As I warned you many times, if you don't answer my phone
call. It will force me to do the following things:
1. Make one claim to Ontario Ministy of Consumer Services about
your business. As far as I know, the minimal fine is $50,000.
2. Report to CRA for you to hire the students without any experience to work for you for leading bad quality work for my home renovation.
You will see how CRA traces you until you are exhausted.
3. Depends how much damage you did to me because of mechanic lien attached to my property, I will sue you either in small claim court or super court for over $25,000. You may lose everything you earned.
I already took over $10,000 damage due to your bad work and don't want to take another hit.
I am a chinese and don't want to push you into the corner, however I will do them if you don't remove the mechanic lien from my property immediately.
Please call me immediately and settle the case!
活儿干得好不好, 都不能欠人家工钱!!
当初你找中国人做, 无非就是图便宜, 一分价钱一分货, 你应该是知道可能产生的后果. 其实真找专业的洋人做, 可能钱没少付, 活儿也好不了太多.
既然觉得质量不好, 何不立马结帐换人?
修理费要$9,000? 还不如全部拆了掉重做!! 当初没舍得花$9,000, 现在又怎么舍得了?
1, Paint the whole house;
2, install hardwood floor on living room, family room, dinning room, breakfast area and hall way, install 4 pcs hardwood stairs and landing to basement;
3, remove subfloor for breakfast area;
Total labor and material is $4370 plus HST. After almost 2 months, You didn’t even pay a penny. Please pay. Thanks.
刘师傅的律师,申请一个property lien,让楼主卖不了房子,结果楼主恼羞成怒