东东家的姐姐 - 友情支持

谢谢大家支持,涂抹几笔声援版主及海外原创,大家一起说说话,整理就免了吧,参赛还其实真是有小白脸要养活啊 :crying::blowzy::D

He’s making his way to where he parked his car. Shook his head as if to get out of his nostrils her smell.

Moving to the window, she touched the drapery. Behind the sheer curtain, watched him step away. She muttered, lips twitching in the diffused reflection, ‘I love you, in my way, to the end of the world’. Sensing of being utterly alone, she breathed deeply to calm herself knowing probably she might not ever see him again. Sadness tied her gut into a knot.

Every choice is a risk. People can only choose when they know what to choose. Was it a smart move for this man? He had already made up his mind. She could do him a favor by not asking any questions. They had not communicated well for a while, and it wasn’t either his fault or hers. Pain cut into her like knife. Why did it matter to her, anyway?

From where she stood, she saw him bent down and waived, through the car window. He stuck the key in the ignition, pulled onto the road, back light shimmering on the wet ground like transparent strands of the finest silk.

She turned around, let a wave of exhaustion-induced dizziness took her, tuned the radio, there came the melody echoed with the rhythm of the falling rain. Cut through the images in her mind like a movie she couldn’t shut off. That’s exactly what she needed to hear on a day like this. Would she be able to come out of that whole, with her mind intact? She was unsure what to do with her time. The only thing she’s certain about, wait for him to come back…her body and her heart, with true love and real desire.

我也把我这票投给你吧。虽然不知道哪些部分是参赛的。:) 对其他选手算是不公平吧,毕竟没有把所有参赛作品都读了。你的英文部分写的很动人,很真挚,比我写的要细腻多了,我写不来,很佩服。看的出你英文平时说得多,读得多,不过书面文章似乎写的不多,语法上因为趋向口语而稍有松散。-冒昧点评,说的不对还请原谅。
He’s making his way to where he parked his car. Shook his head as if to get out of his nostrils her smell.

Moving to the window, she touched the drapery. Behind the sheer curtain, watched him step away. She muttered, lips twitching in the diffused reflection, ‘I love you, in my way, to the end of the world’. Sensing of being utterly alone, she breathed deeply to calm herself knowing probably she might not ever see him again. Sadness tied her gut into a knot.

Every choice is a risk. People can only choose when they know what to choose. Was it a smart move for this man? He had already made up his mind. She could do him a favor by not asking any questions. They had not communicated well for a while, and it wasn’t either his fault or hers. Pain cut into her like knife. Why did it matter to her, anyway?

From where she stood, she saw him bent down and waived, through the car window. He stuck the key in the ignition, pulled onto the road, back light shimmering on the wet ground like transparent strands of the finest silk.

She turned around, let a wave of exhaustion-induced dizziness took her, tuned the radio, there came the melody echoed with the rhythm of the falling rain. Cut through the images in her mind like a movie she couldn’t shut off. That’s exactly what she needed to hear on a day like this. Would she be able to come out of that whole, with her mind intact? She was unsure what to do with her time. The only thing she’s certain about, wait for him to come back…her body and her heart, with true love and real desire.

你的英文写的很老派,象是在careless whisper;故事也有as time goes by的意境。。帮你配个老派的曲子,等待最后一段。。


你的英文写的很老派,象是在careless whisper;故事也有as time goes by的意境。。帮你配个老派的曲子,等待最后一段。。


A love ended while one party was not fully prepared...:cool::cool:
My eyes grew glossy with tears.

The last paragragh was done yesterday. I'm putting them together as one piece.

Rhythm of the falling rain

They hadn’t seen each other for a long time. No matter how hard they both had tried to fight against the urge to meet, or to chat on the phone, their mind filled with memories, flashing images that they couldn’t even seem to forget. He’s leaving the city for an endeavor of his career and eventually called her. Yes of course she’s there, always there. Had she ever said no to him? Never.

He walked towards her. Her mouth curved into a welcoming smile. She could hear his gasping breathing rattling in his chest, heavy and pounding. Her body surged with yearning, the same yearning she had felt in his presence since she first met him. She had loved him, craved his touch, his gentle eyes and his soft voice. If ever possible, for eternity, she could keep him to her.

He missed the fragrance of Estee Lauder she persistently wore, the sweet smell of the high, walled garden of intimacy, his heaven. He lost himself in her, strived to taste the real everything. She well disguised herself until the day she ultimately opened to him, like a large print book. He pulled her close, stared at her, remained for several moments, heart twisted, ached.

