Liu Yong, please answer the phone!!

cheap 不cheap 是工程前的事, 谈好的价钱就得付钱

还没听说过中国人做这个的工钱要的贵的, 你就扯吧:o

现在你要付钱就很好, 麻利地把钱付了, 你那房子就可以卖了

Liu Yong是华人社区出了名的老实人, 干活最实城了, 如果你讲刘Yong刁滑, 那你就不要指望还有哪个能做得更合你意了

人活着不要把事做绝, 你的钱不容易, 别人弯腰撅屁股地给你流汗干体力活, 你怎么有脸一分钱不付就跑?

至于你威胁人家有孩子啥的, 你已经low 到垃圾那个程度了, 你有孩子吗? 你家亲属们有孩子们? 谁那么威胁你孩子威胁你亲属孩子你认为是不是垃圾?

威胁CRA举报, 更是扯蛋:o 你有何证据? 人学生愿意帮忙干又如何? 你完全是脑子歪特了:o

赶紧找Liu 先生好好谈谈, 看在都是同胞面上, 就给你和解了事

It's not a joke for reporting CRA. Liu Yong must provide me the invoice with the detailed HST information for my next year tax credit Because I will report the cost in my tax return.

I already talked to Liu. Now I am waiting for his lawyer information so I could go ahead to pay for clearing my property title.
For what you just said, Liu Yong could report it to the police as you are threatening the safety of his family, especially to the minor. The mechanic lien is set up by his lawyer, so you don't need to worry about whether he knows the legal consequences or not, on the flipside, you may get yourself a lawyer to settle this dispute. By posting on CFC is not a proper way of resolving issues, I don't know your back ground but what you did is very immature and put your blackmailing comments in writing (in poor English) is really not a wise move on your part.

Good luck Sky Walker.:)


I need Liu Yong lawyer information first.
The following is your email reply:


I saw you post on CFC, you pretend you called me but you didn’t.

Please make you payment first before you ask me to remove the lien. I finished the job for you house:

1, Paint the whole house;

2, install hardwood floor on living room, family room, dinning room, breakfast area and hall way, install 4 pcs hardwood stairs and landing to basement;
3, remove subfloor for breakfast area;
Total labor and material is $4370 plus HST. After almost 2 months, You didn’t even pay a penny. Please pay. Thanks.
Liu Yong

I called you three times today, 8:07pm, 8:14pm and 9:25pm but
received the message like ÿou are not available!

Here is the email content from you. Please tell me how do I pay

if I don't know where you are.

By the way, could you post your invoice in here for everyone to
see how you charge me.
By the way, the estimate of repairing the hardwood floor damage (almost 20 pieces) which you installed for me is around $9,000.
Ok, you just know how to install the hardwood but don't know how to repair it.

You took my advantage of not having one detailed contract with your business and filed the mechanic lien to my property without sending me the notice first.

Really? This happened in Ottawa?

Few days ago, one post mentioned that the price for painting a garage is $2,000.
This contarcotr only ask for $4370 for painting whole house, install hard wood floors, include material... I believe this is the lowest price in Ottawa, and you did not pay a penny.
You will not win this case on the court, man. Good luck!
Really? This happened in Ottawa?

Few days ago, one post mentioned that the price for painting a garage is $2,000.
This contarcotr only ask for $4370 for painting whole house, install hard wood floors, include material... I believe this is the lowest price in Ottawa, and you did not pay a penny.
You will not win this case on the court, man. Good luck!

I provided the hardwood, basically there are labor fee only.

It should be in the written contract. it's not later for me to know now.
It should be in the written contract. it's not later for me to know now.

任何装修公司, 都不会给你在合同里写这么清楚的, 也就是在合同上写干哪些活儿, 配个图纸标明尺寸而已, 而且合同上会写明, 收工就得收钱, 否则收利息.

用过好几个华人师傅, 从来没要过合同或发票, 人家要现金就给现金, 要支票就给支票, 不知道抬头怎么写, 就空着让人家自己填就是了.

除非你自己开慈善机构, 否则要人家HST帐号也没用.
任何装修公司, 都不会给你在合同里写这么清楚的, 也就是在合同上写干哪些活儿, 配个图纸标明尺寸而已, 而且合同上会写明, 收工就得收钱, 否则收利息.

用过好几个华人师傅, 从来没要过合同或发票, 人家要现金就给现金, 要支票就给支票, 不知道抬头怎么写, 就空着让人家自己填就是了.

除非你自己开慈善机构, 否则要人家HST帐号也没用.

Probably you don't know how to deduct HST for some items in your tax return.
Probably you don't know how to deduct HST for some items in your tax return.


已经通过律师了, 就一直找律师吧. 要人家HST帐号干啥? 注册了lien就能看出是哪个律师注册的, 没必要再追着找原始发票了. 什么事一到律师手里, 当事人之间就不用再直接往来了.

I need Liu Yong lawyer information first.

Do you have a lawyer? If you do, he/she should be able to access the lien which he /she will be able to obtain Liu Yong's lawyer information. I understand once you have a lawyer you will have to pay he/she for providing legal services, unfortunately, at this point, you will have no choice but to settle this dispute between the lawyers.

Good luck.
Do you have a lawyer? If you do, he/she should be able to access the lien which he /she will be able to obtain Liu Yong's lawyer information. I understand once you have a lawyer you will have to pay he/she for providing legal services, unfortunately, at this point, you will have no choice but to settle this dispute between the lawyers.

Good luck.

I am not interesting in the money of mechanic lien at all. I couldn't win for it and don't want to affect my credit rate.

I will consider other options to protect my right. I paid the money for clearing the mechanic lien already.

I believe there is the way for the customers to make the claims.
已经通过律师了, 就一直找律师吧. 要人家HST帐号干啥? 注册了lien就能看出是哪个律师注册的, 没必要再追着找原始发票了. 什么事一到律师手里, 当事人之间就不用再直接往来了.

Because I need claim HST for few items. You know, the contractor bought some materials(glue, paint, etc) for me but I will paid in full including HST.

You know, I will pay HST to the goverment but don't want to pay HST twice for same item. Someone will get busy for it.

I will need it for tax credit. I have no problem without getting the invoice now because I paid the money in writting and felt good right now.