A few years later.
He sat by the window. Rubbed at the stubble he’d allowed to grow on his chin, his cheeks. He ran a hand through his hair, let out a small sigh. For so many years, he couldn’t get her face out of his mind, reeling with a thousand thoughts about her.
She had survived long gone love. Could not argue away the impossible hope she had been hanging on to since he left. Being alone ensured her the dignity of privacy with her grief. Staying with him every moment was so stunning beautiful. She couldn’t pull herself out of wherever her mind was, with him. God, she was tired. Sighing, to dream, she let her body sink into the bed. The sheets soft against her skin. It’s just one of those lonely nights she had gone through.
He stood up, grabbed the keys. Outside, the sun was just coming through the cloud cover, casting soft golden light on the road. The fresh air cooled on his face as he made his way to his car. He knew the route by heart.
He pulled up in front of her place, nothing had changed. Same trees, same flowers. His heart beat in anticipation.
She froze in front of him.
His lips parted, but he didn’t say anything as she threw herself into his arms and explored him with her fingertips. For what he had done. For what he would be to her. For what he was already. She blinked the tears from her eyes, and truly saw him for the first time.