最初由 阿国 发布
各过个的, 我看蛮好的,新加坡也是大都是来自中国的早其移民,也是同文同种 也没人会想要叫新加坡的华人与中国统一。 我能想到的只有军事战略位置的好处, 但现在中国本身加入世贸有面对不完的问题和挑战,大量失业,像黑洞一样深的全国银行坏账, 过度消费性经济的投资,极小比例的domestic self value-generated economy and relative weak competitiveness of domestic enterprises comparing to the global giant whom are hungrily after China's huge potential market.
最初由 James 发布
最初由 qlgc 发布
James, 可以参考一下挪威和瑞典和平分离的例子。一个统一的国家未必强大,一个领土面积小的国家未必弱小。美国实际也不是中央集权的国家,每一个州拥有高度的自治权,联邦政府只负责国防和外交事务。如果中国的每一个省真的能那样高度自治,中国的民主建设不会有现在这么困难。
最初由 阿国 发布
I don't like to contradict others' opinion but in this case, with all due to respect, I have to defend for Singapore and Hong Kong a little. If you were to ask any Singaporean or HK people, even foreigners who have been there or even tourist, about your remarks. I have the feeling that they will all want to hit the wall with their heads. Why? because what you said are totally oppostie.
As IMD's World Competitiveness Yearbook and WEF(world economic forum) reported http://www.imd.ch/wcy/ , Singapore government was rated top of the world for years as having least corruptions, highest level of effeciency and transparency in all government policies and "Justice Independency", the last one is of which I personally believe to be equally significant as democracy.
How can such an internationlly recognized, highly reputed government made possible if it wasn't democratically elected and madated by its ppl. Even as if it is a non-democratic country like you suggested, no citizens under such government would complain or care if they are named as an autocracy or communism nation given the quality of life that a government like theirs can bring to them. Ideologies are purely slogans if not being implemented.
你有意还是无意的没有提起美国,这是什么意思?美国人的国家就可以强大,中国人的国家就不行?最初由 qlgc 发布
最初由 ray902 发布