范,如果在clay based soil上盖房子,builder应该follow哪些标准? 谢谢
在哪里能找到这些信息? 谢谢。
自问自答这个问题,我咨询负责Minto这块地的City Planner。加上和builder沟通获得的信息,总结如下:

1、这块地的确实是silty clay based。水含量在20-60%之间。因此房子地基承受的压力较大,尤其是冬天(土壤内水冻冰)和雨季(clay吸水膨胀)。Minto对于这种情况的处理是地基foundation wall下面垫一张3'厚的poly材质的板子,来减轻不平衡的地基沉降。有点类似floating foundation的概念。

2、我又问了Minto是否会在地基下面铺几尺的compacted structural soil,来进一步缓解这个问题,他们没有正面答复。只是说“要相信Minto的建房标准和质量,毕竟我们是Ottawa最大的开发商”。

3、这块地从minto报批申请早在2006年,到现在phase I批下来已经6年时间,主要原因是Carp River的Restoration计划。此计划的目的是减小百年一遇的洪水到来时carp river泄洪区的面积 (这个小区的phase I,并不在Carp River泄洪区的区域里)。这个拖延和这个小区本身的下水问题关系不大。



谢谢你的信息!! 继续关注后续报道!!

PS: 我的房产经济说, 将来这片房子会比LAKES容易脱手, 毕竟相差10几万, 出得起60-80万买房的人, 对房子的要求也不是一点点高的.
在哪里能找到这些信息? 谢谢。



最好的是每个项目都列出了city planer的名字和联系方式,他们有义务要回答市民的问题。而且city planer和开发商的project manager有着频繁的联系,我问的关于地基的问题就被city planer转发给了minto的project manager。Project manager也及时回答了问题,并且在信中CC了Minto的land development manager。相信这些人应该是对项目了解最多的。

P.S. 由于这个网站建立时间是2008-2009年,所以2008年之前的项目都没有。
谢谢你的信息!! 继续关注后续报道!!

PS: 我的房产经济说, 将来这片房子会比LAKES容易脱手, 毕竟相差10几万, 出得起60-80万买房的人, 对房子的要求也不是一点点高的.

我也和某位sales聊了下,她说导致价格区别的原因,除了施工成本外还有人们对Kanata Lakes的品牌的认可。当初开发商从政府手里买的lakes的地就比南边贵。而且Cardel和Uniform在很多人眼中是“高档房”的代名词。其实坐下来想想,好像真是这么回事,周围很多人(不管是中国人还是本地人)一听到Kanata Lakes,Cardel就觉得那是高档社区高档房。非lakes,Minto/Mattamy/Richcraft之类的房子,就被带上了中档社区中档房的帽子。就好比买衣服,包,都追求品牌的心理是一样的。
谢谢你的信息!! 继续关注后续报道!!

PS: 我的房产经济说, 将来这片房子会比LAKES容易脱手, 毕竟相差10几万, 出得起60-80万买房的人, 对房子的要求也不是一点点高的.


我也和某位sales聊了下,她说导致价格区别的原因,除了施工成本外还有人们对Kanata Lakes的品牌的认可。当初开发商从政府手里买的lakes的地就比南边贵。而且Cardel和Uniform在很多人眼中是“高档房”的代名词。其实坐下来想想,好像真是这么回事,周围很多人(不管是中国人还是本地人)一听到Kanata Lakes,Cardel就觉得那是高档社区高档房。非lakes,Minto/Mattamy/Richcraft之类的房子,就被带上了中档社区中档房的帽子。就好比买衣服,包,都追求品牌的心理是一样的。

就是这个意思!! 越是豪宅, 买家越挑剔, 地板的木料, 瓷砖的品质, 橱柜的颜色, 家电的配置, etc., 甚至owner home staging的品位都可能影响买家的决定.

再说, 现在有多少家庭能负担60W以上的房子?? 同样尺寸的房子, 能便宜10W, 很多人会心动, 除非一定要那个location. Lakes和Estate的location确实很好, 但为了一个高档区的名头要多花10W, 至少我不会买帐, 宁可把钱花在装修上. 对我来说, 只要是学区内, 房价能省就省了.