She’s way too shorter than him. He leaned in, hands on her hips, then onto her back lifting her. His head buzzed, went a little empty. She looked into his eyes, tilted her head to his right, opened her lips slowly but all of a sudden, tongue stroke through, brushed him like a thunder. He simultaneously responded, kissed her back with unbelievable increased intensity. Their lips locked, tongues swirled, timelessly and passionately. She closed her eyes. So did he. A pleasant sensation grasped them, with an exploding sound.

He sighed, pulled himself up, fingers running through her hair. From a distance, his gaze fell to her face. She was looking right at him. Warmth washed over, his groin tightened. His heart lurched. This scared the hell out of him. Because she was the first person in so many years he’d felt anything for.

The sun was just about to set in the west, a faint amber glow casting the last golden rays of the day, dimly touching the edge of the crabapple tree in front of the porch. A blur of pinks, greens and the water clear blue sky.

She closed the door behind them.


It’s about time to leave.

His mind was working at a hundred miles an hour suddenly. ‘Bite me!’ he demanded, rolled up his sleeve.

‘For real you want me to?’ she looked up, eyes focusing on his, fingers brushing over his arm, making him heat all over.

‘Yes come on!’ he nodded, gestured with his chin.

She took a step toward him and bit. He groaned, put his arms around her, held her tight as if they would not be able to see each other again, forever, never.

At last, he had to force himself to give up her, to step out of the house. His jaw stubbed. He needed a shave she thought.

He’s making his way to where he parked his car. Shook his head as if to get out of his nostrils her smell.

Moving to the window, she touched the drapery. Behind the sheer curtain, watched him step away. She muttered, lips twitching in the diffused reflection, ‘I love you, in my way, to the end of the world’. Sensing of being utterly alone, she breathed deeply to calm herself knowing probably she might not ever see him again. Sadness tied her gut into a knot.

Every choice is a risk. People can only choose when they know what to choose. Was it a smart move for this man? He had already made up his mind. She could do him a favor by not asking any questions. They had not communicated well for a while, and it wasn’t either his fault or hers. Pain cut into her like knife. Why did it matter to her, anyway?

From where she stood, she saw him bent down and waived, through the car window. He stuck the key in the ignition, pulled onto the road, back light shimmering on the wet ground like transparent strands of the finest silk.

She turned around, let a wave of exhaustion-induced dizziness took her, tuned the radio, there came the melody echoed with the rhythm of the falling rain. Cut through the images in her mind like a movie she couldn’t shut off. That’s exactly what she needed to hear on a day like this. Would she be able to come out of that whole, with her mind intact? She was unsure what to do with her time. The only thing she’s certain about, wait for him to come back…her body and her heart, with true love and real desire.


A few years later.

He sat by the window. Rubbed at the stubble he’d allowed to grow on his chin, his cheeks. He ran a hand through his hair, let out a small sigh. For so many years, he couldn’t get her face out of his mind, reeling with a thousand thoughts about her.

She had survived long gone love. Could not argue away the impossible hope she had been hanging on to since he left. Being alone ensured her the dignity of privacy with her grief. Staying with him every moment was so stunning beautiful. She couldn’t pull herself out of wherever her mind was, with him. God, she was tired. Sighing, to dream, she let her body sink into the bed. The sheets soft against her skin. It’s just one of those lonely nights she had wept over.

He stood up, grabbed the keys. Outside, the sun was just coming through the cloud cover, casting soft golden light on the road. The fresh air cooled on his face as he made his way to his car. He knew the route by heart.

He pulled up in front of her place, nothing had changed. Same trees, same flowers. His heart beat in anticipation.

She froze, mouth shaping to a small O.

His lips parted, but he didn’t say anything as she threw herself into his arms and explored him with her fingertips. For what he had done. For what he would be to her. For what he was already. She blinked the tears from her eyes, and truly saw him for the first time.

Love and desire were united in a way, that only could be, for her with him, for him with her.



这这这。。。。。大夏天的被楞被砸了满脑袋冰雹啊 :crying::D:D
版主还没发5w啊,你耐心点会失眠啊,睡啦睡啦 :D
这这这。。。。。大夏天的被楞被砸了满脑袋冰雹啊 :crying::D:D
版主还没发5w啊,你耐心点会失眠啊,睡啦睡啦 :D



那是那是,俺一见美女,那是,心软,手软,膝盖软,一定一定 :blowzy::D

呀呀个呀,英文部分搞了几票了啊,那把行歌部分也拢一下,有点厚颜啊 :blowzy::D

谢谢TIFF,谢谢谢谢 ;)






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