
你引用的Wiki中的一句话:evolution as fact and theory, a phrase which was used as the title of an article by Stephen Jay Gould in 1981。#704正是引用了Stephen Jay Gould这篇《Evolution as Fact and Theory》的部分原文,下面是# 705俺对它的分析


或者,科学首先越过了界,将一个Hypo当成真理,作为维护无神论的武器?宗教思想是否禁锢了科学发展?还是宗教在反对科学里面不严谨的伪科学、以信仰对待科学的态度?进化论(这个词太混淆了,用共同起源common descendent吧)是否成熟到在学校中教授并且“不让学生质疑(1986年科学界公开信的话)”,或者仅仅是一个Hypo?共同起源是基于科学证据得到的科学结论,还是基于无神论的“信仰”、基于反宗教的政治需要得出的伪科学结论?一些相信共同起源的人是基于对科学证据的理性分析,还是基于对科学的“信仰”,或者基于对宗教或者creationists的反感?现在不用吵,慢慢分析证据吧
看了Gould的原文。他没有把进化树,同源作为fact。他说fruit flies和British moth是fact,但是并没有说它们是宏进化的fact,你再仔细看看原文。

对于 major changes, 他是这么说的,他多次用到inference这个词,这个词跟真理应该分得清楚吧?

The second and third arguments for evolution—the case for major changes—do not involve direct observation of evolution in action. They rest upon inference, but are no less secure for that reason. Major evolutionary change requires too much time for direct observation on the scale of recorded human history. All historical sciences rest upon inference, and evolution is no different from geology, cosmology, or human history in this respect. In principle, we cannot observe processes that operated in the past. We must infer them from results that still surround us: living and fossil organisms for evolution, documents and artifacts for human history, strata and topography for geology.




1、基于“科学”的方法/哲学的科学研究是没有任何边界的。科学什么都可以去研究 -- 但是不一定可以有成果。只要是按照‘科学‘的方法进行,实事求是地得到’结论‘即可

2、有时候进化论科学家不从“科学”研究结果去推断结论,而是根据无神论的预定立场,或者有问题的逻辑。比如Gould这篇文章讲进化论成立的三大原因之一:God can't make this imperfect world

3、整个科学界,主要是Marketing部门,在共同起源还在Hypo阶段,就匆匆忙忙推出来作为反宗教的武器 ---俺现在希望专注于证明同源进化是Hypo,不想花时间去找反宗教的证据,但这句话不是随便说的 --- 这个是俺说“科学”越界的主要意思








2、前面说过了,creation什么人都有--比如IT蓝领阿Q也在弄进化论,加上很多人热衷于去'证明'至少当前无法证明的东西,牵强附会的东西在所难免。但是看看未免不可,多听听“反方”的意见 :)



看了Gould的原文。他没有把进化树,同源作为fact。他说fruit flies和British moth是fact,但是并没有说它们是宏进化的fact,你再仔细看看原文。

对于 major changes, 他是这么说的,他多次用到inference这个词,这个词跟真理应该分得清楚吧?

The second and third arguments for evolution—the case for major changes—do not involve direct observation of evolution in action. They rest upon inference, but are no less secure for that reason. Major evolutionary change requires too much time for direct observation on the scale of recorded human history. All historical sciences rest upon inference, and evolution is no different from geology, cosmology, or human history in this respect. In principle, we cannot observe processes that operated in the past. We must infer them from results that still surround us: living and fossil organisms for evolution, documents and artifacts for human history, strata and topography for geology.


3、Craig Venter直接否定生命树如何解释?这跟证据不足是不同性质的
... ...

他说fruit flies和British moth是fact,但是并没有说它们是宏进化的fact
-- 是整篇文章他没有提到Macroevolution这个词,俺早已经说了,模糊两者的概念,是科学教护教的标准程序。质疑的是宏进化,总拿微进化的例子干嘛?

<Evolution as Fact and Theory>, by Stephen Jay Gould,对文章主要内容逐句分析

Evolutionists have been clear about this distinction between fact and theory from the very beginning, if only because we have always acknowledged how far we are from completely understanding the mechanisms (theory) by which evolution (fact) occurred

因为后面他写“show that species had not been separately created”,所以俺相信他这里的Evolution指的是共同起源。第一个问题:结论是Fact,过程和基础是Theory,这跟不管从哪里学到的“科学方法”都不一样吧?


Darwin continually emphasized the difference between his two great and separate accomplishments: establishing the fact of evolution, and proposing a theory—natural selection


Scientists regard debates on fundamental issues of theory as a sign of intellectual health and a source of excitement. Science is—and how else can I say it?—most fun when it plays with interesting ideas, examines their implications, and recognizes that old information might be explained in surprisingly new ways.


