The latest Durango, though, is based on neither a car nor a pickup. Thanks to Chrysler’s bygone hookup with Mercedes-Benz, the Durango (as well as the Jeep Grand Cherokee) shares DNA with the Mercedes GL, a classier fancier relative than a Taurus or a Silverado
再给你点信息: ...,而Durango用的是Taurus的Platform,... 。
Journey性价比不错,开着感觉也很好,我曾经也关注了好久。但终究它是Dodge,而且与caravan分享同一平台。Dodge这几年的质量我是领教了,为了节约成本,大量使用低质量的零件,保修年头又是最短的,很多比较关键的部件都是在保修期过了没多久便坏了。所以你如果真想买,记住一定要买extended warranty。否则还是不要碰它。我是刚刚摆脱了Dodge呀。
照个相: 介车开滴, 真是精力丰富多彩啊! 啥时Dodge和Ford一起造车了? Taurus还有了大奔地血统咧.
你忒有经历了, 讲讲清楚吧? 让我们长长见识.
谢了, 和奔驰攀上亲戚不容易, 我得在好好看看。
说到Avenger, 这是我唯一的Dodge经历, 去banff玩的时候就是租的这个车, 说实话挺喜欢的,开起来马力挺足,suspension也觉得挺舒服的, 儿子最喜欢那个天窗, 回来好久还念叨。
The idea of a new crossover SUV for Dodge, based on the new underpinnings of the 2013 Chrysler Town & Country van, raises the question: What about the Dodge Journey crossover SUV? It is a bit smaller than a van and is loosely based on the platform and mechanical components of previous-generation minivans. It shares some components with the Avenger.