快乐兔;7333832I felt that these pictures had something to say to me that was very important for me to know 说:
I fancy that Strickland saw vaguely some spiritual meaning in material things that was so strange that he could only suggest it with halting symbols. It was as though he found in the chaos of the universe a new pattern, and were attempting clumsily, with anguish of soul, to set it down. I saw a tormented spirit striving for the release of expression.[/SIZE]
这几句, 对看高更的画的感觉,形容得很好的 。如歌, 你喜欢technology,对这个pattern, 有没有什么感觉,. 刚看了TVO的一个节目,讲evolution的,从微观的细胞,到宇宙天体,到计算机芯片,似乎都在遵循人类现在还无法破译的某种pattern。 高更的画到底在说什么呢。/QUOTE]
或许一切美,都是一种pattern。当然pattern 并不意味单调、重复或者任何对称性。音乐是一维时间轴上的pattern,绘画是两维平面上的pattern,数学是符号逻辑的pattern。 但艺术的pattern和数学的pattern或许还有些不同,前者少了一点“纯粹性”,但是混杂在艺术中的不纯粹的东西应该就是艺术家的情感内心世界吧。这也许是为什么数学之美可以引起感官的愉悦,但却无法表达感情。