GYGY: you use electric range, you will be fine. my issue is gas range + 大功率排风扇
有点搞不清楚, 房屋不都是标准设计的吗? 即使个人有要求, 不也得通过地产公司的批准吗?啥时候, 我们都变成万能的啦。哈哈![]()
The problems are that there could be a possibility of chimney effect momentary failure due to "negative pressure" when the powerful Range hood is turned on. CO and other harmful pollutants from hot water tank or fire place drift back into the house and accumulate in the house.
负压绝对是建筑商骗人的伪概念,一个房子到处是洞,即使不抽风也有压差,否则室内外空气就没有了对流,那才真正有问题,会闷死人的,事实上你见过闷死人的房子吗?适当的压差是保证内外空气流通的必要条件。别说室内,室外压差也客观存在,否则哪里会产生风?造成4~5级强风的压差有危害吗? 没有! 你的抽风机能够在排气管范围外(房间其他部位如门窗处)引发4~5级强风吗?没有这个可能!因为压差根本就没有那么大。当然寒冬时多排风就意味着多带来冷空气,需要更多的供暖费用,这也许才是建筑标准需要考虑的,毕竟06版的建筑标准主要修订目标就是节能。
那文章大概不是学结构的人写的。小住宅的结构设计,是个相对成熟的活儿,一百多年下来,该考虑的都考虑到了。简单说,Range hood造成的负压,对房子的结构没有任何威胁。
I don't worry about the structure too mush, however, I do concern the roof when we have a record snow fall in the winter. Even without so-called negative pressure, we heard roof collapsed somewhere in the winter.
We live in a wrong neighborhood. Ottawa has four seasons (some say winter and July) a year: three winters and one summer. I don't mind to live in a Cottage in front of a lake for two months a year. That was only in the dream.