我的经纪很实惠, 从来不推销, 凭多年的关系, 他才这么和我说, 而且这次是我先买了, 然后拉他去签约的.
My comments for the lower elevation of the house

I would like to put my comments on this as below.
The minimum bearing capacity in Ottawa is 5ton/sm, usually the silty clay soild itself can reach this bottom line. without consideration of frost heave on soil, this capacity can be expected for max. 25mm settlement evenly in long term. So settlement will be happened no matter what. Water content in the soil will not bother the construction, during construction, the drainage will be provide to redirect or sump the groundwater to somewhere else, and then the subgrade has to be compacted by standard lift to reach designed capacity, or replace the mud by gravel B. once the house has been built, due to gravity of the house, as long as the drainage around house is sufficient, it will not have water intruding into the soil under the footing. The pad underneath of footing (mentioned as poly in your post) is rigid insulation, which has to be provided for the footing embedded into the soil less than 1.5~1.8meters in depth in Ottawa. It is not related to the settlement theoretically, it only prevent frost heave during winter, the frost heave will push your house up somewhere along the footing. And once frost heave happens, it is very hard to be eliminated.
So as you can see, the key issue is drainage around house. For somewhere with lower elevation such as the houses just beside the toe of the hill, the sump pit with drainage pipes are constructed on the ground of your garage or basement to redirect the rain water into the plumbing system. But all the solutions are based on possibility study for the rain in the local place such as 1/50years return. But the lower elevation for the community definitely is a weak point no matter how well the drainage system has been built because the possibility study is always based on the history, and the future always has surprise especially in the nature. So I would suggest, you pay for what you get. The less money you pay, the less satisfaction you get. For me, I will put this concern into my first priority when I choose the house; especially there were so many floods in the world during the last several years.

自问自答这个问题,我咨询负责Minto这块地的City Planner。加上和builder沟通获得的信息,总结如下:

1、这块地的确实是silty clay based。水含量在20-60%之间。因此房子地基承受的压力较大,尤其是冬天(土壤内水冻冰)和雨季(clay吸水膨胀)。Minto对于这种情况的处理是地基foundation wall下面垫一张3'厚的poly材质的板子,来减轻不平衡的地基沉降。有点类似floating foundation的概念。

2、我又问了Minto是否会在地基下面铺几尺的compacted structural soil,来进一步缓解这个问题,他们没有正面答复。只是说“要相信Minto的建房标准和质量,毕竟我们是Ottawa最大的开发商”。

3、这块地从minto报批申请早在2006年,到现在phase I批下来已经6年时间,主要原因是Carp River的Restoration计划。此计划的目的是减小百年一遇的洪水到来时carp river泄洪区的面积 (这个小区的phase I,并不在Carp River泄洪区的区域里)。这个拖延和这个小区本身的下水问题关系不大。


From fengshui point of view,

From Fengshui point of view, houses located on highest lots and lowest lots in the community are not good. The risks could be wind (causing roof problem), lightning (fire) and drainage (water).

premium 10w的应该是个别现象。我说一般现象,整个小区地势最高的那一排lot似乎有50x115甚至更大,walkout basement,back to no neighbour,还有一小片在自己property上的树林,听说lot premium 是7w5。 还听说这些lot在开盘前就被预订抢完了。
Just in case you have not read this...

Personally I would pay more attention to the noise coming from HW-417..and potential heavy local traffic by the upcmoming outlet mall... :)

http://webcast.ottawa.ca/plan/All_I...ference_Planning Rationale D02-02-11-0036.PDF
Geotechnical Study – Paterson Group, July 2007