Yet amidst all this turmoil no biologist has been lead to doubt the fact that evolution occurred; we are debating how it happened. We are all trying to explain the same thing: the tree of evolutionary descent linking all organisms by ties of genealogy.

again, 这1000楼都是在问这个问题:科学家们凭什么No Doubt?其次,跟美国科学院小册子同样的手法,将科学界描述成一片风平浪静,所有噪音都来自Creationists。阿Q才听过多少个科学家的名字,就发现相当有份量的Craig Venter公开反对生命树,前面也引用了不少科学家对“Evolution”质疑的声音

Creationists pervert and caricature this debate by conveniently neglecting the common conviction that underlies it, and by falsely suggesting that evolutionists now doubt the very phenomenon we are struggling to understand.

等等看他提供什么“ common conviction that underlies”的证据

To be continued.
Continue: <Evolution as Fact and Theory>, by Stephen Jay Gould

。。。 Philosopher Karl Popper has argued for decades that the primary criterion of science is the falsifiability of its theories. We can never prove absolutely, but we can falsify. A set of ideas that cannot, in principle, be falsified is not science.

又是当读者是傻瓜或无知. 此话正确,但是废话

The entire creationist program includes little more than a rhetorical attempt to falsify evolution by presenting supposed contradictions among its supporters.

仍然在回避问题。如同本楼,不管Creationists的思路如何,关键看证据。Gould这篇文章不是在辩论,但是很遗憾,Evolution vs Creation的辩论中,很少看到科学教的人能够“正面”为“共同起源”的证据辩护,前面贴的《29+宏进化证据》是少数的例外。大部分情况都是类似Gould这样的政治性帽子,没有具体分析

"Scientific creationism" is a self-contradictory, nonsense phrase precisely because it cannot be falsified. ....


Our confidence that evolution occurred centers upon three general arguments. First, we have abundant, direct, observational evidence of evolution in action, from both the field and laboratory.


This evidence ranges from countless experiments on change in nearly everything about fruit flies subjected to artificial selection in the laboratory to the famous populations of British moths that became black when industrial soot darkened the trees upon which the moths rest. (Moths gain protection from sharp-sighted bird predators by blending into the background.)


Creationists do not deny these observations; how could they? Creationists have tightened their act. They now argue that God only created "basic kinds," and allowed for limited evolutionary meandering within them. Thus toy poodles and Great Danes come from the dog kind and moths can change color, but nature cannot convert a dog to a cat or a monkey to a man.


The second argument—that the imperfection of nature reveals evolution —strikes many people as ironic, for they feel that evolution should be most elegantly displayed in the nearly perfect adaptation expressed by some organisms—the camber of a gull's wing, or butterflies that cannot be seen in ground litter because they mimic leaves so precisely. But perfection could be imposed by a wise creator or evolved by natural selection. Perfection covers the tracks of past history. And past history—the evidence of descent—is the mark of evolution.


Evolution lies exposed in the imperfections that record a history of descent. Why should a rat run, a bat fly, a porpoise swim, and I type this essay with structures built of the same bones unless we all inherited them from a common ancestor? An engineer, starting from scratch, could design better limbs in each case.


The third argument is more direct: transitions are often found in the fossil record.。。。

Tired of fossil record already,不提了

Faced with these facts of evolution and the philosophical bankruptcy of their own position, creationists rely upon distortion and innuendo to buttress their rhetorical claim.


To be continued
<Evolution as Fact and Theory>, by Stephen Jay Gould,对文章主要内容逐句分析

因为后面他写“show that species had not been separately created”,所以俺相信他这里的Evolution指的是共同起源。第一个问题:结论是Fact,过程和基础是Theory,这跟不管从哪里学到的“科学方法”都不一样吧?



Charles Darwin proposed the theory of universal common descent through an evolutionary process in On the Origin of Species,

如果搞不清Darwin 到底把共同起源作为一个Fact,还是一个theory,上面的结论都是你的臆想。
<Evolution as Fact and Theory>, by Stephen Jay Gould

Transitional forms are generally lacking at the species level, but they are abundant between larger groups .

Abundant? Really? 可以回头看看前面Gould本人解释寒武纪大爆发的文章,他本人承认在500万年间产生了比现在还多(或者全部、至少大部分?)的生物,还有一大堆否定过渡物种的话

Yet a pamphlet entitled "Harvard Scientists Agree Evolution Is a Hoax" states: "The facts of punctuated equilibrium which Gould and Eldredge…are forcing Darwinists to swallow fit the picture that Bryan insisted on, and which God has revealed to us in the Bible."

俺相信存在不少Creationists误解、扭曲、不恰当引用的例子,但是科学就是科学。“共同起源”的证据不因为这些误解、扭曲而增加或减少. 文章后面更多指责Creationists的话就略过了,跟主题无关

It is true that scientists have often been dogmatic and elitist. It is true that we have often allowed the white-coated, advertising image to represent us—"Scientists say that Brand X cures bunions ten times faster than…" We have not fought it adequately because we derive benefits from appearing as a new priesthood.

