“he wasn’t allowed to ask a question because they’re limited to just five and are allotted to only Canadian journalists.”
”The Canadian media beforehand had agreed to give Li one of the five questions that the PMO had said Harper would take on Friday.
Just before the announcement, Li and the Canadian media were told by a PMO staffer it wasn’t an option as the list had already been approved by the PMO.“
看了video也看了一部分英文新闻下的跟贴评论,偶的感觉是因为李记者夺话筒的时候和总理办工作人员(女性)发生了肢体冲突,这成了他最大的把柄,被小哈的媒体办死死抓住不放。但是群众的眼睛还是雪亮的, 都知道李记者倒霉跟小哈历来对待记者提问的笨拙和专横模式有关。
“he wasn’t allowed to ask a question because they’re limited to just five and are allotted to only Canadian journalists.”
”The Canadian media beforehand had agreed to give Li one of the five questions that the PMO had said Harper would take on Friday.
Just before the announcement, Li and the Canadian media were told by a PMO staffer it wasn’t an option as the list had already been approved by the PMO.“
“he wasn’t allowed to ask a question because they’re limited to just five and are allotted to only Canadian journalists.”
”The Canadian media beforehand had agreed to give Li one of the five questions that the PMO had said Harper would take on Friday.
Just before the announcement, Li and the Canadian media were told by a PMO staffer it wasn’t an option as the list had already been approved by the PMO.“