The report finds that generally, the subsoil conditions consist of overlying silty
clay and glacial till, which, in turn, is underlain by bedrock. The upper portion of
the silty clay is a brown weathered crust of stiff consistency. The deeper grey
silty clay underlying the surficial crust ranges from soft to stiff in consistency.
There are minimum grade raise requirements (identified by IBI Group) on the
lower-lying north half of the property as a result of servicing constraints
however it is notable that the compressibility of the silty clay materials will
impose grade raise restrictions. Where the proposed grade raise is less than the
permissible grade raise, it is anticipated that the lighter structures will be
founded on shallow footings placed in the upper-weathered crust of the silty
clay deposit, whereas heavier structures (e.g. tall commercial buildings) will be
founded on bedrock using a deep foundation alternative, such as piles. Where
greater than permissible grade raises are proposed, means to reduce the
potential long-term post-construction settlements should be implemented, such
as pre-loading or surcharging, and/or pile foundations should be used.
The report provides specific recommendations for site grading and preparation,
foundation design, settlement and grade raise restrictions, foundation options,
pavement and design and construction precautions.

Stormwater Management Report – IBI Group, November 2010
A phased approach to stormwater management is recommended for the Arcadia
site in the report prepared by IBI Group (November 2010). The interim drainage
scheme consists of a single stormwater management facility located to the
northeast of the Phase 1 and 2 development area, outside of the 1:100 year
flood plain. The Phase 1 and 2 development area can be described as the westhalf
of the Arcadia Residential lands on the north side of Campeau Drive and the
small commercial block at the intersection of Huntmar and Campeau Drive.
The permanent drainage scheme, which will accommodate the entire Arcadia
site (Residential development north of Campeau Drive and Commercial
development south of Campeau Drive), consists of a single stormwater
management facility located adjacent to the Carp River, inside the current 1:100
year flood plain boundary. The facility will provide water quality control to MOE
Level 2 protection (70% removal of TSS) for the 80.89ha Arcadia development
and will discharge into the Carp River.
As a result of the March 30, 2011 approval of the EAs by the Minister of the
Environment (referenced in more detail on page 17), which set forth a special
conditions for stormwater storage, the area and size of the proposed pond will
be finalized over the next months. The proposed Concept Plan and Zoning Bylaw
Amendment will contribute valuable information to the stormwater
management modelling and calculations.

自问自答这个问题,我咨询负责Minto这块地的City Planner。加上和builder沟通获得的信息,总结如下:
1、这块地的确实是silty clay based。水含量在20-60%之间。因此房子地基承受的压力较大,尤其是冬天(土壤内水冻冰)和雨季(clay吸水膨胀)。Minto对于这种情况的处理是地基foundation wall下面垫一张3'厚的poly材质的板子,来减轻不平衡的地基沉降。有点类似floating foundation的概念。
2、我又问了Minto是否会在地基下面铺几尺的compacted structural soil,来进一步缓解这个问题,他们没有正面答复。只是说“要相信Minto的建房标准和质量,毕竟我们是Ottawa最大的开发商”。
3、这块地从minto报批申请早在2006年,到现在phase I批下来已经6年时间,主要原因是Carp River的Restoration计划。此计划的目的是减小百年一遇的洪水到来时carp river泄洪区的面积 (这个小区的phase I,并不在Carp River泄洪区的区域里)。这个拖延和这个小区本身的下水问题关系不大。

premium 10w的应该是个别现象。我说一般现象,整个小区地势最高的那一排lot似乎有50x115甚至更大,walkout basement,back to no neighbour,还有一小片在自己property上的树林,听说lot premium 是7w5。 还听说这些lot在开盘前就被预订抢完了。

好像是 50x145左右,不过是110深度的建筑深度,另外35ft是树林, owner所有但是不能砍伐。 这一排是Uniform和Cardel各有一半,Uniform的premium在5万以下,Cardel的premium是快8万。这排由于premium较高,没那么抢手,不存在抢订的问题。不过Uniform开盘到现在半年多了这一排高地确实卖剩2个。其他的还要等下一个release。

Richardson Ridge:
Uniform Urban的3200尺房子在52x115尺地上卖68w起

Minto Acadia:


我就是特别纳闷,这价格到底差在什么地方。目前我听到的答案就是“Richardson Ridge的房子都是炸石头盖的,所以建房成本高”。但是这对于买家来说,似乎不是什么能得到实惠的东西……

