从农场到冰箱 素食者慎入


玛利亚·罗斯(Marla Rose)


芝加哥地区推出一项令人兴奋的新活动,该计划旨在帮助人们从经验丰富的素食主义者处汲取知识,以便更易于向纯素食过渡。该活动名为:“芝加哥纯素帮带活动”(Chicago Vegan Pledge Program)将于6月16日星期天开始,持续5周,每周将在赫尔斯泰德大街1901北路的卡林鲜食坊(Karyn’s Fresh Corner, 1901 N. Halsted)举行聚会。
参加活动需要具备哪些条件?素食新人仅需要承诺素食30天,并且参加每周的聚会,并与自己的素食顾问一起健康、自律地生活?听起来对我很有吸引力,也很重要!活动主题将涵盖:营养、素食主义的环境因素、在一个非素食世界中如何成为一名素食者等。我与和平常倡议网络(Peace Advocacy Network)的伊丽娜·格林·森贝尔(Ilana Green Cember)讨论过,她为我充实了一些资料。

该活动由和平倡议网络(Peace Advocacy Network)和推广芝加哥素食(ChicagoVeg Outreach)主办。30天的免费纯素食帮带活动将于6月16日开始。素食者承诺坚持30天素食,而且配备一对一的素食指导顾问,顾问将给予素食新人个体化指导。同时,参与者可以收到装满免费素食和当地素食餐馆的优惠劵的大礼包。我们每周星期天下午2点~5点将举办信息发布会,内容涵盖:营养、环保、慈善、另外还有烹饪演示和当地农场动物救助基地考察活动。最后,我们将以家常菜聚餐作为“毕业典礼”。

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Coming soon: the Chicago Vegan Pledge Program

May 9, 2013


An exciting new program is hitting the Chicago area, aimed at helping people gain from the knowledge of experienced vegans to make their own transition away from animal products easier. The Chicago Vegan Pledge Program will be held for five weeks, with weekly meetings at Karyn’s Fresh Corner, 1901 N. Halsted starting Sunday, June 16. With the program, novices will be matched up with their own vegan mentors to help guide them through the early stages of transitioning to veganism, something that can be daunting for many people. What’s the catch? Newbies will just have to commit to being vegan for 30 days and the weekly meetings. Living healthfully and consciously with your own vegan coach? Sounds like a deal to me. Topics covered will include nutrition, the environmental reasons for veganism, and being vegan in a non-vegan world, among others. I spoke with Ilana Green Cember of the Peace Advocacy Network and she filled me in a little. 

Can you tell me about the Vegan Mentor program you are starting?

The program is hosted by Peace Advocacy Network and ChicagoVeg Outreach. The free, 30 day vegan pledge program starts on June 16th. Vegan pledges agree to go vegan for 30 days and they are paired one-on-one with a vegan coach, who can give them some individual support/guidance. They also receive goody bags filled with free vegan samples and coupons to local vegan establishments. We host weekly information sessions over that month (Sundays 2 -5p) that cover topics like nutrition, environmentalism, compassion, plus cooking demos and a field trip to a local farm animal sanctuary. We end with a potluck "graduation."
How can someone get involved, either as a mentor or a newcomer?

We are looking for pledges, anyone interested in trying veganism for a month who might need a little extra support, and vegan mentors, anyone who has been vegan for at least a year who is willing to pair with a pledge - go on a grocery shopping trip, cook with them, etc.
They can go to ChicagoVeg.com/CVP, which has the links to the forms you will need to fill out. Someone from our team will get in touch with them in the next few weeks. We have an optional info session on May 12th to go over the program and answer any questions. You can also follow us on Facebook.