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    So is Team 8-bit gonna bribe Qui to let them win again, to allow them to stay in the race? If so, we demand something substantial, like a nice dinner ... :lol2:
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    Sidewalk astro starts on 13th, and it usually depends on the weather during that week that they decide which day to bring the scopes out on. Everybody sets up normally an hour prior to sunset, as that's the best time to catch the transitional objects, again depending on the forecast. Have you...
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    Indeed I graduated in systems ... so please don't bully me with your advanced thermodynamics knowledge! :eek: On the other hand, I can hold my own when it comes to astrophysics, string theories and hence warp core principles~ :D Say, are you interested in going to the sidewalk astro at...
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    The Stefan-Boltzmann constant (also Stefan's constant), denoted with a Greek letter sigma σ, is a derivable physical constant, the constant of proportionality between the total energy radiated per unit surface area of a black body in unit time and the fourth power of the thermodynamic...
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    those look like fake cigars .... :smoke:
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    I still don't know what's MM ... :wall: By the way, am I supposed to prepare practice drills for people?
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    Are you trying to corrupt me?! I think you are trying to corrupt me! :crying:
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    :D What's MM?
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    Please bring more new players !!
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    Volleyball Team in Carleton Univeristy

    <whisper> nerd ... </whisper> :blink: :lol2:
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    err ... I don't know some of us get nervous when cops show up at our volleyball games. :eek:
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    In addition to some basic personal skills, we will be practising some formations for both offence and defence, team strategies and teamwork. Please feel free to come join us too if you are new but interested. What makes a good volleyball player is the desire to learn and be good at it, so...
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    If anybody's interested in a gmail account (1GB storage with 10MB attachment limit), just leave me a message. I've got 6 invites to give out.
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    of course ... since the main hitter on team Qiu withdrew himself after the first 10 mins of play to give the other team the illussion of a sliver of hope. :D