感谢Gould的诚实!什么叫new priesthood? “科学教”的名称不是空穴来风!-- 不是“科学”本身有问题,而是Marketing,以及部分科学教信徒的问题:以对待宗教的态度对待科学

It is also true that faceless and bureaucratic state power intrudes more and more into our lives and removes choices that should belong to individuals and communities.


I can understand that school curricula, imposed from above and without local input, might be seen as one more insult on all these grounds. But the culprit is not, and cannot be, evolution or any other fact of the natural world.


Identify and fight our legitimate enemies by all means, but we are not among them.


Evolution is one of the half dozen "great ideas" developed by science. It speaks to the profound issues of genealogy that fascinate all of us—the "roots" phenomenon writ large. Where did we come from? Where did life arise? How did it develop? How are organisms related? It forces us to think, ponder, and wonder. Shall we deprive millions of this knowledge and once again teach biology as a set of dull and unconnected facts, without the thread that weaves diverse material into a supple unity?


But most of all I am saddened by a trend I am just beginning to discern among my colleagues. I sense that some now wish to mute the healthy debate about theory that has brought new life to evolutionary biology. It provides grist for creationist mills, they say, even if only by distortion. Perhaps we should lie low and rally around the flag of strict Darwinism, at least for the moment—a kind of old-time religion on our part.


To be continued
<Evolution as Fact and Theory>, by Stephen Jay Gould

again, 这1000楼都是在问这个问题:科学家们凭什么No Doubt?其次,跟美国科学院小册子同样的手法,将科学界描述成一片风平浪静,所有噪音都来自Creationists。阿Q才听过多少个科学家的名字,就发现相当有份量的Craig Venter公开反对生命树,前面也引用了不少科学家对“Evolution”质疑的声音

To be continued.
Evolution是正在发生的事实,这个你也是承认的。只是怎么发生的,大家有异议。"We are all trying to explain the same thing" um,这个确实是说得太绝对了。科学界永远有不同的声音,这个是科学能自我纠正很重要的原因。



1. 一部分科学家就是混口饭吃,根本没有自己独立的思想?我自己就是个工匠,没有权力去blame这种人。
2. 一部分科学家是被理论说服。
3. 一部分科学家有异议,但是苦于自己没有更好的理论。
4. 一部分科学家有异议,也有自己的理论,但是没有足够的说服力。

也许Craig Venter属于4?研究研究。
<Evolution as Fact and Theory>, by Stephen Jay Gould 小结一下

Evolutionists have been clear about this distinction between fact and theory from the very beginning, if only because we have always acknowledged how far we are from completely understanding the mechanisms (theory) by which evolution (fact) occurred. Darwin continually emphasized the difference between his two great and separate accomplishments: establishing the fact of evolution, and proposing a theory—natural selection—to explain the mechanism of evolution”

“Yet amidst all this turmoil no biologist has been lead to doubt the fact that evolution occurred; we are debating how it happened


  • 所有支持进化论科学家的论文都是以“共同起源”为前提的,没有留任何空间给其他的可能
  • 在“共同起源”的具体“进化”路径上,差不多没有达成任何共识,确实科学家们是将他们建议的“进化路径”当成可能的理论对待--至少在化石相关的部分是这样的
  • 科学教Marketing添了乱,他们将一些科学界认为的“Theory"当成"Fact"在传教





Misconception:Evolution is not scientific because nobody saw it happen
阿Q:对Creationists或者其他质疑的典型distortion, very naive

Misconception:Evolution is not a highly reliable science because it is only a theory.

“The everyday meaning of "theory" to most students implies something for which there is little-to-no evidence or something that is merely a guess. ... Students need to understand that theory has a different meaning in science and that within science ... Evolution is a theory, just as, and no less observable than, gravitation (masses attract one another with a force inversely proportional to the square of their distances) or atomic theory (that all matter is composed of atoms).”

Misconception:Evolution is a weak scientific idea (evolution is a "theory in crisis")
“They should come to realize that the journals do not contain articles about whether evolution occurred, but rather about the patterns and mechanisms of evolution.”

Misconception:Microevolution is not evolution
“These students do not accept any cumulative change beyond kinds. So such students do not object to typical speciation lessons but do not find them pertinent to macroevolution. To help students learn how microevolution could lead to macroevolution, the teacher could utilize good fossil transitions, lineages, and molecular comparisons as illustrative of macroevolution.”
阿Q:Good to know how they are educating SCIENCE!

Misconception:Missing links disprove evolution
"Most of these fossils, however, illustrate structural transitions; because of other anatomical characteristics, they are usually not considered to be actual ancestors. .. However, we can learn much about the course of evolution from the transitional morphological structures that are abundant in the fossil record. Examples include the transitions from reptiles to mammal, fish to amphibians, dinosaurs to birds, early hominids to humans, and land mammals to whales."
阿Q: transitional morphological structures的说法倒是跟前面分析的NCSE的文章有一拼,可惜貌似Gould、Dawkins这些科学家不是这么看!